Ok here's the thing
......... There are over 10 accts that get so happy when I reply to them.
About 20 who see me like a god when we talk.
So I guess you could say I have fans???? Yay??
Thing is, im not a god. Im not that great. Its flattering but people shouldn't put themselves down and set me on a pedestal.
There are plenty of writers on her better then me, and there are plenty of people that are better rpers then me as well.
I'd rather be considered a friend then some idol.
One day, im gonna be an actor in like Broadway or movies, and I'll still feel the same way about fans then that I do now.
People may say things about this page like "oh your over reacting." or "people dont think of you that highly, stop being egotistical"
Well maybe your right. But ever since I had 40 followers I've had people with 10 times the followers spam me with like "OH YOU'RE SO GREAT. " "I LOVE YOUR RP STYLE" "OHMYGODYOUACTUALLYTALKEDTOME"
I talk to everyone cause im really fucking friendly. Im a normal person like you, I eat and sleep and fart.
And I english very well.
So I mean im flattered that people like me?? But im no Ariana Grande
If that makes sense?
Ok bai
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