"stay with me...please"
i feel somone stroking my cheek my eyes slowly open "good morning kitten." yurio says "its too early." i say putting a pillow over my face "not really." he says i sigh and sit up i run my fingers through my messy hair and look at the clock 5:00 i sigh he sits up and hugs my waist he kisses my neck i giggle"hey stop we have to get up soon." i say "not nessicarily." he says kissig my jaw line i laugh and kiss him i sit on his lap and kis him i run my fingers through his hair i hear a knock on the door "ah Hold on>" we both say i get off and fall off the bed "yuri walks in "um victor is going to be pissed if youre ready on time okay so hurry up. oh and yuri try not to push youre girlfriend off the bed." he says and closes the door we both look at each other "he knows?" i ask him he shrugs shaking his head "oh and btw everyone in the house knows that you two are together so stop trying and hiding it." yuri say swalking in agian and then going back out "what did you tell?" he asks me "what no did you?" i ask "what no!" he say i get up he does too he goes to the closet "Oi youre massave body is in my way"i say he laughs i push through him and grab clothes in go in the bathroom and change i put on balck skate pants with aa cream srip and a matching jack and underneath a shirt that say stigers do it better i ordered it and i put my hair in a pony tail i walk out and see yurio leaning against the door holding my bag "i took the liberty and packed it alradey youre welcome." he says "yeah yeah " i kiss him i take it and we walk out victor stands with his chair keys "ya know who spilled the beans on us." yuri asks "dude>" i say "what." he says "how do you guys know?" i ask "teconocly it was yuris falt" yuri says "what." i say "yeah he said that he loved you a few days ago while skting." he says "okay i accidently said my youghts out loud alroght." yurio says i sigh "but victor and i did see you to dancing to whitney huston a couple nights ago when you went 2:30 o'clock ice skating" he say s"what how?" we both asks "there ar a couple cameras and a sighlet alram." victor say s"oh yeah." i say he takes out his i pad and shows us the video "its on youtube now." victor says smiling "victor!" yurio cusses at him in russain "yeah yeah yeah" victor talks back to him we walk out and get into our cars
i skate to my song and nail all my jumps and stuff but keep going back to my computer so many hurtful coments are coming in from things i dont even know "y/n what did i say about the computer while practing." swiss says i grab it and walk off the ice into the bathroom i put it on the counter and look through it 'ew how did she mange to actualy score him' 'he way out of her leuge' 'y/n should already be dead' 'she tried once i think she should try again maybe this time it wont be a fail' i feel tears runing down my cheeks i look at my self in the mirror 'youre so ugly how could anyone love you' 'whats wrong with y/n why are you still here' my thoughts consume me im interupted my a knock "hey y/n are you okay in there?" i hear yuri o says i dont answer him i grab my laptop and walk out yurio grabs my wrist i pull away "get off." i say "y/n whats wrong" he says grabing me agian "i said Get Off!" i say crying he lets go i walk off i take off my skates and put on my slides "y?N where are you going?" victor ask "Y?N!?" he yells "FUCK YOU.... FUCK ICESKATING FUCK LOVE FUCK LIFE IN GENERAL OKAY....... just. leave me alone." i yell back and cry and walk out with my stuff i get in my car and go back to the house
monie and makkachin greet me but i refuse i run into the hall bath room and quickly look through the cabnits i find a shaver i open the new pakage and take out the razor i bring it to my wrist and cut a couple of times i find pain pils and take as many i can i close the door and lock it "Y/n?!" i hear swiss yell down stairs "Y/N!" yurio yells i take down my hair and run my fingers through it i bring the razor to the same spot i tried last time and i cut down deeper this time blood pours out of my arm but i dont feel anything i cut my thighs as well and then i fall on the ground in feel sick and dizzy my world goes black
"FUCK YOU.....FUCK ICE SKAYING FUCK LOVE AND FUCK LIFE IN GENERAL OKAY.....Just. leave me alone." y/n yells at everyone then runs out she starts the car and leaves "shit! shit shit shit.." swiss says taking off his skates "we have to get home now." he says getting his phone out "hello 9**" he calls (cant put that nuber inlol sorry guys ps dont hurt youre self all of you my litle snowflakes are beautiful and yall are special beautiful or handsome snowflakes i love yall) "what why." i say taking off my skates victor and yuri do as well "iys kat last time she stormed off like this she...." he stops and grabs his stuff we all do and run out side we drive to the house the front door it left open "Y/N" swiss yells his eyes are glassy "Y?N " i yell i hear thuding up stairs i run up ther i feel tears running down my cheeks the hall bathroom is lock i try busting it down with my shoulder so do the other guys no luck "Y/N!!" i scream i contniue im damaging my shoulder but i dont care i bang on the door i look down and see a bit of red liquid come from inside the bathroom "y/n i swaer to god please!" I yell i kick the door and hit it with my shoulder agin a straight five minutes of trying to openth fucking door i finaly bust it open i stop and see her lying on the floor her arm in a pool of blood her hair also go in it a bit she dosnt move at all i fall to the floor and hold her shes limb and isnt breathing "hey y/n wake up please y/n wake up!" i say i hug her "no come on please." i say shw dosnt repond "hey no stay with my please wkae up stay with me....plaese."
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