They fight for someone....
Same point of view...
"COME BACK HERE!" One of them yelled holding his gun to our car.
They seemed to be really pissed off at them. I sighed and looked at the two who caused it and groaned. I looked at Garroth and Vylad and grinned. I looked at Travis and winked at him. He started to blushed and I laughed.
My brothers started to summon random things to distracted them. I just used my magics to make them stop following us. After a few shots only 10 or 20 left. I looked at Garroth and Vylad and smiled.
"Can I use my powers?" Vylad asked.
"Go ahead" I smiled.
"No your not its too risky" Garroth said
"Have some fun!" I said cheerfully
"I'm using them" Vylad smiled
"Go Vylad!" Dante said
Vylad used his a shield and made a small explosion.
We had enough time to get out of that town. We all transfored back into human form. I missed being in my regular form. Its been so long.
*he doesn't remember being drunk in his form*
I looked at everyone and smiled. We all laughed and I looked at Travis smiling at me. I smile back and we finally set down. Vylad was in the front with Dante. I was seating right next travis. Garroth and Laurence were talking.
Were headed back to the camp. I can see no one in front of the camp. That was good, I can see Aphmau waiting for us. We get out of the car fast. I see Laurence, Garroth,Dante and Vylad leave. I go to Aphmau and travis follows. He whispered something in my ear.
"You were amazing out there zane" He said in a flirty tone
"Travis your making me blush." I said playfully.
Aphmau sees me smile and laugh. I see her get this look on her face that she is happy for me.I smile and wave at her. Travis is behind me holding my hand.
(Aphmau cant see them holding hands)
"Thanks for covering for us aph" I said
"Your welcome Zane" she cheerfully said
"And here" I said
I handed her a small bag of her request. (Candy and sweets) She smile and ran back to her cabin. I went to hide behind the column with travis. The column was huge and it can fit the both of us.
"Travis come on we have to get back to the cabin" I said
"No, we can hang out for a bit out here" He purred
"And do what ?" I said
"I don't know....a kiss?" he said
" Fine only one" I said
I kissed him on the cheek and I was giggling to myself.
"There a kiss" I smiled
"Come on zane. . a real one" Travis complained
I look at him and smile. I see him looking at me to give him my answer. I stare at him and he's waiting. I grabbed his hand and put it on my waist and I rapped my arms around Travis. I give him a real kiss.
We break apart and I was laying my fore head on his. He places his hands on my cheek. I place one hand on his hand. I smile and look into his emerald green eyes.
"Why did I fell in love with a Casanova" I said smiling.
"Why did I fall in love with the prince of darkness" Travis said.
"*laughs*" I laughed and smiled
"There the smile I love so much" Travis said
"Travis your such a goofball" I laughed.
"Thats what makes you mine" travis said
"Travis would you fight for me" I asked blushing
"If you did the same" travis smiled
"I would" I said
"Then..." Travis paused
"I will too" Travis said in a loving voice.
I look at him and he kissed me on the forehead. I giggled and look around to see if we were in the clear. I can see everyone doing there own thing.
we head back to our to see Dante and Laurence fighting. Then I see Vylad and Garroth fighting.
"Guys what's going on?" I asked
"Nothing!" They all yelled
"Guys stop fighting" Travis said
I can see Lawrence and Dante pushing each other and it kinda looks funny. I see a vylad and Garroth just arguing to each other about what was going on. I didn't even know what was going on. I see Travis trying to find out what is going on with Garroth and Vylad. Travis wanted to know why they were fighting.
I went to stop the fight that was going on.
"Stop fighting" I said
"Get out of here" Laurence said
They start to fight and I see Laurence about to punch Dante.
POV Travis
*Things are about to get a little interesting*
I solve problems with the brothers and then I see zane trying to stop the fight. I see zane go in front of Laurence.....
Please tell me this didn't happen....
Please tell me this never happened.....
I see Laurence raising his fist and punched Zane.....
I see Dantes eyes widen when Zane went in from of him. I can see Zane looking straight at Laurence.
No fear
No pain
No sadness
I don't know what I see. I just see a zane that's been injured.
I see Laurence grabbed Zane by the shirt. I see him pin Zane to the wall.
"Why did you stop me!" Laurence in anger
"Because you shouldn't hurt should let your anger get the best of you" Zane said
"What is that bullshit" Laurence yelled
"The let go of me" zane said
Laurence punched Zane again. One time in the face and the other the stomach.
"Baby brother!" Garroth yelled
"Laurence stop it" Garroth cried.
I see zane in pain and he isn't welling to fight back. I push Laurence off of zane. I look at Laurence in anger.
"Why would you do that, he did nothing to you" I screamed
"He did nothing! And all you do he bit the shit out of him!" I said
"You should feel bad for yourself.... Hurting other for no reason" I said
I see zane looking at me. I claim down and step back. I see Laurence rising his fist. I see zane starring at Laurence. He puts his fist down and starts to shake.
"Your just like someone I know" zane said
"Zane control your self....your not like him" Vylad said
"Please claim down...." Garroth said
I see zane going on his knees.
What did they meant by...
Your not like him?
I was confused about the meaning. I went to Zane and I see him looking at the floor. I see Garroth rushing out with Laurence. I see Vylad following Dante out of the cabin.
I look at Zane and hold him in my arms when they were gone. I see zane looking at himself. I see him shaking and shaking.
"Zane....your okay now" I said
"Your okay" I said
I see him looking at me and I see him eyes. He looks so scared and so helpless now. I got into him back there. Why was he crazy when Laurence came to him a few minutes ago.
"Travis I'm sorry...that you had to see that" Zane said
"No Zane....I was worried about you....are you okay" I said
"Yes I'm fine...." Zane said
"I didn't want you to see this, I dont know what came over me" Zane said
"Zane.... Its okay" I said
"No its not! I've could have hurt you and I don't want that! I-I-I didn't I-I couldn't control hi-" Zane said cutting himself off.
"Zane dont worry much.... I would fight for you" I said
"I know I just dont want you to get hurt" Zane said
I hug him tight. I hug him tighter than I did before, I was hugging him like I didn't want to let go. He hugs back and we sit there in each other arms. I claim him down my talking to him.
"Its okay....." I said
I let go of him and put my forehead on his. I smile and I started to talk to him. I can see that he's scared but I won't be afraid of him.
Vylad POV
I go back to the cabin to get something for Garroth. He was claiming down Laurence before he turned in to his form and beats up my older brother. I take a look in the room and see Zane claim. He was never this claim after he was like this. He didn't let anyone even touch him.
When I saw Travis comforting Zane, he did nothing. Every time we would try he would start freaking out and his powers would go out of control. The only one that would get harmed was our mother. I watched what was going on.
I can see travis talking to Zane. Zane is hugging him and travis is just claiming him down. I didn't understand if this was real or not. I go back to Garroth and say nothing of what happened....
What did u think about the story????????????????????
I worked so hard on it and I hope you enjoy..... I glad I added that twist to the story.... Someone gave me that idea on wattpad...but I'm not gonna tell you who.....
I wanted to add conflict at the cabin.
I hope you like it and the next chapter is going to be about.....
Your not like him?
That would be good right....
Okay hope u enjoyed this....
Love ya....
👋 bye
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