The dance!
Aphmau- ok mom well I'm ready
Sylvania- ok well laurence should be here any second
*Ding dong*
Sylvania- hello laurence aphmau is all ready
Laurence- aphmau you look amazing!
Aphmau- thank you laurence
Sylvania- ok let me get a picture
*Takes picture*
Aphmau- ok mom we got to go don't wanna be late!
Sylvania- you two have fun!
*In zane, garroth, and Vylad house*
Garroth- are you guys ready?
Vylad- I am even though I don't have a date I'm still going to have fun!
Garroth- yeah but I have to go get cadenza do you want to go with me?
Vylad- I think I'll be fine by myself
Garroth- ok well zane is still getting ready I guess and he has to go get kawaii~chan
Vylad- ok well I'll see you at the dance
Zane- Where did garroth go?
Vylad- oh he went to go get cadenza
Zane- ok well I got to go get kawaii~chan see you at the dance
Vylad- yup
(Ok I really feel bad that vylad doesn't have a date now)
*Kawaii~chan house*
Zane- *knocks on door*
Kawaii~chan mom- hello there again zane you look all dressed up I have to say that kawaii~chan looks so beautiful that you don't even know
Zane- ok well do you mind if I wait for her inside?
Kawaii~chan mom- yeah no problem feel free
Zane- thank you
Kawaii~chan mom- kawaii~chan! Zane is here!
KC- coming!
Zane- (Blushes) wow kawaii~chan you look amazing
KC- thank you zane~kun well we should get going
Kawaii~chan mom- ok just one picture?!
KC- ok
*Takes the picture*
KC- ok I'll be back tonight
Kawaii~chan- my baby is growing up so fast
*At the dance*
Aphmau- hey kawaii~chan and Zane!
KC- hi aphmau~senpai and laurence~kun
Zane- aphmau did you see garroth or Vylad come here?
Aphmau- yeah there both inside but I feel bad that Vylad doesn't have a date
Zane- yeah but he said he just wants to have fun with his friends
Aphmau- well what are we wasting time for let's go dance!
Aphmau- oh no laurence look
Laurence- this isn't good if kawaii~chan sees him then she will start crying again
Aphmau- let's just make sure that she doesn't go by him
(Btw it's resse if no one knew that)
Aphmau- Katelyn!
Katelyn- hey guys man this place looks amazing you guys did this!?
Aphmau- yup it was me, laurence, garroth, kawaii~chan, zane, and Vylad.
Katelyn- well me and Travis are going to hit the dance floor
Aphmau- I wonder why happened to Jeffrey?
Laurence- do you want to go dance?
Aphmau- I bet I can dance better than you!
Laurence- oh is that a challenge I hear?
Aphmau- you know it is!
Laurence- I'll do it right here, right now!
Aphmau- bring it!
Meanwhile with kawaii~chan and Zane.....
KC- so does Zane~kun want to dance?
Zane- I'm not good at dancing...
KC- it doesn't matter let's just have fun!
Zane- ok
* Zane and kawaii~chan dance together*
KC- I'm having so much fun zane~kun!
Zane- me too
But can I tell you something?
KC- sure
Zane- kawaii~chan I've always had feelings for you but I've only had them from when you fell on me at the lockers
KC- yeah kawaii~chan has the same feelings too
Zane- so what does this mean?
KC- *she kisses him*
Aphmau- oh my Irene! Laurence! Look!
Laurence- oh no she didn't!
Aphmau- I'm so happy for her!
Zane- kawaii~chan you didn't have to do that...
KC- it was her first kiss but it's the best kiss kawaii~chan will have
Zane- heh, it was my first kiss too
KC- well let's dance!
KC- thank you for taking kawaii~chan to the dance it was really fun
Zane- yeah well I'll see you over the summer
KC- you too
Well guys that is the end of this book but who says it's not going somewhere else? But I have some good news and bad news. So the good news is that there will be a new book called "zanechan season 2". Yup a second book! Ok but the bad news is that it won't be until like few weeks? So that means it won't be until December 25th! So I hope you enjoyed this book if you did please leave a like and check out my laurmau series and my other books too and stay tuned for season 2!😁
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