Christopher eccleston.
Christopher. Eccleston. *deep inhale*
Chris is so underated because he isnt the "attractive" type of doctor or he didn't spend time trying To get a girl like Matt Smith or Paul Mcgan.
For some reason the doctor always has a female companion and/ or attractive companion. This knocks out the first, fourth, sixth, and tenth doctor.
Pertwee did have some great moral values but failed to show the wasn't human. He was to human for a time traveling alien.
Hartnell always stumbled in his lines and came of as rude or snobbish grandfather.
Eccleston was amazing. He was the next regeneration tight after he had destroyed two entire species. Including his home planet.
Yes tennant was lovable but I mean come on. When the Cybermen came back he was scared bit not as scared as he should have been. Like this is the species that killed adric. THIS species. Its their fault you've done so many things you regret today, you should at least fear or have some sort of anger towards them.
Matt Smith and Peter capaldi are great actors but who's fault is it that their pretty sucky? None other then moffat's.
Matt Smith threatened dales with a cookie. A cookie. This is the species that made you kill your whole species, your terrified of them, these are the creatures that will kill you and get control over the universe. DONT THREATEN THEM WITH A CREAM PUFF. YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE TERRIFIED AS A CHARACTER.
not to mention moffat constantly makes Smith and capaldi (and surrounding chaeacters) Just to squeeze a joke in there.
But when eccleston was around, eccleston never broke character to make a joke! Every joke told between the story and plot actually made sense!
Not like when Smith bursted through a giant cake to tell Rory (in front of all his friends) that the lady Rory is engaged to tried to kiss Smith!
That tells us that
-the doctor is arrogant
-doesnt care to much about the emotions of others
Or we can go further to conclude
-11 likes to make his friends suffer and constantly bully them
Does that sound like the lovable person that is 11 at all?? NO!
Peter capaldi acts like hes going through a mid life crisis. Add sonic glasses?! He seriously just tried to get rid of the classic screwdriver everyone love with shades! If twelve didn't have a screwdriver, then BBC wouldn't make a screwdriver for the fans to buy. You know how much profit they would have lost if the idea continued?!
Eccleston and Tennant actually remained in character.
I dont even have to touch the topic of the war doctor.
This leaves Tennant and eccleston at a tie being their scripts were both written by the same person.
People tend to love Tennant cause of his looks and the cute way his voice cracks and how he could make you cry in an instant.
But nine had the better season. I was dissapointed when nine never came back for another season or the day of the doctor. Especially since the moment nine aired the events were all leading to the moment of the doctor's coming to face their past and gallifrey.
Nine actually had great development and the characters around him seemed to get him.
Nine had the rage of a time lord towards the fallen in the episode of the good Dalek. As when he saw the chained Dalek his first resort was fear but when he realized how helpless it was in its situation, he quickly went to rage and even enjoyed bullying the Dalek.
Eccleston is a great actor and he is so underappreciated. I mean come on, Cassandra. Face of bo, first time you meet Jack harkness!
Thus nine is and always will be my doctor. Though ten is a close second.
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