There he stood. His eyes more red then they've ever been, more glowy. It was him, yet it wasn't. You heard of it from your friends, but never had you seen it. It was scarier than described. There stood your boyfriend, one of the happiest people on Earth that could always make you smile, was now evilified, berserk. Yuya's stance at the moment scared you. His opponent was severely damaged and another blow could kill him. You stood there, frozen. Dueling would make things worst. You were the only one who could fix it, is what your friends told you, but how?
'Think, (Y/n), think!' You mentally screamed towards yourself. Yuya was slowly making his way to the kid in front of him.
"Yuya! Stop!" He turned to look at you. The kid he was dueling ran away as fast as they could. At least your voice finally found its way to your mouth. Yuya and you had a staring contest, neither looking away.
"This isn't you , Yuya" you say to him. He slowly walks over, scaring you.
His eyes stared into your soul, connecting pieces one by one. You knew what you had to do, it always worked in story books.
"Y-Yuya, I-I love y-you" you say. You never said it out loud, but he always knew you did. He came slower. You couldn't bare looking at him like this, it drove you crazy.
Before you could stop yourself, you ran up to him and kissed him. Yuya froze, before eventually kissing back. You opened your eyes when you felt his arms on your waist. You eventually closed them and soaked in the moment. You wanted to stay like this forever, but you couldn't.
Yuya licked your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You denied, but he bit your lip, you gasp and he sticks his tongue in. Your tongues wrestle with each other until you hear someone clearing their throat.
"*Ahem*" you both back away quickly with a trail of saliva coming from your mouths. You both immediately wipe it away with giant blushes on your faces.
"Told you they were probably making out!" Yuzu exclaims to Serena. Your faces were as red as Yuya's hair.
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