H20Vanoss: Alt Universe
A/N Take note, this Is an Alt Universe, so whatever happened In the other universe, didn't happen here.
I blinked lazily as I looked around, confused at first on where I was while I stared at the ground. Blinking before noticing the yellow glow coming from me? I tilted my head, trying even harder to remember the simplest of things, like my name.....
I looked over to see a figure curled up in a ball, his eyes were glitching a violent purple while they were originally sea blue, he had a blue jacket on and a ski mask was next to him, cracked with the shards everywhere. Soft whimpers were coming from him as well when I noticed that his shoulder was bleeding, bad, along with a bad gash on the right side of his jaw.
I carefully got up, stumbling slightly. What had happened? The real question Is, who am I? I made an approach the the figure, cautious of my movements.
The figure's head moved looking at me cautiously "Evy Bear?" His voice was in a questioning form while I crouched down. My eyes still glowing a golden yellow.
It came back to me in a flash, name, memories, everything. I moved faster than I have ever thought I would in my life "Oh my god Little Del" my voice was in a harsh whisper while I carefully pulled his crying and whimpering figure into me. My wings easily curling around us protectivly, I had no idea on what to do to help my Little Del.....
Jonathan whimpered, curling up In my arms, his head buried Into my chest. Things are still foggy, what exactly happened?
"Good to see you two finally awake" I glanced over, my eyes flashing their normal auburn brown again before turning yellow again when I saw a figure sitting cross legged on the other side of metal bars that seemed to be trapping us in
"What's going on?" I asked, feeling confused on what was going on "Who hurt my Little Del"
"Mmmmm~" the man put his chin in the palm of his hand, thinking about something "You've given each other pet names, we knew you'd grow an attraction and addiction to each other, but not like this" he muttered to himself, and yet I still heard him. I tilted my head, still feeling confused.
I growled, pulling Jonathan closer to me, my bright yellow eyes narrowed In on the man. What the hell does he mean by 'they'? Something clicked In my head, I wanted to not believe It, but It seemed so true. Have we finally been caught by the Government?
"Hmmm, no, we're far from the government, now matter what you really think, you've been here for 90% of your life, just most of it has been in comfort" the man got up and I looked at him, more confusion evident in my eyes while they turned, and staid, an auburn brown.
"What does that mean? How do you even know what I am thinking?" I quested and a slight smirk overcame his face. He held up a silver ring in his, his middle and ring finger curled through it leaving a little space left in it
"Because of this, that is why, and before you think it, you're here because of something that went wrong with one of your friends, they are the ones who did that to Jonathan" he told me and I tensed, one of my friends? Why would they do this to him?
I was so confused as the man left, I leant against the wall, Jonathan In my lap. I was trying to figure out who did this... A roar echoed off walls and bounced back, creating an echo. That roar was familiar, but I couldn't place It until It clicked... Tyler
Jonathan seemed to cover his head in fear, two things curled their way into my head 1) Tyler hurt my Little Del , 2) It hurts to watch him be scared, and I can do nothing about it
I stared down at Jonathan quietly, pain in my eyes as well while Jonathan curled up in my lap, fear evident in my eyes "It's okay" I soothed, his stiff frame loosening ever so slightly "I'm right here, he can't hurt you Little Del, he can't hurt you" I soothed and he seemed to let go of the bubble of air he was holding in, tears also streaming down his face in pain. I whipped them away with my thumb
"I hate my pain" he whimpered and I looked at him, eyes filled with pain as well I hate seeing you in pain
"Oh god! Craig! Run, man!" Came the distant yells of Anthony. "Why'd they put us with Tyler?!" Craig screamed. I was Interested In what was going on, so I listened to the best of my extent while calming Jonathan down.
"Dude! This isn't funny anymore! If Evan get's out of wherever he is! Then he's going to tear you to shreds!"
"Yeah right! If he isn't so occupied with his stupid Little Del~" Tyler's voice snarled to Craig's comment
Craig yelped out, most likely Injured, a noise was heard. "Hey! Who gave you the right to just up right attack Craig?" Anthony growled, the noise most likely being Anthony knocking Tyler back.
"What's going on Evy Bear?" Jonathan's quite voice came out, confused making it evident that the three were being all out loud
"I don't know Jonathan" I said quietly before looking down at him, he was covering his ears slightly "Want me to shut them up?" I questioned and he nodded slightly. I got up, moving over to the bars while Jonathan covered his ears, knowing I was about to yell "Shut the hell up! You're hurting Jonathan's ear and I swear to god if you don't shut it I will tear these bars down and shut you up myself! Even if that means I have to kill you!" I roared and the place went silent
You could see the outline of Craig hiding behind Anthony In fear of Tyler. I had a feeling Tyler abused Craig by how skittish Craig was around him, but didn't expect It to be this bad.
Another roar came out of the blue and Jonathan winced, he noticed the light glaze that was forming over my eyes and he covered his ears once again. I tore at the metal bars, tearing one off and throwing in the direction of the sound. It was then when I saw Tyler, Craig, and Anthony. Tyler and Anthony's eyes were wide open while the metal bar was sticking out of the metal wall closet to them, so close to Tyler eyes that it was scary
"When I say shut it, I mean shut it. I'm not in a good mood because of Jonathan's injuries-" Jonathan had uncovered his ears, I noticed that Craig was looking at me, surprise and relief on reflecting on his face and in his eyes "So shut it Tyler, don't make me come over and make that bar carve your eyes out" I growled and he nodded ever so slightly. I went back to my spot and sat down, leaning my head back against the metal wall behind me while Jonathan curled up at my side.
A/N Well damn, looks like Tyler abuses Craig, Anthony Is protecting Craig and they're all stuck In an unknown place...
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