The Maid Cafe~ Ooh La La
You can play the song whenever you want or not at all your life your choice!!
Y/n P.O.V
I woke up and my phone was going off 'ughhhhhh I dont wanna' I look at my phone and realize it's six 'greaaaaaatttt gotta get ready for work' I stumbled out of my bed reluctantly of course it's Monday fun. I brushed my h/l h/c and brushed my teeth and got ready for work I didn't have my maid outfit yet because I get that when I arrive there. I decide to put on some basic clothing and makeup can't try to hard right? (Pic above) I look at my phone it's 6:45 ok time to get going. Work doesn't well open until 8 but Aph likes to get an early start for the morning rush I can't blame her honestly. I get in my car and drive to work when I get there I notice Aph is already inside along with Aaron, KC, and Zane. "Hey Y/n ready to start work?" Aph said happily, how can she be happy so early in the morning? "I guess. Hey Aphmau? How come you're so well preppy this early in the morning?" I said sluggishly "HAHA Oh believe me she's not she's only doing this because she wants to make a good impression for your first day it took me everything to get her up this morning" Aaron said. Aph just stuck her tongue out at him like a child "ANYWAY Y/n you want to follow me and I'll help you get ready and show you how everything works! She pushes me into the back room yells "CHANGE" at me and then throws a maid outfit at my face it didn't look terrible I mean it had black and f/c on it I guess I could handle it. I walked out and saw Zane with cat ears on and started laughing but then stopped just as soon as I started noticing that I was in a maid outfit. Yea not that bad right but I WAS IN FRONT OF ZANE!!!! Aphmau and Kawaii Chan found this obviously hilarious and Zane just pulled his mask up higher on his face even though we all could see he was blushing. "*ahem* Y/n come on i'll show you how tondo this" Aph said trying to hold in her laughter as best as possible "O-ok" I said a bit flustered.
Time skip because i'm lazy and I wanna continue!
Zane P.O.V
'Damn Y/n was so cute ugh it hurts me so much because she's not mine to hold....I want her to be mine!!' "....ane, ZANE!!" "Wh-what??" I was caught off gaurd. "Ugh now you're awake c'mon we gotta get ready" It was Aaron "Hmph fine" I grumbled I watched Y/n do her work for the day *sigh* "You like her doncha Nugget~" I turned to see Aphmau giving me a cat mouth look. "I-i uh well I um..." I trailed off Aph wasn't helping me she started talking how me and Y/n would make a lovely couple and blah blah blah.... But that's what I wanted her to myself I know she's not an object and she can have whoever she chooses I just.... hope it's me.......
Y/n P.O.V
The day went by quickly I noticed Zane looking at me every now and then but I just smiled and kept working and Aph would just giggle like it was a game or something I went home changed and fell asleep I was beat. I wake up and look at my phone it's 6:40 pm welp time for dinner I get up and go downstairs then I hear the doorbell ring "Ughhhh WHO IS IT!!!!" I yelled towards the door I wanted zero contact with anyone right now. I open the door and then get picked up by some strong arms "HEY PUT ME DOWN!!!!" "Never" said the people who had me captive I know I should be more scared than anything right now but i'm not mainly because they were headed to Aph's house I couldn't see who they were it was dark but as they casually walked into Aph's home I realized who had me captive none other than Garroth, Laurence, and Dante. Greeaaaattt.... They placed me down on Aph's couch and before I said anything I noticed Aph was bringing well dragging someone downstairs. "Zane?" "Y/n?" "What are you doing here?" We said in unison
Yayyy!!! Ok cliffhanger I know but I will publish the next chapter soon, I have been putting this off for months now and i'm sorry school is really hard and stressful for me but I will start writing in my free time so look forward to that, until we meet again my moon gleams~
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