Cat RP 2
Raven: I slowly walked further in the den, confused on what was going on, there were three cats in there, two males on one side while a female was in the middle. I blinked, looking at her with uncertainty "Do you want me to sit down?" I asked, my head tilted all the way while I automatically tilted my head so that it was straight and against my side. They didn't look very amused, huh.
Willow: I dipped my head to our Boss, doing the same for Milan and Logan. I sat down, motioning for the loner to do the same.
Raven: I sat down, straightening my head while I looked straight into the she cat's eyes. I felt like we were doing a stare down, the urge to giggled was slowly building up in the back of my throat but I managed to keep it down, I hate serious things "Bad me" I muttered under my breath at the thought, THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR THIS!
Logan: The she cat seemed very, childish. Her actions seemed like she couldn't really stand the silence that Boss conveyed, but I knew that Boss was trying to make her speak, to make her say something. In many ways, the she cat reminded me of a kit. Only, that just means that she hasn't matured, which is very surprising.
Her head was lopsided while she asked if she could sit down, glancing at Milan and Willow with slight confusion and the she cat sat down anyways, in the end, it seemed as though the cat didn't really think, which could be dangerous.
Milan: I looked up to Logan who was focused on the newcomer In front of us, why and how they found her, I honestly do not care. My blue orbs focused back onto her, my tail flicking Impatiently as we all awaited for her to either speak or Boss.
Boss: "So. Is this the loner Willow?" I asked looking at the childish kit.
Willow: I nodded, my tail curling around my slim frame.
Logan: "Uh....." She stopped, staring at the ground intently "Why are we so silent? I don't like the silence" she whimpered quietly while she finished talking, huh, I wonder why, might as well ask.
"Why?" I asked her and her attention locked from Boss to me, I drew all of their attention easily
"Cuz' then I feel alone" she muttered lowly, her eyes darkening at the thought of being alone.
Boss: "Ok so what is your name?" I asked the kit
Logan: "Hm?" She asked before quickly answering "My name is Raven" she smiled while I stared at Willow intently, I don't think she realized that she bright a psychopath in here until now....
Willow: I glanced to my brother, my eyes showing confusion on why he was staring at me like that.
Boss: I told Willow "Willow show the lon-Raven around camp. Come back when she knows something."
Milan: I stifled a laugh at Boss' words, trying to cover up my laughter with burying my head In Logan's chest fur.
Raven: I blinked slowly now look at that, she almost called you a loner~ I hissed lowly at the sound of them before backing out of the den. When I was out I let out a sigh of relief and climbed ontop of it, because I felt like it, ya' know. Willow slowly came out as well, glancing around for me. A shy smirk curled onto my face while I got ready to play tag with her
Willow: I looked to the purple Cobra who currently curled on my back. "Viper, any Idea where Raven went?" I asked, what I got In return was a quick hiss, In translation, no.
Raven: I tilted my head "You talk to that cobra? How do you understand it? I'm just used to them trying to wrap around my neck and kill me, or try and swallow me whole like when I was younger" it stated. Confused.
Willow: I looked up. "Well, there's my answer, Viper..." I mumbled. "And I've know Viper for years, he's bound to me you could say."
Raven: I slowly nodded before dropping down. The two of us walked throughout the camp "So, I heard some of the other cat's say something about bringing a psycho into camp? What doesn't that mean? And why did that she cat call me a kit? I'm......" I trailed off. How old am I? I don't even remember. I think I'm like, 25. That's the birthday that I last remember "How old am I?" I tilted my head, going lopsided while staring straight ahead, Willow looked at me, she seemed concerned 125. they answered and I smiled "Thanks" I smiled while bounding ahead.
Willow: I looked to Viper who curled around my neck, concern In my eyes. 'I think the other cats are right...' I thought.
Raven: I hummed, turning and looking at Willow while my head went lopsided again "so what were thier names? What are their 'ranks'" I still found the rank thing silly, but hey, this is a clan... whatever that means.....
Moon&Sadie: "Sadie, we have a loner joining us."
Yeah and i told her to never fuck with you ever. "
"Thanks bby."
"Ima go talk to boss"
"Ok cya!"
Willow: "Well, Boss Is our leader. The white and green cat Is our Deputy or Logan. And the other male was Milan, Logan's mate." I explained as best I could.
Raven: My breath caught in the back of my throat while I stared straight ahead "she called me a loner" I said quietly. I shook it off, refusing to listen to them "Can't hear them~ Can't hear them" I sang quietly while I listened to Willow to the best of my distractive abilities.
Willow: I shook my head, stretching my body out. "I think we should return to Boss, seeing as you know the camp grounds now."
Raven: I blinked, confused on what she had been saying "I'm sorry, can you repeat? I got..... distracted "
Willow: I sighed, flicking my tail. "Just follow, we're heading back to Boss' Moon's already there."
