phichit chulanont
The world of a cappella has always been comforting to you since your youth. Making music with other people is something family does. Sure, you could have stuck with learning an instrument and forming a band, but the idea of taking no time to learn how to sing seemed far more appealing.
High school hits, and people are more than willing to try new things in order to find them selves during their final years before complete independence. An a cappella group in your high school was quickly formed, and through many ups and downs, the group finished with five official members that wish to seek a cappella as a career.
Through the help of social media, Rose Gold's fan base quickly grew and it became an actual job. Though not well paying enough to support everyone financially.
"Three shows a night for $200?" Mei questions, throwing the wad of bells onto the table in front of the group's lead singers, more so known as, you.
You sigh, waving a nonchalant hand. "We've only just started a couple months ago. Our fanbase is growing faster than the average. Just give everything time." You explain.
"Now c'mon. Last show of the night." The rest of the group nods their head, exhausted beyond belief.
Celecstino has been searching for inspiration. Something completely new and different for Phichit's next program. His head rakes for ideas, yet none come to mind. It's drawn a blank since last month; and with the next competitions coming up the fact that Celestino can't do his job is life threatening.
A sudden wave of cheering breaks his panicked thoughts. He looks down an open alleyway to see lights erupting behind an open door.
'Some sort of live performance?' Celestino wonders. The bright lights draw him in, and before he knows it he's bought himself a cup of beer and is mingled within the crowd.
The song was half done by the time he arrived, but a minute and a half was enough for him to form parts of a program together.
"We have a what?!" Levi shrieks aloud. You flip the business card in your fingers, scanning over the numbers, information, and the request that they work with him and his student.
"This dude is some big shot coach? For a world known figure skater?" Hiro questions. Everyone looks to their leader, anticipating their next movement.
You swipe through your phone, taking a quick minute to look over the group's social media. As the group leader, the decision to take up on the offer is truly up to said person.
(e/c) trail from face to face, analyzing, calculating, understanding every group member's want to accept the deal. After all, it could be their big break.
A heavy sigh heaves from your lips, "Alright, why not?"
Huge shouts of joy bursts from the room, and champagne is broken out of the storage.
"Is this it?" Mei asks aloud, voice in awe.
The whole group stands outside a massive ice rink, fancy looking cars parked outside and guard standing in front of the doors.
A tall, tan looking man walks out from the building. His hair is tied into a ponytail and his eyes are glowing with excitement. He's quick to shake hands with you, most likely knowing that you're the leader.
"So good to meet you! I saw your performance yesterday, and I must say I was blown away! I'm glad you've decided to work with us. Here, I'll take you to Phichit and you all can start working right away." His words are as fast as a cannon and before the group could notice, they've been whisked into the ice rink.
With minimal effort, the lead singer is able to spot their client as he lands a triple salchow. The skater's eyes light up at the sight of his coach and the people behind him.
"Celestino! Did you see my triple salchow? You got it on tape, right? Oh, who are these people? Nice to meet you, I'm Phichit Chulanont!" His eyes seem to sparkle and warmth radiates off of him. You can't help but ease up to the male, a smile settling onto your face.
"Nice to meet you, I'm the lead singer and composer of 'Rose Gold', our a cappella group. Your coach hired us to make music for you." You shake Phichit's hand, a common sign of respect.
Celestino opens his arms wide as a gesture, "Sorry to break it to you, but I've been having a major block in the road! But these people gave me some inspiration just last night, so I'm sure they can help with your program for the up coming Cup of China, yeah?" Without much left to say, Celestino waves off and is gone from the rink.
With everything so sudden and abrupt, you can only wonder what to do next. Rose Gold stares at you in anticipation, waiting for your next instructions. You take upon the initiative to delvier as the leader.
"...Well..." Rose Gold perks up. "Go and rest back at the hotel. Phichit and I will work on the song." They look uneasy at the decision, but nonetheless agree.
As soon as they've left, both the skater and singer face each other.
"Shall we get started?"
"You told him to what?!" A shrill voice shrieks into your ear.
Rose Gold is speechless, eyes wide and mouths open.
"I told him to practice without music."
"So what? He'll just skate around? What about timing? The beat?" Levi waves his hands around.
"That's why we have metronomes. I figured out the time signature we'll do it in, and he's aiming to memorize the program Celestino created by the end of this week. Then he'll begin polishing. I already know when the jumps are, so I'll center the drops on those to really thrill the crowd."
Their unease doesn't thin; that much is apparent. You sigh uncorhent curses in your mother tongue, hand pressed against your forehead.
"Just... Trust me, okay?"
Needless to say, the last few days before the Cup of China was intense. Cup after cup of coffee were downed, and endless recording was held on the day before the competition. It wouldn't be used for the first day, Phichit had chosen his childhood song for that one, but they needed to send in their official songs for the days of the competition.
