What just h-h-happened
Don't play this until I say so...
Travis and Zane sneaked out of the camp. They walked to the store that was right across from the camp. They walked in the store and bought things. Zane got a cupcake and a water. Travis just bought soda.
They walked out of the store and went back to camp. They went in to the woods to talk. Zane never liked talking to others, but For once Zane wanted to talk to others.
"So why did you come here?" Travis asked
"To mainly learn how to us my powers and you" Zane said
"Same thing but I'm here to meet a friend as well" Travis said
"Me too...."Zane said softy
After that they just started talking about random things after that. They finished what ever they were doing and were walking back to camp. Travis and Zane were walking side by side. Travis looked at Zane and stopped him. Travis had something in the back of this mind that he needed to ask zane.
"Zane can I ask you something?" Travis said
"What is it" Zane said
Travis pulled Zane closer and sat down next to him. Zane felt confused what was going on.
"Zane why did Gene get mad at you" Travis asked
"No, I got mad at him first... He tried to apologize for something he did a year ago and I went off at him" Zane said
"I'm sorry that gene was a total jerk to you" Travis said.
"Its fine....." Zane said.
Travis looked at Zane and smiled.
Zane giggled and looked away. After that they went back to the camp.
Zane POV
That morning was confusing but fun. I never had that much fun with someone else before. It was n-n-nice.....but I can't be to attached to this. I start to look at the celling and smile. Vylad comes up to me with a grin on his. It kinda scared me for some reason.
"Hey zane wanna let lose?" He asked
"What to you mean?" I said
"I mean wanna party" He asked
"Sure Vylad" I said because I didn't trust Vylad alone.
"Yeah let's go!" He said
We left the cabin and went to the party. I followed Vylad to the party. I felt kinda sick when I was following Vylad. I've never done this before and it kinda scares me. I've only expect this for Garroth and Vylad, but from me no.
I see so many people from camp here. I see them in there forms. Some of them are half human and some are full of their kind. Vylad and I are angel/god type things. We got the Angel kind from my mother and the god part from my father.
Vylad ran off to get us drinks. I didn't trust Vylad for some reason today. I see Laurence, Dante, Lucinda, Aphmau, kawaii~chan, Nicole, Zenix, Gene and T-T-Travis. I didn't talk to anybody there. I see Vylad already drunk. I can't believe he go drunk this fast.
I look at him and laugh at him trying to walk.
"Vylad your drunk already?" I said holding in a laughter.
"Noooo~, here have some" Vylad said
"No, I don't drink" I said
"Just try some and its only one" Vylad said
"Fine" I said taking a sip after.
I drink the cup and I feel great a smile and look at Vylad.
"Give me another" I said smiling
"Alright, now were having fun" Vylad said
He handed me another one. Then I was surrounded by others handing me like four bottles. I drink them all of course. I see everyone so partying. Then I hear that the music entertainment wasn't coming.
Then I hear Aphmau, Dante, Laurence, Lucinda, kawaii~chan, Nicole and Travis telling me to sing. I was drunk so I went up the stage that was there in the middle of the woods. People start playing a rock song.
"We have Zane ro'meave singing for us tonight!" Someone screamed
"He'll be singing kids in the dark by offspring " he continued
I get up and started smile.
"ZANE, ZANE, ZANE!" everyone chanted
You may play now....
Garroth POV
During the song.
I heard that zane and Vylad went to that party. I rushed over there as fast as I could. I see Dante and Travis looking at zane, singing? I see then not drunk. Thank Irene....
"Guys! What's going on and why is my baby brother on stage" I asked.
"We all told him to sing and he is....he's an amazing singer" Dante said
"Where Vylad" I asked.
"Behind you" Travis pointed
"Vylad! How much did you have" I said
"I *hiccup* don't know" Vylad said
"How much did he drunk Dante" I ask him
"About five bottles I thing" Dante said
"What!!! And Zane how much as he had" I said
"About ten I thing?" Travis said
"what!!!!!!" I screamed.
"Yeah he did" Dante said making my night worse
"Why are you so angry?" Travis asked
"Because Zane is different from me and Vylad.....His powers are unstable and he has a power that our mother has that can do damage to his body and his personality changes somehow and its just bad." said
"Wait what!?!" They both said
"Yes that's why he never drinks and Vylad doesn't know this so I can't blame him. Did he transform yet" I asked
"Yes" Dante said
"Did you see a tattoo on him by any chance" I asked
"Yes" Travis said
"Okay its not too late, when is this song over?" I asked
"Right about now" Dante said
"Okay Dante come with me to get Vylad he's really tuff to deal with when he's like this" I said
"Okay" Dante said
"Travis please bring Zane back to the cabin" I asked
"Okay" Travis said
I having my trust on Travis.... I felt like I was making the biggest mistake of my life.
Travis POV
I see Garroth, Vylad and Dante leaving. For once Garroth trusted me with this big thing. I walk over to the stage to see zane hanging out with others. I can see his crystal blue eyes, his smile and his freckles. I can see him walking away from everyone.
"Zane we need to go" I said
"Travis your here" Zane said
"Why?" Zane asked as he as stumbling to me.
"Because we need to take you back to the cabin" I said.
"That doesn't answers my question" he said falling on to me.
"Zane" I said
"Yeah~" Zane said looking at me.
I didn't say anything. Zane face was red and it looked like he was blushing. He looked kinda cute....
WAIT TRAVIS, NO. I can't fall for Zane. I look at him and he can't even walk.
"Zane do you need help walking" I asked him.
"Yes" he said
"Come on...." I said
We walk out of the party and we see so many people there. I see gene walk up to me.
Travis what are you doing with Zane?" He asked
"Taking him back to the cabin" I said
"Pfff.... Zane is was always this weak" he said to himself.
"Gene, you have no right to say that" I said
"Yeah I do" he said
"Gene give me one reason then" I said not even knowing what I've done.
"I'm not wasting my time on you" Gene said
"Why not, you can't do anything with out your little gang." I said
"Stop it, you don't know anything about me or Zane" He said
"I do know Zane....he's sweet and kind and better then you in all ways!" I said
"Okay I'll tell you " he grinned
"Fine go ahead" I said
"I know everything about him and he's a good for nothing person, he is my ex after all" he smiled and left.
I froze when I heard that. I never knew that Zane and Gene were dating. Zane looks at me and leaves. I see him running in the woods. What have I done. I quickly follow him. I see him sitting down on a hill.
I didn't speak to him I just stared.
"Go away Travis!" Zane said
I didn't listen to him I walked over to him.
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" He said while tears steamed down his face.
What happens next guys???
Tell me what to write for part two of "what just h-h-happened"
And please comment anything you like about it......
I'm going to shout someone out who ever comments first or gives me a great idea.....
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