Zane stop!
Zane's p.o.v
I went down stairs and got a bucket
I filled it with water and came back upstairs
I then throw the water on them and they wake up
Everyone: what was that!
Everyone then looked at Zane then behind him to the pastas
Zane: guys don't freak out but I'm friends with creepypastas
Everyone:say what
Zane: well guys don't be rude, introduce yourself
They all introduce themselves
Zane: now to deal with that
Zane pointed to the figure
Pastas:we will deal with it
Zane: okay, everyone but the pastas out
Zane: okay stay but I warned you
Then the pastas killed it
Everyone:we should have left
Zane: wait one second , I can help
Zane clapped his hands and a book came to him
Zane: the pain they see, will go away on 3
Everyone then felt calmed
Everyone: you do magic!!!?
Zane:a little, Lucinda gave me this book of spells and potions
And I learned a thing or two
Zane open the book again and read
Zane:I'm to lazy to fix my mess,so let it be that so I can continue to rest
And with that the figure body dissapeared
Zane's phone rings and he answers it
Zane: hello
Unknown: hello zu~zu, it's mommy, me and your father are on are way to your house to stay for the week, see you in 20 minutes
Before I could say anything she hung
Zane:great , now I have my parents staying at my house, can today get worse!?
Zane phone rings again and he answers it
Unknown: with these words I say, follow all instructions and obey
And with that Zane could not do anything
Unknown:cast the death spell on yourself
Zane hung up and opened to the spell
Zane: with these words I say, let me die today...
Everyone: wait Zane stop, don't do it!!
Zane: ... Let my soul be sent free, so no one can hurt me...
L.jack: Zane,if you continue I will hurt you if I have to!!
Zane: let my time be short, I don't want to live anymore...
L.jack then bitch slapped him and it caused Zane to start to sob
Zane:h-help m-me *points to his phone*
Zane then stopped in an instant and continue
Everyone ran and grabbed his
Garoth:who is this?!?
Phone: let's just say Zane's future killer or in a minute
Kawaii chan grabbed the spell book
KC:we these words I set free, my friend who is cursed to make him not leave
Zane then stopped talking and started sobbing from the pain
Everyone goes over and hugs Zane
L.jack:I'm so sorry for hitting you!
Zane: it's okay , if you didn't I would have not been able to tell you
Zane then gets up and grabbed the spell book and healed himself
Zane: let's go to the mall , I need to get some items
Everyone: okay , let's go
Hope you liked this part, I decided to try to write all the week and start the schedule next week
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