Universe 3/C
This Is a continuation of last chapter
As soon as Tyler and Craig set foot inside of the group house, Brian exploded
"Where have you guys been?!?! Why did I find out there was a fight in the mall with the two of you!!!!"
Tyler held Craig close to him, narrowing his eyes at the pissed Alpha. He looked around, seeing half the pack there, Including the beta pair, Evan and Jonathan. "Does It matter?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah it kinda does matter" Jonathan muttered
"IT DOES MATTER! Then again, fights is your middle name, WHAT IS THE REASONING BEHIND THIS!?"
"The little fuckboy bastard started flirting with Craig, does that explain It? Or do you need me to repeat what I said, Grandma?" Tyler growled.
Brian glared at him while the sleeping hound raised his head, confused in what was going on while Jonathan was trying not to die of hysterics by curling up by Evan and burying his face in his side. Evan had a smirk plastered on his face
Tyler just grinned at Brian. "What'cha gonna do, Alpha?" He mocked the word 'Alpha'.
(And again with trying to get Galaxy to post!)
It was amusing to see this all go down.....Meanwhile, Jonathan buried his head in my side.....wow (FINALLY, GALAXY!)
Tyler tilted his head as he stared Brian In the eyes, Craig had gone and sat by Evan and Jonathan, just In case a fight broke out again. "Come on, kitty, what will you do?~" Tyler taunted, continuing to edge Brian on.
"Are you asking for a fight? Because you'll get a fight if you want it" Brian growled while marcel and Craig backed off
Jonathan raised his head up to look at the two men. "Ooooh" he whispered, smirking slightly. (Arctic has joined us!)
"This is gettin good" I whispered to Jonathan who was just as interested as in this conversation as I was.
Tyler narrowed his eyes at Brian. "You really want to do this, kitty?" He purred. "Because, If I remember correctly, your still Injured from being thrown down the stairs yesterday by Evan."
Jonathan laughed softly, and proudly looked up at Evan. He reached up and planted a soft kiss on his lips, then pulled away to continue observing the fight.
Evan kissed Jonathan back then observed the entertainment that was Tyler and Brian.
Brian lashed out, going for Tyler's throat
Craig was slightly curled up in a corner, scared that Brian would seriously injure or worse, kill his mate
Tyler was taken aback, he quickly sidestepped. In a harsh movement, he grasped the pissed Alpha by the arm and, with effort, threw him at the wall beside him.
Craig jumped slightly while Brian scratched Tyler's arm, causing him to hide out in surprise
Tyler growled, the cut on his arm bleeding slightly. He hissed at the pain, before turning and lunging at Brian. Slamming him against the wall In fury.
Jonathan flinched and gasped in surprise. He whimpered and burrowed into Evan
Evan decided to stop this before it got too far, so he yelled in a creepy voice "If you don't stop fuckin fighting, it will not end well for you to so I suggest you stop now."
Jonathan looked up and his eyes hardened, ready to defend his mate if anything happens.
Tyler snarled at Brian, his hand tightening around the Alpha's neck. He tossed Brian at the other wall, his pupils slit like his tiger's.
Jonathan hissed and narrowed his eyes. He glanced at Evan to see what he would do.
Evan was frustrated that they weren't listening to him, so he dragged Tyler over to the other side of the room.
Tyler growled, yet he knew he couldn't fight against Evan or he'd either be overpowered, or, beaten out of existence.
"Stay here." Evan said to the Delta Tyler.
Jonathan looked to Evan and Tyler, Tyler was currently growling at Evan. Jonathan narrowed his eyes, flicking his striped tail.
Evan was shocked that a delta was growling at him.
Tyler kept his Icy blue, tiger like eyes on Evan. His white and black striped tail flicking behind him In anger. His ears were pinned back.
Craig slowly got up from his corner, poking Tyler's shoulder and he glanced at him, he slowly pulled Tyler away, as if he was keeping Tyler to himself
Tyler seemed to calm down at Craig's touch, yet he glared at Evan still. "You might want to check If Brian's okay," He suggested.