Raven: My hearing had sharper now while I followed her, I slowly heard the sound of running, heading straight towards me. I instantly stopped next to Willow, shutting my eyes and gritting my teeth while I waited for impact. I was suddenly crashed into and I rolled. I kicked the person off of me, not that hard though while a laugh escaped them "God dammit Ray! That hurt!" They yelled and I laughed half to death, seeming more crazy then I already was
"Now how did you find me. Austin " I smirked while I opened my eyes and sat down, staring at Austin who was now sitting up. He painted, opening his own dark grey eyes and glaring at me
"Shut it Ray, what are you doing in a clan " he taunted back, his sly smirk on his face while other cats took notice on what was going on
Willow: I turned my head towards Austin, stepping forward. "Austin, what gives you the right to attack the newcomer?" I spoke with authority, being the Deputy's sister comes In handy In some situations.
Raven: I blinked, my head going lopsided "What are you doing in a clan!?" I exclaimed and he blinked back at me, confused on what was going on before it seem to dawn on him
"I declare being a moron" I stared at him lazily
"And I declare being bipolar, NOW WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT!?" I exclaimed in confusion, jumping up then landing with a thump while I huffed, staring at Austin intently
Boss: "Stop yelling before i rip your heads off." I yelled at the childish cats.
Willow: I padded up to Austin, slapping him with my claws across the ear. "Clan rule, no attacking others." I growled In his ear.
Raven: I couldn't contain a snicker "Ooo~ you just got yelled at" I taunted while he glared at me, stomping towards me and swiping my cheek. I swiped his front legs and he fell on his face. I laughed, about to bounce away from him when he recoiled and tripped me, this continued for a few minutes. I swear I heard Willow mutter 'This is where he's been getting his childish acts from'
Boss: "I said stop arguing." I said more serious to the cats.
Willow: I looked to Boss, dipping my head In apology for their behavior.
Boss: I replied to Willow "Thank you for being respectful, Willow."
I had to admit, coming out of the den to see Austin and Raven look like two children who had just gotten in trouble was very amusing. It took all my might to not snicker under my breath, for I knew that Austin and Boss would hear me.
"Sorry~" they sang sadly at the same time, Austin sent Raven a sly smirk while Raven shot a shy smirk back at him. I don't think Raven can muster a sly smirk, so far, I've only seen shy ones coming from her.
Willow: I shook my head, spotting my brother and smiling. Looking back at Raven and Austin I sighed. "You both act like childish kits... I'm going back to the forest to calm down before someone dies by my claws!" I yelled, turning and walking off In frustration.
"As if" I muttered and Willow stopped, slowly turning around to look at me, she narrowed her eyes at me as if she was telling me to repeat what I had just said "As. If. I really doubt anyone would die by your claws~" I purred lightly. Fully aware that I was going to get myself into a fight.
Milan: I padded next to Logan, shaking my head. "This Isn't good... The Lo, uh, Newcomer... could die..." I muttered to my mate.
I nodded slowly "We've gotta let them fight though, they can't get to out of control, otherwise, the newcomer will face certain death. She can't be older than 19" I responded
Willow: I growled, my anger not hesitating to show. "Oh so the Newcomer picks a fight, huh?" I snarl. I pad back, circling her. "I bet she can't even fly properly!"
Raven: "How do you know that~" I growled "I bet you've never eaten Rhino before, have you? Trust me, it's good. The only problem is that you need at least 30 cat's to take one down, Austin and I were fine tho" I purred, watching the furry build up in her eyes. I darted my eyes at her tail, which (somehow) distracted her just enough for me to pounce. My claws unsheathed and I tore at her neck, slamming her to the ground before pinning her down "To slow" I hummed
Willow: My hind legs kicked at her stomach, forcefully while clawing at It the same time. "You sure about that?" I giggled as Viper latched onto Raven's back, biting. "Just be happy my Cobra doesn't poison unless he wants too~"
Raven: I smirked, not caring for the cobra before smacking my paw against her jaw. Every time she moved I cracked at her jaw, she finally stopped moving, glaring at me as if she was going to tear me to shreds when I used my teeth to tear the viper off of my back and throw it on the ground "I'm not hungry" I smiled playfully while she went to move again, I got off of her before kicking her, hard. One paw on her stomach and digging, making her stomach bleed while the other did the same to her neck, I was so close to killing her. So close.
Milan: I hesitated, looking to Logan. Did It not hurt him one bit to see his little sister almost dead by the Psychotic newcomer?!
Logan: I easily tensed, she was so close. I took one step, ready to tackle the newcomer off of my sister when she bounced off, pouncing on Austin and the two rolled on their sides "TAG!" She screamed before getting up and running off
"Hey! Get back here dammit!" He screamed before racing after her, he was the fastest, he should catch her, should being the key word. I rushed over to make sure that Willow was okay, but she was hardly breathing at all. How did that she cat do this!? To my sister!?
