Aphmau mom- aphmau! Are you ready!
Aphmau- yes mom! Just fixing up my hair a little!
Aphmau mom- just come do it in the car were going to be late!
Aphmau- ok fine I'm coming!
*Aphmau comes down*
Aphmau mom- ok get your butt in the car I have the food ready and I don't want it to be cold!
(Ok I'm going to make you guys understand what's going on. So aphmau and her mom are going to Katelyns house for Thanksgiving)
*Aphmau and her mom arrive at Katelyns house*
*Aphmau knocks on door*
Katelyn- hey aphmau!
Aphmau- hey Katelyn!
Katelyn- we were waiting for you guys come in!
Aphmau- wow this is a really nice place!
Katelyn- thanks it's kind of old though
Aphmau mom- well I think it's really nice
Katelyn- my dad is in the kitchen if you want to see him but aph do you want to hang out in my room?
Aphmau- sure
Katelyn- so what did you do yesterday?
Aphmau- I was hanging out with kawaii~chan and Zane at the park
Katelyn- wait, why were you with Zane?!
Katelyn- I don't know kawaii~chan said she invited him
Katelyn- wait kawaii~chan invited him?!
Aphmau- yeah
Katelyn- ok I'm getting the feeling that she and him really like each other
Aphmau- yeah but don't tell anyone but I kind of kicked zane in the face
Katelyn- wow I didn't know you were that tough
Aphmau- hey! I said I was sorry! But then kawaii~chan had an ice pack for him and he was blushing.
Katelyn- oh my Irene! Oh yeah, I didn't tell you who I'm going with yet cause of you know laurence and garroth interrupting me!
Aphmau- oh yeah so who are you going with?!
Katelyn- ok I'm going with-
Katelyn dad- katelyn! Aphmau! Come on were ready to eat!
Katelyn- ok why do these things keep happening?!
Aphmau- just tell me right now
Katelyn- ok I'm going with Travis and I'll explain why when we are done eating
Aphmau- ok but I want to say that I'm happy you picked him
Aphmau and Katelyn go downstairs and eat and then aphmau asked if she can spend the night and her mom said yes.
Katelyn- ok so here are some pajamas
Aphmau- thanks I'll be in the bathroom be right back
Katelyn- I wonder if she will say yes to laurence for the dance?
*Aphmau gets out of bathroom*
Aphmau- wow katelyn I love your pajamas!
Katelyn- thanks but can I ask you something?
Aphmau- sure is everything alright?
Katelyn- thanks everything is perfect. I just want to know if you will say yes to laurence? He's a really nice guy and you deserve someone like that.
Aphmau- I'm going to say my answer. It's just I need to wait to see what my mom says.
Katelyn- yeah me too I can't tell Travis until I ask my dad
Aphmau- oh yeah did i ever tell you that my mom and your dad known each other for a long time?
Katelyn- well actually my dad told me that
Aphmau- I actually can't believe that. Katelyn, what if we could of became sisters?
Katelyn- you know that would kind of be cool
Aphmau- well of course it would I can spend all day with you
Katelyn- aww thanks
Katelyn dad- girls! I think you should go to sleep now it's getting late!
Katelyn- ok dad! Good night!
Aphmau- good night Mr. Katelyn dad!
Katelyn dad- good night aphmau!
Aphmau- your dad is so cool
Katelyn- yeah where do you think I came from?
Aphmau- ok well good night katelyn
Katelyn- good night aph
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