Evan went over to Brian to make sure he was okay while the cave was filled with murmurs of the fight. Craig had curled up in Tyler's lap, grinning in comfort "You fight to much with him" Craig murmured while his head was buried in Tyler's chest, muffling his voice
Tyler had an arm curled around Craig's body, the other gently stroking his hair. "What can I say? He can be annoying." Tyler chuckled.
"You're going to get yourself either killed or kicked out if you keep going on like this, and he'll kick out only you just to make it more painful" Craig murmured once again
"Brian will be fine, hopefully..." Tyler muttered the last part, still cuddling Craig.
Marcel was fully awake now, the lime green scarf that was wrapped around the hound's neck dangled as he cautiously walked up to Evan and Brian.
While the two cuddled. The uneasy Jonathan curled up on Evan's shoulder as a raccoon
Marcel poked Brian to see If he was alive. "Brian?" He asked.
Evan crouched down and checked his pulse "He's just knocked out, like usual. I swear, the guy can hardly stand up to Tyler half of the time, he just get's knocked out so quickly" he muttered the last sentence under his breath
Marcel sighed, shaking his head. "Of course he does..."
Evan got up, walking over to Tyler before looking down at him and the sleeping Craig "Why do you seem to have a knack for knocking out Brian?" Evan asked him, catching Tyler's attention
"Hmm?" Tyler looked up, shrugging slightly. "I was still pissed off about what happened earlier. And, knocking out Brian?" Tyler mumbled. "I don't know,"
Evan slowly nodded "Then again, Tigers are mainly bulk, so it makes sense, so I guess that might be it, not to mention that you rather pitch a baseball bare handed and catch it at high speed than the hit a baseball gong that fast."
Tyler hummed In response, completely Ignoring the slight sting In his arm from where Brian slashed at him.
"Well, I need to find my Little Del" he said with a slight smile, completely aware that he was on his shoulder, he did that often actually, look for Little Del when he already knew where he was.
Tyler shrugged, watching Marcel drag Brian upstairs. He chuckled, closing his eyes to sleep. Well, that didn't last long because David came dragging Lui Inside.
In reality, Lui was wide awake, he just didn't want to move anywhere so he latched onto David's leg, causing him to drag his leg in the process
David sighed, picking Lui up by the collar of his shirt before shifting him Into his arms. Carrying him bridal style. Tyler had one eye open, watching the two.
Lui giggled, at time poking David's chin while David walked, doing his best to get on his mates nerves.
David carried Lui upstairs, Ignoring the guys. Tyler was trying his best not to laugh at the annoyed David.
Lui seemed to really burst David's bubble when he said "You mad bro" in his squeaker voice "There is no way you'd drop me tho, so you mad bro" he said again, giggling in his squeaker voice as well
David clenched his teeth, growling under his breath. Tyler on the other hand was full out dying.
Craig had waken up from Tyler's laughter to see the irritated David, he snickered under his breath. David's irritation also bought the attention of Jonathan, who had rolled off of Evan's shoulder and shifted only to fall to the ground in laughter
"Heh, oh look, YOU BECAME A COMEDIAN!" Lui cheered in his squeaker vociferous (< Not sorry, Ray)
David carried Lui by the collar of his shirt. He walked up the stairs, quite Irritated by his little monkey mate.
"Only Lui and David will be able to get me to laugh that hard" Jonathan wheezed, you could hardly say that Tyler and Craig were actually people, for they had shifted and were on their backs laughing half to death while Evan had sat down, his forehead in his hand shaking his head while snickering
Tyler wheezed, causing both him and Craig to laugh harder. The white tiger was laying there, trying to catch his breath.
"No wheezing!" Evan laughed/shouted at Tyler, making he and Craig burst out laughing again "That makes us all laugh as well!" He laughed while Tyler wheezed again
"I can't, I can't breathe!" Tyler squeaked out, trying to calm himself so he could breathe. He managed to get some air Into his lungs before a very, pissed and groggy, Brian came storming downstairs.
"What's so funny" he snapped and the place quietled, Tyler ad Craig suddenly finding it easier to breathe. They panted, Craig standing up and shaking his head before sitting down, glancing at the irritated Brian before looking back down at the ground.
Tyler dragged Craig towards him, still In tiger form. He wrapped his tail around Craig. No one dared to speak.
