Laurence jealous?!
Aphmau wakes up and sees rain just coming down in her window.
Aphmau- ugh come on you have to be kidding me!
Aphmau mom- aphmau come on I'll drive you to school!
Aphmau- ok thanks mom
Aphmau mom- it's what moms do
Aphmau- hey kawaii~chan!
KC- hi aphmau~senpai
Aphmau- what are you doing?
KC- nothing just kawaii~chan is kind of upset about yesterday.
Aphmau- I know how you feel but resse will never bother you again you have a lot of people on your side even if you think you don't. I'm here, garroth is here, Katelyn is here, laurence is here, Vylad is here, and maybe zane too.
KC- thanks aphmau~senpai!
*She hugs her tight*
Aphmau- yeah no problem
KC- oh yh kawaii~chan for got to tell aphmau~senpai that zane~kun asked kawaii~chan to the dance!
Aphmau- he did! (Yes I knew it)
KC- yeah now kawaii~chans ship can sail. Maybe.
Aphmau- yeah but I knew he was going to ask you.
KC- ok well-
Katelyn- hey aphmau! And kawaii~chan.
Aphmau- hey Katelyn
*Bell rings*
Aphmau- oh we should get to homeroom now
*Time skips to aphmau class with garroth and laurence*
Aphmau- so laurence are you ok about what happened yesterday?
Laurence- yeah just a bruise is all
Garroth- well I'm really sorry that I wasn't there at the time you guys needed me.
Aphmau- it's ok garroth you can be there next time but what we all need to do is make sure resse doesn't mess with any of us. I think that he might go to laurence or zane because he hated you and him the most. I think he said that "you guys were running everything".
Laurence- I bet he was trying to ask kawaii~chan to that dance.
Aphmau- but zane already asked her.
Garroth- he did?! He never told me.
Aphmau- I guess he didn't want to tell you at the moment
Garroth- yeah I guess, he doesn't get out much. He just sits in his room and plays a lot of video games all day.
Aphmau- hey I do that too!
Garroth- really?!
Aphmau- yeah it's where I meant this one guy, his name is FC but he won't tell me his real name. I guess it's because he doesn't know my name. But I don't even know what he looks like too.
Laurence- well what's like his personality?
Aphmau- well I know he is a nice person and that I've known him ever since I was like in middle school. So I would say a long time. Also I don't think he would hurt someone, but he likes to joke a lot with me.
Laurence- he sounds really...nice.
Aphmau- are you ok laurence?
Laurence- yeah I'm good but I need to ask you something after school is that ok?
Aphmau- yeah it's perfect just need to make sure my mom isn't going to pick me up.
Laurence- ok well see you after school.
I must make sure that I ask her before she likes someone else. I know I've only known her for 3 months but she seems super nice. I don't want to be jealous.
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