Dinner with the Ro'Maves
Y/n Pov.
The car pulls up to the romave household. It was a big house well not too big but bigger than out house by a little bit. My phone vibrates. It was an online friend of mine who I exchanged numbers with.
PonyLover13: my moms making me socialize with potatoes
Y/n: what? Like the food?
PonyLover13: some girls...
Y/n(Phantom): are they cute?
PonyLover13: one of them... But then again I don't really like either of them personally Phantom
Y/n(Phantom): Good that means I still have my dance
Y/n(Phantom): *chance
PonyLover13: lol, Gtg
Y/n(Phantom): bye
As we stop texting each other I noticed Aphmau reading over my shoulder. "So who's this Pony Lover?" she said laughing at the name. "He made up the user name a long time ago!" I growled "Besides Aphmau, You have your FC and I don't annoy you about him!" She blushed then gave me a smirk. "So he's your FC" *cue eyebrow wiggle* "Yeah I guess so..- wait... *gives big smirk* You must like this FC, Mom~" "Yes M-" "Suddup!" Aph says covering my mouth so I can't tell mom of her online crush. In the end we have a truce on not using that as black mail because we both have the same thing and would both suffer moms wrath equally.
We get out of the car and I smell something familiar... It was probably just the scent of the Ro'Maves playing tricks on me. It reminded me of that boy Zane was shunned by...
Garroth greeted us and so did Vlyad and Zianna their mother. But Zane was too busy being emo to care about anything. Then mom and Zianna made the joke about us marring one of her boys. "Hey Aphmau why don't you date Garroth, you like him anyways" I smirked. Aph makes a cat like smirk "The same reason you aren't with Zane" "What Garroth isn't emo, also at least Garroth takes time out of his day to be nice and talk to you" "So you're jelly?" I blushed "Wha!? No! I don't like him! If anything I'd go out with freaking Vlyad at least we're already friends!" "So it's finial Y/N'S MARRING VLYAD!" "AM NOT! I WAS JUST MAKING A POINT!" I then chased aph around for a small amount of time.
Garroth kindly showed us the house including his room with a Legend of Zelda poster I took a liking to seeing as I played too. Then on further inspection we even found Zane's secret pony collection.
Then we saw Vlad who was saying something deep about life while meditating. We left him to his meditation.
While walking I remembered how much I despised dresses. Aphmau served to enjoy her red dress me on the other hand was so used to pants and shirts wearing this blue dress felt wrong.
I pull the dress down felling it rise even in the slightest way. Then we sat down and ate and Zane kept making potato jokes to Garroth about Aphmau. Garroth was starting to let it get to him. "Zane! Stop it right now!" "Alright then, but before I do. How's you like some mashed potatoes? They're small and cute just how you like them" Garroth stormed out clearly fed up with all of Zane's comments.
Aphmau went to make sure Garroth was okay and I went upstairs to wreak havoc on his ponies.
From the top of the stairs I yelled "apologize or Pinky Cake gets it!" "What!? What did she do to you!?" "I will send pinky cake into a dimension where every three minutes she steps on four legos!" "Fine I'll apologize!"
I look out the window at the wrong time to Garroth kissing Aphmau. "You know what Zane gave pinky cake for go outside..."
I hand him his Pinky Cake and then blush slightly "you're lucky I have a soft spot for cute things" he turns rather red. I said it in s double way to save myself if this went wrong. I could've said that it was pinky cake who was cute but I really did mean Zane....
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