Willow: I had my eyes closed, I could feel Viper curl up around my neck wound, trying to help stop the bleeding. By the way he was tense I could tell all he wanted to do was Inject Raven with the deadly poison he carries and watch her slowly die, very painfully. Blood trickled down my stomach, neck and other areas she had scratched and or bit me.
Artic: Artic spins around and dashes after Raven, her head spinning with unbelief and hostility. Within no time at all, she reached Raven and accidentally crashed into her, sending them both flying.
Raven: Raven landed on her paws, confused on what was going on before shaking her head. She was then tackled to the ground by Austin. She let out a laugh before squealing
"Tag! Yo- Oh shit run!" He yelled before running back to camp. I stood there, confused before shrugging and running after him.
Viper: I looked around, my purple scales tensing as I saw the cat from before that has badly Injured Willow. A sharp, angry, hiss came out of my throat.
Boss: "Stop running around before you have to go to the woods." I was quickly lossing patience with them.
Artic: Artic hissed in frustration before following Raven back into the camp. "WILL YOU PLEASE, JUST STOP RUNNING. IM TRYING TO AVENGE WILLOW YOU NOOB!" Artic yelled at Raven, skidding to a stop in front of her.
Viper: I looked to Willow's friend, Artic, Moon's mate. ' kill the purple cat... ' was all I thought, was all I wanted to do, but leaving Willow's side could cause her to die of blood loss faster.
Milan: I hissed as I padded forwards, my claws unsheathed and my ears pinned back. I reached Artic, my tail flicking In anger.
Artic: Artic glanced at Viper and nodded as if she could hear the snake's thoughts. "Sure Viper, but not now. Maybe if she admits to being a traitor and murder I would but since the fight was planned, I can't." She muttered to the snake, glaring at Raven and nodding her head slightly to acknowledge Milan.
Milan: I Ignored Logan's stares at me to get away from the Psychotic cat, or Raven. I circled Raven and Artic, but I have no Intentions on hurting Artic, just Raven.
Artic: Unsheathing her claws, Artic stalked closer, shoving her muzzle in Raven's face. "
*why?*" she questioned, her voice shaking slightly.
Raven: "What?" I tilted my head, it was lopsided by now "I just caught her, I think it was fair" I smiled while the male glared at me "Do you want to fight?" A sly smirk overcame my face and I watched Logan look at me frighteningly. I smirked like this before I fought Willow too "Two v One should be fun" I smiled while I used my paw to snap Artic's paw out of my face.
Moon: "LONER DONT TOUCH MY ARTIC" I yelled at the pesky cats running in between them.
She, she smirked just like that before she attacked Willow. I instantly pushed Milan out of the way while Raven smacked me to the ground, she stared at me lopsided "
Artic: I batted Moon away softly, glaring at her. "Let me talk!" I scolded. Turning to Raven, I raised an eyebrow and sighed. "No. I do not want to fight you Raven. I've seen you fight and I know you've had to kill and fight everyday to survive. I just want to know what possessed you to nearly kill Willow!" I said calmly.
Milan: I was shocked, my ears flattering against my head. I looked down to Logan, licking his head to make sure he was okay.
The fuck? Why did he do that? He got himself hurt in order for someone he cared about to not get hurt? What's he doing? "You guys are weird caring for another person. I CARE FOR ME, MYSELF, AND THEM!" I cheered, I drew my attention back to Sadie.
I blinked, confused on what she meant "You know, I was just, fighting, there is not stop, or draw, there's life, and death. If it weren't for that, then I'd be dead, and I'm pretty sure that's what's possessed all of you crazies to love somebody else. How do you do that? What is that anyways? Caring, Loving, they're both useless emotions. I was just fighting, I swear" I told her honestly "She wanted to fight me, so I fought her"
Artic: I rolled my eyes. "I understand Raven. I really do. When I was younger, I...well let's just say I did t get along with my old clan. They're dead now. I showed no mercy but now I regret that, because now, I can't fight without going for the kill. But you're different Raven. Please. I just want to be friends!" I pleaded.
Milan: "Your a Physco..." I muttered, glaring at Raven. "You just fight? Where has that got you In life?! What has killing earned you? Nothing... absolutely nothing!"
