37: ~ Hangover(Viktor X Reader) ~
Viktor X reader
~ Reader’s POV
I open my eyes looking at white ceiling. My head feels super heavy. What the hell happened?. Then I realize, I’m not in my room. Where the hell am I ? I feel a tight grip on my waist. I look on my left and I see a MAN?!!. I look down and sigh as I see I’m still wearing my dress. I look at the man again, he’s wearing shirt also. He has silver/platinum short hair, skinny face which is a handsome face. Who is he? Why can’t I remember anything about last night? Damn this is a really bad hangover. I look around try to find my purse and all I see are posters of man with Viktor Nikforov written all over them. I try to let go of his grip slowly without waking him up and find my purse to get my phone. Suddenly he hug me tighter and my face crash on his chest.
“mmm.. let’s sleep a while more..” he said mumbling over my head. I don’t know why but I find his embrace is warm and comforting. Wait. You can’t do this at time like this. You have to find out what happened and who is he.
“s-s-sorry… b-b-but who are you..?” I said pushing his chest slowly. I look at him then he open his eyes.
“mmm..Good morning to you too..” he said ruffling his messy hair.
“w-who are you?” I said making my distance from him.
“Who am I ? Well that’s different from what you said last night.” He said yawning
“What?? What the hell happened last night ??!” I said get up and sit on the bed covering my body with the blanket.
“you don’t remember?” he said
“well if I do remember, I wouldn’t ask you that question would I ?? So tell me!”
“hey.. relax.. okay I will tell you, but first tell me what is the last thing you remember? So I know where to start.” He said then sits in front of me on the bed
“I remember walking out of my hotel and my friend picked me up because she’s been nagging me to go to this party of her friends. She said it’s for the sake of my last night in Russia. Then she takes me to this house…”
“my house.” He said.
“yeah, your house and get in to your party.. then everything blurred after that.”
“that’s it?”
“Nothing else? Woah, that must be one hell of hangover that you had.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Okay, my turn. First, Nothing happened between us last night.” He said and I let out a relieve sigh. He chuckle looking at my reaction.
“Last night is actually my friend Yuri’s birthday party, he used my house because it’s bigger. Your friend, Mia. I saw you arrive with her. Then she introduces you to me and all my friends. Then you start dancing with her, while I’m with my friends. After a while, I saw you outside drinking beer and shots. I approach you and sit beside you while you keep drinking beer after beer, shots after shots. I’m drinking too but not as crazy as you. I tell you to stop drinking but you just take another bottle of beer then take me to the dance floor and dance with me.” He said. I can’t help the embarrassment so I cover my face with my hand.
“Why are you covering your face?” He laughs.
“That is too embarrassing.” I said.
“hahahaa.. You want me to continue or not?” he said, taking my hand from my face looking at my eyes.
“Please continue..”
“So we danced, and you’re pretty wasted. I finally took the bottle from your hand. It’s not that I mind dancing with you. I have a great time , you’re a great dancer I can tell. “
“For a drunk person.”
“No, seriously. You are a great dancer drunk or not. So, while dancing with you I saw Mia walking out with my friend Yuri. She’s been having a crush on Yuri for like..”
“2 years, I know.”
“yeah.. so I don’t want to disturb those two lovebirds. After dancing, you sit on the couch, still wasted. Then the guest left the house, and I see you sleeping on my couch. Then I pick you up and take you to sleep on my room, well not together at first.”
“what do you mean, at first?”
~ Viktor’s POV
{ Flashback }
I look at her sleeping face and she is the most beautiful girl that I’ve ever seen. She’s not fake like any other girls that come to me. There’s something about her that makes me want to be with her always. Her body will hurt if she sleeps on the couch like this. I pick her up and take her to my room. I lay her on my bed and take a look at her face once again and smile. As I turn around from her, suddenly she grab my arm. I look at her and sit on the bed.
“please don’t leave..” she said with her eyes opened. Then she pull me to her into a deep kiss. Her lips are soft and I just can’t resist those lips. I pull out from the kiss as I feel her quiet. I open my eyes and I see her already falls asleep with her hand still holding my hand tight. Then I lay right beside her, looking at her face. She’s one hell of a girl. Her cute sleeping face. It’s your entire fault, now I don’t think I can take my eyes off of you. I said then fall asleep.
{end of Flashback}
~ Reader’s POV
“WE KISSED?!!” I said, well scream.
“that is embarrassing. I’m so sorry. Aahh!” I said, covering my face again as I hear him laughing.
“hey, that’s okay..”
“I’m sorry for giving you such trouble and for the kiss, I’m so sorry.. maybe I should leave now.” I said as I try to get up from the bed and stand on the floor. Suddenly I feel my feet are limp and my head are spinning then I fall from the bed and hit my head on the floor.
“OUUWW!! DAMN IT!!” I said then sit on the floor try to withhold the pain and embarrassment.
“Stop rushing. See now you’re hurt. Is it that bad?” Viktor said sitting on the floor looking at my forehead that turns out to be red. He smiles then rub the hurt spot on my forehead gently.
“stay still..” He said as I try to avoid his hand.
“I’m sorry..” I said.
