The date?!
A- so Laurence did u pick out an outfit for the dance?
L- yes I have
A- I can't wait to see everyone's dresses. Well I already know kawaii~chans and Katelyns but I can't wait to see cadenzas!
L- yeah she picked out one that is like really her style
A- wow well I'll see u at school I'm just about to leave the house
L- ok cya
Aphmau- man I really like him but what about FC? We were going to meet one day but now I feel like I don't
Sylvania- aphmau! Come on your going to be late for school!
Aphmau- coming! Man it's only 2 more days till the dance now!
KC- hi aphmau~senpai!
Aphmau- hey kawaii~chan! Your in a good mood today!
KC- yeah because it's only 2 more days till the dance! And zane~kun asked kawaii~chan on a date just as friends today
Aphmau- wow way to go kawaii~chan!
KC- yeah and this is all taking kawaii~chan mind off of resse~kun
Aphmau- yeah I'm glad he didn't come back but we haven't seen him in awhile now maybe he's planning something?
KC- kawaii~chan just wants to have some fun tonight and then the dance will be soon and she can more fun there!
Katelyn- ummmm aph what did you do to kawaii~chan?
Aphmau- she's just excited for the dance
Katelyn- yeah me too I was hanging out with Travis after all that "stuff" went on
Aphmau- yeah I was just texting my friend FC and then I texted laurence
Katelyn- wait, who is FC?
Aphmau- oh he's a friend I meet on this video game I play
Katelyn- what's his name?
Aphmau- he doesn't tell me but I don't tell him too he just calls me Shu. But kawaii~chan are you going to be ok on the date with Zane?
KC- yes but does aphmau~senpai have any tips?
Aphmau- just be yourself and don't say anything weird but I know that you will do great
KC- thank you
Katelyn- and if he breaks your heart like resse did he will pay!
KC- don't Katelyn~chan kawaii~chan will make sure he won't
Zane- hey kawaii~chan
KC- hey zane~kun
Aphmau- me and Katelyn will leave you two be
Zane- so...
KC- kawaii~chan want to say thank you for asking her on a date for tonight
Zane- it's no problem and I won't make you sad just like resse did
KC- thank you
*Bell rings*
KC- well see you tonight zane~kun!
Zane- same to you
*Later tonight*
Zane- *knock*
Kawaii~chan mom- hi Zane is it?
Zane- yes are you kawaii~chans mom?
Kawaii~chan mom- yes come in she will be ready soon
Zane- ok thank you
Kawaii~chan mom- kawaii~chan! Get down here! Zane is here!
KC- coming!
Zane- hey kawaii~chan
KC- hi Zane~kun are you ready?
Zane- yes
KC- ok mom well be back at 7:00
KC- so what movie does zane~kun want to see?
Zane- umm how about this new movie called "roommates"?
KC- sure kawaii~chan will love to since she never seen it
Zane- me too but I've seen the commerical and it seems really good
KC- what's it about?
Zane- it's about these 4 guys and there in this big house and one owns the house, one is a really smart guy, one is a purple guy with an accent, and then one is a narwhal or a sloth I don't really know
KC- ok well- wait what?
Zane- huh? What are you- what are they doing here?
KC- kawaii~chan is going to talk to her
KC- aphmau~senpai what are you doing here?
Aphmau- huh? Kawaii~chan? What are you doing here?
KC- kawaii~chan is on her date with Zane~kun
Aphmau- oh me and Katelyn were going to see a movie called roommates
KC- that's what kawaii~chan and zane~kun are seeing
Aphmau- well we won't disturb you guys
KC- thank you aphmau~senpai
Aphmau- come on Katelyn let's go find some seats!
KC- ok well they won't bother us
Zane- ok well you want to go in?
KC- yeah
After the movie Zane took kawaii~chan home and they said bye to each other.
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