Brian glared at Tyler and Evan before shaking his head "I asked a question" he snapped once again while Craig shifted, easily and quitely answering
"Lui was irritating David and we found it funny, that's all" he still stared at the floor, easily feeling Brian's gaze towards him
Tyler shifted back, sitting up and placing Craig In his lap. His arms wrapped around him. Marcel walked down the stairs, looking to Brian then the guys.
"I'm going to be right back" Brian muttered before leaving, the tension in the den leaving as well. Marcel blinked, confused when a thump was heard upstairs
"David! That's not fair! Give me back my Hershey's!!!" You could hear Lui's squeaker voice through the floor and several snickered emerged in the den, that included Marcel
"Nope!" David chorused. Marcel looked to the guys and snickered more, walking down the rest of the stairs. The hound plopped down on the couch, listening to Lui's protesting from upstairs.
"I want my Hershey kisses! Give me them!!!~" Lui whined and Craig fell over dying, the bobcat on his side while his gold eyes were shut while he laughed
You could hear David easily dodge Lui's attempt to get his candy back. Tyler was trying to hold back his laughter, but ultimately failed.
David dashed down the stairs, moving over the masses of animals before hiding, the bag of Hershey kisses and mini bars of them dropped into his hand without a sound while he put his finger to his lips, making sure everyone staid quite.
The small monkey known as Lui looked around, pouting ever so slightly that it nearly made Jonathan tell him where David was. Lui found him quickly, taking the candy and disappearing upstairs
David ran after the teleporting monkey. Tyler had calmed down, he leant against the wall. "Oh god, I feel like I'm going to die If I laugh any more..."
"G-Go out?" Jonathan suggested while the monkey teleported down and landed on Jonathan's shoulder, he nommed on a bar of chocolate
"Let's go out! That'll be fun!" Lui cheered before throwing a piece of chocolate, David coming out of nowhere and catching it easily.
"I like the idea" Craig ideas, the three looked at Evan, Tyler, and David for approval, knowing for a fact that three wouldn't let them out of their sight.
Tyler shrugged. "Why not? But I swear If that little fuckboy bastard comes sauntering around again, I'll snap his goddamn neck!" Tyler cursed, evidently still pissed.
Craig easily celebrated while Lui and Jonathan looked at Evan and David hopefully. Evan shrugged, okay with it as well leading Lui's attention to David
David shrugged as well. "I think It's best to let Marcel calm Brian down, while we're not here." David snickered, referring to something that Marcel caught onto.
Lui, Jonathan, and Craig high fived before racing out of the den, Evan followed them instantly, making sure that nothing happened to the giddy and clingy Jonathan, for he often did silly things when excited.
David and Tyler easily caught up, leaving the blushing Marcel alone with a pissed off Brian.
The three messed around all day, going to he food court at the mall Tyler and Craig were in last time to get food before looking around. Lui and Jonathan caught site of those pair photo things that you could find at the mall, grinning like idiots
Tyler was keeping an eye out for the fuckboy bastard from earlier, but no sign of him, thankfully. If the guy did come around, he'd most likely be announced dead.
Jonathan dragged Evan over to the booth, playfully pushing him in afterwards while the rest of the guys messed around, each waiting only so it would be fair
Tyler had his arms resting on Craig's head as he stood behind Craig. He grinned, purposely messing up his hair.
Craig whined, trying to fix his hair, only for Tyler to mess It up again. "Asshole..." Craig grumbled, Tyler grinned. "Oh you love me," He chuckled, while Craig crossed his arms. "I do and I can't deny It..."
A/N That was Interesting, oh and for those confused, there are three different universes, A, B and C, C being the one we're currently on.
Ranking of the pack/clan:
Alpha pair: Brian and Marcel
Beta pair: Evan and Jonathan
Delta pair: Tyler and Craig
Normal members: Anthony, Scotty, Lui and David
Now, this Is who plays who:
Willow(Me): Tyler, Marcel, David
Ray(Limeade23): Craig, Brian, Lui
Galaxy(ThatGalaxyGamerz): Evan, Anthony, Fuckboy Yandere aka Jason
Arctic(articwolf975): Jonathan, Scotty
And welcome to the group, Arctic! Go check these three lovely ladies out and have a good day/night!
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