Halloveen PT 3
Zane- aphmau! I found her!
Aphmau- oh my gosh! Kawaii~chan! Don't ever run off like that again!
KC- I'm sorry aphmau~chan
Aphmau- kawaii~chan what's wrong there are tears almost running down your face?
KC- can kawaii~chan talk to aphmau~chan in private?
Aphmau- yes. We'll be back guys!
*Garroth pulls Zane over*
Garroth- zane what did you do?
Zane- why do you think it was me?!
Garroth- I'm sorry but what happened with kawaii~chan?
Zane- kawaii~chan said that her resse cheated on her
Garroth- wait so that means we don't need the plan anymore?
Zane- yeah so this time I'm taking the first move
Garroth- but wait you can't do that because she still doesn't know you like her maybe just keep waiting
Zane- yeah and plus I don't want anyone to find out too
Garroth- yeah but we should enjoy the party and then go to sleep and head to school
Zane- sounds like a plan and I'll try to cheer kawaii~chan up
Garroth- oh man my baby brother is growing up so fast I might to change "baby brother" to just "brother".
Zane- ugh just stop
Garroth- ok but let's go
Zane- yeah
Zane- so um kawaii~chan are you ok?
KC- yes kawaii~chan is fine she just needs to have time to herself please zane~kun?
Zane- ok I'll leave you be but if you want to talk to someone then talk to me. K?
KC- ok thank you zane~kun
I never thought Zane~senpai was so nice before
Zane- yeah it's no problem
But you should just enjoy the party when it lasts because tomorrow is November 1st (yes ik it's already November 1st just go with it)
KC- ok will zane~kun hang out with kawaii~chan?
Zane- ummm....sure? Here let me help you up.
KC- thanks zane~kun now let's go dance or get down sweets
Zane- ok
*Monday morning*
Aphmau- oh man that party was so good but now I have to go to school but I cant believe that jerk resse just cheated on kawaii~chan. But he said someone just did it on purpose? I don't know but I'll remember her if I see her.
Aphmau mom- aphmau! Are you ready!
Aphmau- yes! I'm coming down to eat right now!
*Aphmau leaves and goes to the bus*
Laurence- well hello there beautiful
Aphmau- oh hi Laurence!
Laurence- do did you enjoy the party last night?
Aphmau- yeah it was really fun! But kawaii~chan said that resse cheated on her?
Laurence- oh no he didn't!
Aphmau- oh yes he did!
Laurence and aphmau- *laughs*
Aphmau- man it's good when we joke with each other
Laurence- when I'm with you I'm always going to be in a good mood
Aphmau- *blushes* thank you
Laurence- yeah but do you want to go to school now?
Aphmau- yeah I need to find someone
Laurence- really!? Who?
Aphmau- a cat girl named michi?
Laurence- ugh I hate her!
Aphmau- wait you know her?
Laurence- yup! She was my ex-girlfriend
Aphmau- wow how did you guys brake up?
Laurence- we got in a fight because I found out she liked resse and just dumped me by text.
Aphmau- wow so she did like him!
Laurence- yeah and she probably thought he didn't have a girlfriend and just kissed him
Aphmau- yeah thanks Laurence! Oh we should go to school were going to be late!
Laurence- oh my gosh I didn't look at the time gosh!
Aphmau- ok let's hurry!
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