H20Vanoss 4
That Is correct, now we have decided to continue on from H20Vanoss 3, I suggest you go back and read It If you're confused.
xXEchotechXx Main = David
Limeade23 Main = (She didn't say)
ThatGalaxyGamerz Main = Evan
My main = Crystal/Lui
Warning: There might be a lot of DaithiDeCalibre In this XD You can blame Echo and I for that~
I was also playing Jonathan for this xD
David was sitting in his room strumming his guitar when he heard fighting. Being his curious self, he set the guitar down and headed into the living room. "What's going on?" He asked, shifting towards Lui.
Lui looked to David, giggling slightly. "Craig Is mad," He pointed out the tiny bobcat sitting on the chandelier, smirking at Tyler. "Other then that, I'm not sure..." Lui looked over to Jonathan, giggling like crazy. Jonathan looked back to Lui. The two gave a sly smirk, an Innocent yet mischievous glint In their eyes.
David was confused by their actions, "What?" He asked, staring at Craig, then turning his head towards Lui and Jon. "What's with that face?" He crossed his arms, glaring down at Lui
Lui giggled, his eyes becoming a pitch black. "CANDDYYYY!" He yelled In a squeaker voice, before disappearing Into thin air.
Evan watched Lui disappear into the distance, determined not to let Johnny go on another sugar rush cause then Evan would never, ever be able to calm him down.
David's face lightened up. "Oooh! I want some! Count me in!" He pitched in, following Lui close behind "Maaaan we're gonna get high off of this shit." David chuckled, rubbing his hands together
Lui giggled, finding himself In the kitchen within seconds, Jonathan looked to Evan, easily squirming his way out of his mates arms before disappearing after Lui. Lui and Jonathan giggled mischievously, easily finding where the candy was hidden.
Evan sighed muttering ugh fuck it and went back to his and Johnnys room, trying to prepare so when Lui and Johnny come up to annoy him he wouldn't snap at them.
Let's just say, Jonathan and Lui had already eaten a lot of candy when David walked Into the kitchen.
David walked into the kitchen to see half the candy was gone. "The fok? You guys already ate half the candy!" He grumbled, taking a quarter of what was left. "You guys are gonna get a fokin sugar rush." David scolded, retreating to his room with the candy he had. On the way down the hallway he was stuffing his face full of chocolate
Tyler was currently trying to persuade Craig down from the chandelier. "Come on Craig, I'm sorry." Tyler whined. "NOPE," Craig refused to come down.
Meanwhile, Lui and Jonathan were already on a sugar rush.
Evan took a deep breathe and went back downstairs which was a bad idea on his part.
Jonathan looked to Evan, his eyes lighting up when he saw him. "EVY BEAR!" He giggled, running up and jumping onto his mate, wrapping his arms around him. "Mine."
David was back in his room, throwing all the candy wrappers he had away. He walked over to the door and closed it so he wouldn't bother the others or be bothered. Glancing around the room, David returned to his chair, picking his guitar back up. Once again strumming the strings. He began to sing the song he made 'Your love'.
"Your looks could kill the pain I feel,
Your thrills are all I wanna gain.
I've been hoping and soul searching
To find it in the one
I am wondering, how you wandered in
I am asking are you staying, or would you like to stay in..
Cause I..
Love to live and I live for you,
I live to love and I love you x2
Oooooh etc...
Your lips could heal the scars they deal,
You're unreal, its so surreal that you're mine.
I've been wishing and day dreaming
Ineffable, unexplainable, come rain or shine oh I'll..
Love to live, I'll live for you
I'll live to love, I'll love you x2
Oooooooh etc x2"
Lui had snuck up stairs, teleporting Into his and David's room, the hyper monkey hybrid leant against the wall, waiting for David to notice his presence before he'd cling to David's leg like he always does when he's hyper.
Evan ran his fingers through his hair before going to pick up Johnny and bring him to there room, carefully setting him down on the bed before laying next to him.
David saw something move in the corner of his eye. He spun around in his chair. He let out a small gasp, his eyes wide open. "Ah! You scared me! Stop teleporting everywhere, Lui." David sighed heavily. "If you're still looking for candy, I've got none left." He furrowed his eyebrows at the small monkey hybrid
Lui giggled, his tail flicking behind him. Lui motioned for David to put the guitar down, for he didn't want to break It.
Jonathan giggled, curling up next to Evan, clinging to his arm. "Mine."
David couldn't be more confused, but remembered Lui must be on his sugar rush. Since he was afraid the monkey was gonna break his guitar, David got up and put his guitar on the guitar stand. "What do you want?" David asked, seating himself back in his chair
(Anddd, this Is when David goes from a tense. Almost Mean manner, to adorable)
Instead of going for David's leg this time, Lui decided to jump onto his lap. Lui curled up against David, giggling.
Evans eyes got heavier as he slowly drifted to sleep, holding his precious mate to his side.
David chuckled, ruffling Lui's hair. "Ye need ta settle down there, it's almost 11:00 PM." He said, adjusting his glasses to see the clock. He continued to stroke Lui's hair. "Would you like me ta sing you to sleep?" David asked softly, looking down at the monkey hybrid in his lap
Lui nodded, looking up to David, smiling. He was curled up In a ball against his chest, quite happy where he was.
Evan woke up 10 minutes later, not being able to sleep. He checked if Johnny was up, which of course he wasn't, so Evan just sat there, aimlessly staring at the ceiling.
David groaned, he would sound better with his guitar. He came up with an idea. To distract Lui, he rubbed the monkeys soft cheeks with the tips of his fingers. He started to sing 'Georgia, vance joy'. "He is something to behold. Elegant and bold. He is electricity runnin' through my soul." David began, wrapping his arms around the Lui. ' he's such an adorable little puffball ' He thought to himself as he brought Lui to his bed. "And I could easily lose my mind. The way you kiss me will work each time. Callin' me to come back to bed. Singin' Georgia On My Mind." David hummed
Lui yawned quietly, closing his eyes as he curled up to David as close as he could, he was drifting off to sleep.
David wrapped his arms around Lui, smothering his face in his hair. David kissed the top of Lui's head before quickly falling asleep at the comfort of his little monkey curled up beside him.
Lui had passed out beside David, a happy smile curled onto his face.
A/N Yay! And thank you Echo for making David adorable xD
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