Raven: "H-Have you ever had a family? A Ma and Da?" I asked, looking Milan dead in the eye "how long did you wander without you stupid clan?" I asked him, gritting my teeth
Raven: "I've never had a Ma or a Da. I've never had anyone take care of me except for a stupid plains wolf that died while having kits. And then those kits, kept hurting me as if I was a stupid chew toy. So then I killed them because they had to feel what I felt whenever I was around them. The only reason why I've lived for 125 years is because I don't let anyone near me, I don't care for others either. Caring is something for the weak, all people do is hurt others, so yeah. I'm much different than you Arctic, you had a family, you may have hated those people you had parents that cared for you while I was abandoned to die, AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I WAS ABANDONED TO DIE!" I screamed, huffing in irritation "Killing has gotten me everywhere, I nearly killed Austin, and I nearly killed the plains wolf, but hey, one cared for me, the other is my best bud. But I'd actually go and talk to people I could walk into a territorial bunch without them trying to kill me, or them screaming and running away in fear, only to come back with more annoying territorial cats in order to kill me. WHEN I DID NOTHING BUT STEP ON A TWIG!" I lowered my head, staring at the ground before turning and walking towards the plains, that's where my home was. I just wanted to do one last thing, one, last, thing "There are a lot of things that others don't deal with, I'm normal, I'm alone. And I'll always be a loner, so let me tell you this" I turned and sent them all a cold glare "I'm a loner, I'll always be a loner, and there is nothing you freaks can do to change it"
Artic: I froze, soaking up the new information. A small, sadistic smile grew on my face and I began to chuckle. "Ha. Hahahahhaha! You think I had family! The very reason I killed my old clan was because they disowned me, treated me like a slave and used me as a punching bag. My parents laughed at me as I lay bleeding out on the floor. The only difference between you and me, is that you actually had friends. Until I came to this clan, I had no one. No. One. Then I found Moon. At first I hated Moon, then I fell in love and I slowly healed. I'm still healing. I can't fight because I won't stop until the competitor is dead. I can't sleep because of the nightmares. I can't fully trust anyone in fear that they are going to betray me." Tears welled in my eyes and I brushed them aside impatiently. "So next time, think before you speak. We might have more in common then you think." I said quietly, turning away from her and spreading my wings and using them to boost myself into my den, which was in a tree.
Raven: I rolled my eyes, I really didn't care about her past. I ran off, heading off towards the plains and away from those freaks.
I looked around, confused on what to do so I sat down on my hind legs, thoughts running through my head like a high speed train. I shrugged before jumping down into one of the ditches, and ran through them, the more I ran, the more glad I was, I was over joyed that I was alone, for once, and that isn't something that I normally think due to the fact that I like people. I just, feel as though I have to say sorry to that she cat, treason, murder, she's not dead, and I was never part of the clan in the first place, so how could I deal with treason? By not dealing with it. I guess I'm like everyone else now thought, a rogue, I won't mention the clan to anyone though, I rather loner, for I was hardly part of the last clan in the first place. I did learn stuff though, so that's a bonus.
Are you sure? I slowly slowed to a stop, what's going through their head? Am I sure? "Yeah" I said out loud while I climbed up I looked around in confusion while I could hear the distant sound of Austin's running, there is something wrong with that over attached boy. Are. You. Sure. There are many more things you could learn in that clan, maybe Austin is coming to tell you that Boss wants you to come back. "To face treason?" I tilted my head so that I was lopsided once again in confusion while I sat down. I stared while I easily noticed Austin's running figure. To have someone care for you.
I thought about it, what they said about Austin coming back to tell me that Boss wanted me to come back was true actually, I never know how they do that. I nodded slowly, I would normally have been stubborn and said no, but this time, I wanted to listen to them, it might be a good idea.
Milan: I helped Logan up, shaking my head. I padded back to Willow to see a fellow cat helping her wounds.
I had to admit, I was furious on what had happened in my camp. I slowly rolled my head, popping my neck and heading to where Austin and Raven had disappeared while they appeared once again, Raven's eyes were lidded while Austin gave her several second glances "Thank you Austin" I was keeping my cool the best I could, but Austin knew that I was still boiling with anger under my act, Raven didn't seem to buy it either.
Milan: I watched Boss move towards Austin and Raven, my fear of Boss getting hurt was high but I tried not to show It. I did the best I could to help Maya, a cat trained with herbs to help Willow.
Boss: "Follow me please Raven " My voice was cold towards her while she rolled her eyes
"Mmhmm" from what I had known so far, she stubborn, childish, bipolar, and she was an excelent fighter, so the fact that she was being passive was, unnerving. I couldn't get out of my head that she had something planned, I just couldn't.
After this, be as nice and passive as possible. I scoffed under my breath, drawing Logan, Milan, and Boss's attention
"Harder than saying it you igits" I muttered lowly, knowing for a fact that all three heard me
Just, trust me, once we're done than you can leave, and you can say sorry to Willow. I brightened up slightly at the thought of saying sorry to her
"Say sorry, never done that before" I muttered once agains while I followed Boss into her den
"Logan, please come with me" she called, glancing at him before continuing her way towards the den.
A/N Very looooong chapter!
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