First Day
I woke up with the sun shining in from the window I quickly got up and got dressed into the school uniform ughhhh school I thought to myself quickly as I got dressed I loved school and meeting new people but I didn't like how early I had to get up for it. "Y/n come get breakfast sweetheart!" My mom yelled from downstairs "COMING MOM!!" I yelled loudly I had to yell louder than my mother because I knew my mother already headed for the kitchen as she yelled up to me. I went downstairs and sat at the table and started eating my f/b (favorite breakfast) I soon finished and walked out the door. "Bye mom see you after school" I called as I walked out the door. I was walking on the sidewalk on the way to school when I noticed three boys ahead of me even though we were quite a ways away from each other I could still her what they were talking about. "WHY DON'T YOU USE HAIR GEL IT WILL MAKE YOUR HAIR LOOK SO MUCH BETTER THAN IT DOES NOW" " I ALREADY TOLD YOU GARROTH I DON'T LIKE PUTTING STUFF IN MY HAIR UNLESS I'M WASHING IT I'M NOT LIKE YOU AND PUT HAIR GEL IN MY HAIR EVERY SINGLE DAY JUST TO HAVE A GIRL FALL FOR ME!!" "I cannot believe you two are my brothers, will you both calm down you're making a scene" 'Wow and I thought all three of them yelled like that' I was walking around them and clumsy me for walking on the side closest to the road I ended up being pushed by the blond haired one and almost fell into the road when two arms wrapped around my waist from behind and caught me. "Oh my i'm so sorry I did not mean to push are you alright?" The blond haired kid said franticly "I-I'm f-fine" I said slightly shaken from what just happened "I'm glad I caught you in time, although I wouldn't of had to catch you if SOMONE WOULD WATCH WHAT THEY WERE DOING!" Said the kid who caught me angry be the blond one's mistake he looked well different he had black hair and a mask over his face he had icy blue eyes or I think they both were I could only see one. "Zane please baby brother I already said I was sorrryyyy" the blond one said pleading. By this time the guy who caught me had let go and was arguing with the blond one then the brown haired guy came up to me "Hey sorry about that i'm Vylad and these are both my brothers the one who pushed you was Garroth and the one who caught you was Zane" Vylad said calmly 'it's hard to believe you three are related' I stayed quiet I was shy for the most part until someone got me worked up. "I'm Y/n, so do you guys walk to school too?" I was scared and didn't know what to talk about sooo why not right? "Yea we walk to school everyday" Garroth said piping in now after everything "Good since you two are done this is Y/n she will be walking to school with us because I don't want her walking alone after that whole incident that just occured" Vylad said obviously annoyed at his brothers. "Y/n please forgive me I am so so sorry for pushing you it was a complete accident that had no means against you what so ever!!" Garroth pleaded trying to make an extra effort for forgivness. "I'll forgive you it was my fault for walking close to the road to begin with" I watched as he smiled at his forgivness. "Ok we're gonna be late come on guys let's get going" Zane said clearly annoyed at how long we're taking even though he started most of it.
Time skip to a few months later brought to you by DAN HOWELL~
Zane P.O.V
'Today's the day, today is the day i'll finally tell Y/n how I feel.' I feel pretty confident about this but i'm still scared me and Y/n have been close since the day I caught her before she fell into the road on the first day of school. She's also been blushing a lot lately when she's near me so maybe! I walk towards her locker but when I round the corner I stop and go back around and poke my head out. 'N-no i-it c-can't be!!' I stare at Y/n as she's in a really close hug with HIM Laurence the very person who I dislike the most well next to Garroth BUT NOT THE POINT HERE!! I was filled with so much pain and anger and thst's when it happened the exact thing that made it ten times worse......She looked at me. I realized this and quickly ran away somewhere I could hide from the pain I felt. I heard her call my name but I didn't look back I kept running.
Zane P.O.V
I sat up from what just happened 'w-wh-what was that' I realize i'm in my bed alone as always covered in sweat and tears. I look over at my phone to see what time it is it's 9:30 and I have a text from Aph
(Zane=Z, Aph= A come on people you should know this by now)
A- Hey Zane there's a new girl moving in right next door and she needs help moving in she's not here yet though so you have some time I think
Z- Did you seriously just assume she needed help?
Z- HEY!!!! Alright fine i'll help her but that's all i'm doing!!
I put my phone down and go get ready then I walk to where Aph said the new girl was moving in as i'm walking I see a girl with h/l
h/c that was all too familiar. "Y-Y/n?"
Yayyyy I have officially completed the first chapter!!! Now once again I will try to upload everyday and I will write different fan fics for different people!! Goodbye for now my little Moon gleams~
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