next competition
few days later
i put up my hair and put on my ice skating jacket i finish lacing up my shoes and then grab my bag i open the door i look over and see yurio sleeping soundly monie sneeks up uder his arm he snuggles with her i think he thinks its me i walk over to him and move his hair out of his face i kiss his cheek he starts to wake up "oh sorry did i wake you." i say "no." he says rubbing his eyes i smile "where are you going." he asks "to the rink." i say he looks at the clock "it 2;00 in the morning." he says "i know go back to bed." i say "nope im comming with you." he says getting up "no you really dont have to." i say " iknow he says walking over to closet "imma be out side the door" i say he nods i walk out and close the door quietly i sit on the staires he comes out a couple minutes later "come on." he says we walk down the stairs quietly he trip over something "pftt" i hold my laugh in he nudges me we walk out the door "come on." i say and start running "this will be our warm up." i say he runs next to me
we get there fast i open the doors and he turns on the lights "sometimes i cant belive that victor owns this place." he says "mm" i nod i sit and put on my skate he sits next to me and does the same he stand up when hes done i finish he holds out a hand i take it he leads me to the ice we both get on i skate around for a few seconds getting used to the ice again i do some spis and jumps but i fail on my jumps acouple times "hey you okay" he says skating over to me "yeah im fine." i say "you always make youre jumps." he says helping me up "yeah i know.' i say and skate off i press play to the song i feel everything at once and start to skate
i watch as she skates i havent seen her skate with this much passion ever. i watch in aw she spins and jumps she lands them this time she has a sad experssion on her face though i want to make her smile how. i skate up to her and join she holds my hand and we do the rountine together we jump and spin and hold each others hands we end up free skating together. the song soon ends i hold her close to me she looks up at me i put my hand on her cheek she smiles "thank you." she says "anytime." i say i kiss her forehead we pull away i go over and play a random song that happens to be dance with somebody by whitney huston oh no this is victors favortie song i skate over slightly dancing she looks away "no not happening." she says i grab her hands and spin her she smiles "why are you so wired." she says and pulls away she turns around i wrap my arms around her and sway she laughs "fine." she turns around we skate around and dance
i hear a beeping sound i groan and sit up i look and see its the signal for the ice rink i gasp "victor vitcor wake up." i say and move him "w-what whats wrong." he sasy his hair is mesy which is cute, not now yuri, "the sighlet alarm went off." i say "what?! " he says "for the rink someones in there." i say "What!at 2:30" he grab his i pad and turn on the camera yurio and y/n skate on the ice dancing to whitney huston i smile victor does too "awww" we both say and laugh the song then switches to something slow and they slow dance "yurio told me that he loved y/n" i say "he did." victor says smiling i nod then they kiss "ahhh!" victor screams i laugh "vitya shhh" i say the looks at me then blushes and tackles me "aw yuri say that again." he yells hugging me "shhh victor." i say he laughs
Time skip
i wake up in yuris arms i sit up and run my fingers through my hair moving it out my face "this is a really good angle for you." yuri says i look over and see him smiling i smile back "really." i say moving closer "mmhm." he says we kiss he moves so hes on top of me we pull away i smile he kisses me again and then kisses my face i laugh "yuri stop haha" i laugh he kisses me scilencing my laugh
i walk down stair he follows "good mornig." victor says creepily "uh mornig?' i say and walk into the kitchen i grab a bowl granola strawberry yogart and berries i put them together meanwhile yuri just takes orange jucie and drinks it from the bottle "ew yuri no." i say and take it away "what." he says i laugh and put it away "here" i take some of mine and feed him some "make me some of that." i laugh and take another bowl he wraps his arms around ay waist and kisses my neck i smile as i tickles i hand him the bowl with a spoon. "tankou" he says in a baby voice pecking my lips i smile "ur welcom." i say back we walk out of the kitchen and start to head up stairs "where you two going." yuri says "upstairs dude." yuri says "heh heh okay dont to anything dirty." victor says smirking "victor what the hell!" i say we walk up i pass swiss but dont talk to him we go back into the room and close the door monie is on the bed "ugh" yuri groan i sit on the bed and kiss monie he sits next to me i turn on the tv to ice skating yuri reaches for the remote "dont even think about it." i say "why id dont want to watch something i can do" he says "give it fifteen minutes." i say he sighs "fine." he puts on his hood and leans back eating i giggle and watch
i look over yuri is staring at the screen as johnny wier is skating he finishes his score is amazing it goes to comercail. "so do you like it." i say "what huh oh no... i -i can do all of that mabye more." he says "sure you loved it come on admit it." i say "no" he says i poke his cheeks he lares "you loved it." i say he frowns "i love you." he says my eyes widen i kiss him he kisses back "i love you too." i say he smiles i do as well
i sit on the couch my feet on yuris lap "hey yuri?" i ask "huh" he ask "how do you know if someone youre dating knows youre birthday." i ask "why are you asking." he says "no reason i just have this friends at home." i say "well they'll know." he says "did victor know youre's?" i ask "w-wel no but to be be fair victor forgets lots of things." he says blushing i giggle "ok." i say "hey y/n yuri get up were going to the rink." victor says coming down stairs "why. theres not supposed to be practice today." i say "well you and yurio have a competiton remeber so until then you and him are going to practice every day at the same time." he says i graon "if i die its youre fault i say and get up i walk up stairs i open the bedroom door yuri sit in the bean bag on his phone "yuri victor is making us practice okay" i say "what why." he says "he said that the comp is voming up soon so we have to practice at the same time everyday" i say walking over to the closet and taking off my shirt i put on a tank top and my ice skating jacket im already wearing black leggings so i dont have to changes that iput on black fluffy slides i walk over yuri and sit on his lap he puts down his phone and puts his hands on my waist "you have to get ready." i say "you have to stop being cute." he says getting closer "im sorry thats not happening" i say "then im not getting ready." he says and kisses me i kisss back we pull away "getready " i say and get up i grab my bag and pack up my stuff "he does as well we walk out "come on." victor say swe go out and into the car.
we end at the rink and walk inside i sigh and sit down next to yuri we lace up our skates i stand and walk off i skate on the ice i rmember the mornig i smile "alright you two were going to do drills today well start with basics fast skate to the end and back and side stop twice the swithes twice, bunny hops, walz jump, axels and sowcows. and toe loop go!" victor says we do and top "whats up with victor" yuri asks i shrug we continue
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