America Pov
We were on a ship me and maddie was in a cell she was drinking milk (beast feeding) she was open her little eyes her beautful light blue eyes with her black hair and pale skin you just look like your father I hear someone coming down stairs it was Lord Aphmau with someone in a chains it was My......... Mom she hug me and said "You look just like your father America nicki Ro'meave." she kisses you on your forehead she see you holding a baby. We stopped at the docks of GoldenDrop Lord Aphmau come down stairs and she took maddie away from me and her gaurds took us to the jail and told us "Will be kill tommoworr at noon and Lord Irene will be kill first then you will be next." you yelled "NO LORD APHMAU YOU NOT GOING TO KILL MY FAMILY YOUR KIDS DIED FOR YOU AND MY MOM IS GOING TO BE KILLED." Lord Aphmau come into the cell pinned me to the wall and she had a sword out and was about to stab me but some one throw a rock at her and fell to the ground she was knockout just in time for me and my mom to get out of the cell i took the keys but her's hand grabbed my hand and stab me. In the leg she said "GET back in at cell now irene or i will kill you right NOW." you were knock out.
Zane Pov
My love she going be killed by Lord Aphmau Gene was crying he was about. Fall asleep then I hear someone and I was black out a man who was about America age and a man who was dress in a shadow suite and I see both of there eyes were red and think maybe it America. Brother and her's dad he said. "Hello who are you and where my daughter." the man said " My name is Zane Ro'meave I married your daughter we had kids and your daughter was tooken by lord aphmau she want to killed her and I think your wife and she want maddie to be her daughter you have twins. One girl and one boy there names is maddie and the other one is Gene shadow Ro'meave and Maddie Irene Ro'meave your grandkids middle names was your guys name sir. I want your daughter to be in my life again and I you want you see her and to the same thing to you zexin I really sorry your daughter is taken away from me and to you guys." he started to tear up little and he filp his eye and they see a srac on his face they unlocked zane and go to goldendrop it a tu'ral region let go now so your daughter and your wife with your new granddaughter.
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