Meeting Lucinda!
Aphmau- Katelyn, kawaii~chan! How would you guys want to meet laurence friend Lucinda?
Katelyn- wait that name sounds familiar yeah I want to see her
KC- kawaii~chan would love to meet a new friend
Aphmau- ok laurence should be here with her now
Laurence- hey aphmau
Aphmau- hey Laurence is this Lucinda?
Laurence- yup
Lucinda- hi
Aphmau- so Laurence said you guys known each other over the summer?
Lucinda- he talked about me?
Aphmau- yeah
Lucinda- well yeah I've known him over the summer and he's a really sweet guy
Laurence- well we should get to class
Aphmau- yeah me and Katelyn are going to go practice volleyball if you want to come kawaii~chan?
KC- no thanks aphmau~senpai kawaii~chan has plans already
Aphmau- ok well see you later
*In laurence and Lucinda class (last class)*
Laurence- so what did you think of aphmau?
Lucinda- she seems like she still likes you
Laurence- she said she already likes someone else
Lucinda- well I'm just saying
Laurence- Lucinda don't be jealous
Lucinda- I'm not being jealous
Laurence- yes you are
Lucinda- I'm sorry but who does aphmau like?
Laurence- an online person who she never meet
Lucinda- well maybe she will meet him one day
Laurence- yeah
Lucinda- Ive never meet her but she actually does seems super nice
Luarance- she is she'll help anyone
Lucinda- you have a very nice friend you know that?
Luarance- yeah Im kind of the same with her
*After school*
KC- zane~kun there you are!
Zane- hey kawaii~chan what do you need?
KC- kawaii~chan was wondering if zane~kun would want to make some cupcakes with kawaii~chan today at her house?
Zane- sure I just need to tell garroth that I'm going your house I'll be right back
KC- ok
Zane- garroth
Garroth- yes zane?
Zane- do you mind if I go over to kawaii~chan house and make cupcakes with her?
Garroth- sure have fun baby brother Ill tell mommy you have to do after school stuff
Zane- thanks
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