(Yuya's POV)
We went to the fair with the whole gang, which originally was supposed to just be me and (Y/n), but she insisted on it. We already spent a lot of tickets for rides and carnival games, but we have but so many left. I pulled Yuzu aside.
"We only have 10 tickets left, you all have to go" I told her.
"Why do we need to leave?" Yuzu asked me. I pointed at (Y/n), who was smiling widely.
"If you don't remember, this was supposed to be a date" Yuzu laughed before calling the others over.
"Um, guys we have to go, we have that....thing to go to" Sora looked at her confused.
"What 'thing'?" He asked.
"Oh you know, the thing" Yuzu answered pushing him to the front.
"But my high score!"
"That score will be the anything that's high if you don't come on" Yuzu whispered to him. She winked and elbows me before leaving.
"I guess we should go to, huh?" (Y/n) said looking at me.
"We don't have to, we still have like 10 tickets left" I told her.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah! So what do you wanna do?" She looked around, her eyes landing on the Tunnel.....of....Love.
"How about that one?" She asked me. I immediately blushed.
"Are ya sure your ready for that, it's a really....lovey dovey one?" I looked away so she wouldn't see my blush.
"Sure, don't couples get on that ride? And we are a couple, right?" I couldn't help but blush even more.
"Right, but we've never done this before" I look to her. She was blushing really bad.
"True, but it'll be a good experience" we walked over to the ride and luckily there was no line.
"Ready?" She asked squeezing my hand.
"Ready" I said.
(After the ride)
(Y/n's POV)
"Well...that was....something?" You asked Yuya. Of course something happened.
Yuya leaned in to kiss me, but then one of the tiny little cupids fell, hanging by a thread. Yuya ended up kissing the little statue instead. He immediately pulled back and the doll fell, making me flinch and fall backwards in the water. Yuya tried to help me out but he fell in too.
"It sure wasn't romantic" he replies. I nod my head before noticing the photo booth. Oh the memories we all made in that photo booth. We laughed, we cried, we even smiled, all of it starting when we were just little babies.
"How about we go in there?" Yuya asks me as if he's reading my mind.
"But what about taking it as a crew? We've never taken one without Yuzu" he just smiled
"We've always got next year"
We took one with us both smiling with a wink, but I then made it interesting.
"Girlfriend cuddle attack!" I exclaimed jumping on him. My lips touch his as we fell down together. I pulled back and smiled at him before hopping up, grabbing the pictures we took, and ran off, Yuya chased you the whole time.
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