I'm so excited to present my first review!
It's going to be a paranormal novel called "The Undivulged Son" by @Egwuji .
The person in the cover is described as a "compassionate devil" and I have to commend how it is reflected on the cover. The man bears a cold, intimidating, gaze and posture which should justify the dark, "devil" nature the character should possesses.
The white wings behind him however, show that the reader shouldn't be too quick to judge. The "compassionate" adjective proves itself here, that even though he has a dark side, there is some form of good in him. It shows who he is, beyond the stereotypical "devil's son" nature.
His true nature is also seen in the contrast between the lower, dark part of the cover and the relatively lighter, upper part.
I honestly love how the cover is and admire the message it sends. Great job!
Through the blurb, the reader finds out the main character's purpose. There are also some critical questions asked which would make one want to read the chapters to find the answers.
Right from the beginning, one gets to see the character for what he's described as in the blurb.
His physical appearance and interaction with his father shows his devilish side while the level of compassion he allegedly possesses is revealed through the sympathy he shows the woman by giving her some water and feeling sorry for her when Lucifer tortures her at such a young age. It justifies why the main character feels differently towards his family's plans later in life and wants to stop them even though he's like them.
I honestly didn't have much of a problem with the grammar in your book.
There were acceptable spacing and paragraphs and very few mistakes.
The words used also create the right form of imagery, even going beyond the classic visual kind.
I read only 8 chapters so I wasn't able to encounter all the characters.
I like how the characters are developed through dialogue and their thoughts. Ted's character honestly shocked me with the whole daughter thing. I thought I had him figured out!
I'll just like to say that I didn't think I would like your book since I wasn't really a fan of paranormal novels but your book has given me a whole new perspective!
"The Undivulged Son" has a lot of promise and I believe with a few minor improvements it'll go really far!
Thanks so much for being the first to request for a review! I hope I was of help.
Quick confession: I didn't really go through the mature scenes, sorry!
Check out "The Undivulged Son" guys!
Have a wonderful day and I'm going to work on the other requests as soon as I can! Thank you for your support 😊.
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