“Stop saying sorry.. you didn’t do anything wrong to be sorry. Who said that you should leave? Don’t leave that fast, at least have breakfast first then I will take you back to your hotel. This is what you get by forcing to rushing out while having a bad hangover. Having a bad hangover with empty stomach is worse” He said smiling still rubbing my forehead. I can only stare at him when he said those words.
“it feel better now?” he said.
“mm.. yeah.. thank you..” I said looking at him smiling then suddenly he kiss my forehead softly and I froze.
“you’re welcome. Now let me make you some breakfast. You want to stay here or somewhere else?”
“hmm.. c-c-can I have a shower first? My body smells like I’ve been dumped in a beer barrel.”
“hahahaa.. you’re funny.. sure..” He said then he takes a towel and give it to me.
“the bathroom is right across the room. Take anytime you want. and here’s my clothes I think it will fit on you, change into this while you dress get washed in the machine.” He said and giving me a t-shirt and short.
“thanks, again.” I said as I see him walking out of the room.
“oh! And by the way, In case you forget, well I know you do. My name is Viktor. Call me if you need anything else, I’ll be at the kitchen.” He said looking back to the room then leave to the kitchen.
I go to the bathroom then take a quick shower, still trying to recall anything about last night. Then I remember Viktor. Why is he so nice to me?. I mean, I’ve been giving a lot troubles for him. I don’t know why everytime I see his eyes, his smile, his face I feel safe and comfort. I keep thinking about that feeling in my mind while throwing my dress into the machine and get it washed. I get out of the bathroom wearing his clothes. His shirt and shorts fit perfectly on me, maybe because we both have the same skinny type of body.
“oh! You’re done. Sit right there, breakfast is almost done.” He said pointing the chair beside the dining table.
“okay, but do you know where my purse is? I need to use my phone.”
“yeah, it’s right beside the tv. It’s yours right?”
“hmm? Yeah. Definitely mine.” I said then take my purse and sit on the chair. I look at my cell phone and see 20 missed calls and 10 messages all from Mia. She must be damn worried about me or she just wants to tell me about what happened with her and Yuri last night. I’m replying her texts when Viktor put breakfast on the table and it in front of me.
“your phone have been ringing since the moment I walk to the kitchen.”
“yeah, it’s Mia. She’s been leaving like 20 missedcalls and 10 messages asking where I am.”
“hmm.. She and Yuri also call me nonstop until I pick up right before you walk out of the bathroom. And I told her that you’re fine here with me.” He said
“ Thanks..” I said.
“no problem.. let’s eat, I’m starving.” He said and we start eating our breakfast then talk to each other comfortably.
“so.. I heard you said that night is your last night in Russia? That means you’re leaving?” He said.
“yeah, I’m leaving at midnight.”
“isn’t that too Cinderella? The whole leaving at midnight thing?” He said while chuckling.
“Well, yeah now that I think about it. But really, I have the last flight at 23.50 from Russia. It’s midnight right?” I said laughing.
“so you only have less than 12hours to catch your flight and leave Russia?”
“that’s sad.” He said in a very low voice that I barely hear it.
“oh. Nothing.” He said. I look at his face , I don’t know why the more I see him the more I don’t want to leave him. It’s weird. I mean we barely knew each other. Hell we don’t know about each other.
“What if…” he said again
‘What if?”
“What if I can make you stay?”
“wait, what?”
“I said, what if I can make you stay here in Russian. With me.”
“you want me to stay here with you?”
“yeah, why? Do you hate staying with me?”
“hm? No it’s not that I hate you or anything, it’s just that we barely knew each other. We met in such a bad way, hell I don’t even remember how we met until you told me this morning. It’s too awkward and embarrassing for me to meet you like that. I mean, I like you, but.” I stopped and slapped myself mentally when I said ‘I like you’ . I’m always like this, talking a lot when I’m nervous saying everything on my mind without a control. Why am I nervous? Do I really like him??. I look at his face slowly and see him smiling.
“So, you like me?” He said.
“what?! Well…hmm..I mean…” I said trying to control my words and find excuse for my blabbering. Suddenly he gets up from his seat, walk and stop right beside me. He lowers his body kneeling on the floor looking to my face. Damn, he’s gorgeous.
“I know what you mean. I know we didn’t meet in a proper normal people way. the whole drunk thing last night maybe not the best thing that happen to you, but it’s the best thing that happened for me. So now, why don’t we start over?” He said extend his hand to me and rolling his eyes so I grab his hand shake. I take his hand.
“Hi, I’m Viktor Nikiforov. I know we don’t know each other but I promise in less than 12 hours I will make you want to stay with me here in Russia. If you think I’m weird or anything, it’s okay because, from the first time I saw you I don’t think I can let you go. It’s all because I like you. So let me have the honor to make you change your mind from leaving Russia and me.” He said and I feel myself blush. No one ever said those things to me ever.
“Hi, I’m (y/n). And I think I like you too.” That’s all I can say because I’m still feel touched with his words then he kiss me softly on the lips. Today is the first time that I feel Happy for having a really bad hangover that turns out to be a beautiful hangover.
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