Both you and Phichit worked hard over the course of two weeks, and it didn't dawn on you until after you had turned in the song under Phichit's name that you had not spent time with him since the first meeting.
Needless to say, that was what kept you up all night. The fact that you turned in a song based off of what you had scraped off the surface of Phichit Chulanont bothers you to no end. Sure, it's a great piece and has a bunch of energy poppin, but does that make up all of Phichit?
Phichit is anxious.
Out of all the programs he's practiced, this would be one with the most time he's spent with. Phichit didn't know if you had forgotten some major points of the program within your composing. He didn't even know what to expect from your band, as mean as it sounds. Celestino countlessly tried to assure Phichit that Rose Gold knew what it was doing, but that just didn't seem to be enough for the Thai male.
"Ready?" The sound of his coach snaps Phichit out of his nervous thoughts. He tries for a weak smile, and a sharp pain to his forehead is delivered.
"What's with that smile? It's not the one I saw when we first met, y'know?" Phichit's eyes widen at the sound of your voice. It's been so long, he's almost forgotten what you sound like. It's comforting, and his shoulders relax.
"You'll do great. Just skate as you always do."
Phichit smiles with more confidence this time, but his next words are a blow to you. "The only thing you've seen me do was a triple salchow though."
Shot through the heart, you know he's cornered you. "Y-Yeah... But it was the best damn sal-cow-whatever ever!"
Phichit smiles widely, his eyes glowing with excitement. The compliment(?) seems to have riled him up, and that can only mean good things.
Phichit glides onto the ice, confident smile and shoulders set back. Then, the music begins to play.
His eyes widen, soul captured in the music, and for a split second you think that the idea of holding off the song was a terrible one. The look of surprise on Phichit's face set you into an anxious frenzy.
Phichit recovers within moments, quickly catching up to the song's beat, but there's no doubt some points were docked off.
Levi's sharp beats can be heard as he plays baritone, providing the beats and sound effects. Your voice comes on as tenor, Mei as a soprano, and Marcin as alto.
The music is smooth, fast, uplifting. The crowd clap along to the easy beat, and the base drops when Phichit jumps.
His first triple axel came clean, and you see the raw emotion pouring from his skating. It's astounding, and you can only watch in amazement.
Faster than you could hope for, your song comes to an end and Phichit strikes his final pose.
The crowd goes wild, screaming and cheering, and without even knowing you've joined in until your throat has become raw and sore. Phichit falls onto the ice, holding his face in his hands with joy.
The moment he's off the ice, he gives you a quick peck on the cheek before muttering into your ear, "Kop kun maak.."
Time spent between you and Phichit greatly increased with later weeks. He's told you about his totally gay for each other friends Viktor and Yuri, and you both became partners in crime; always taking selfies with one another and promoting each other's social media.
Your fanbase grew at an insane amount.
And so did your feelings for the Thai male.
Little did you know, the feelings were mutual.
"Off again?" Levi's teasing voice snaps you out of your preparation. You've pulled on a nice outfit for a night in Barcelona. Everyone else in Rose Gold has dressed differently for... something else. (Ahem, a club, ahem).
"Well... Phichit asked me if I wanted to tour the city with him." You send the group a small glare when they turn into a fit of giggles and knowing looks. "We're going out as friends; nothing more, nothing less."
Mei bends down, gathering hair into an incredibly high ponytail. "Are you sure that's all you want out of him? 'Friendship'?"
Grabbing a pair of Converse, you set out into Barcelona with a heavy heart and clouded thoughts.
"Oh, (f/n)! You're here!" Phichit's smile warms the cold air surrounding you, and he receives a gentle smile back.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Your friend coming?" Phichit's phone is dialing, but no one answers from the other end. Phichit lets out a defeated sigh.
"Yuri's not answering..." He begins to pace within his small area, looking round anxiously. "I can't wait anymore..."
"Then let's just go."
He blinks, albeit blankly, and his winged eyeliner nearly stabs you. "Together? By ourselves?"
You stuff your hands into your pockets. "I'll just... Pretend that doesn't hurt..." Phichit nearly blows a fuse, his head swirling for a heartfelt apology and some way to make it up to you.
You merely laugh it off, call out to Celestino that the both of you are off, then drag Phichit by the hand to Sagrada Familia.
"Selfie stick?"
"Pose idea?"
"Got one~"
"Alright, ready?"
Both you an Phichit strike a pose in front of the massive, unfinished church.
The minute they're uploaded to the web, fans go crazy once more. The even crazier ones shout in all caps, questioning whether or not you and Phichit are dating. (Secretly, you do).
The two of you hit up a couple more hot spots, buying interesting looking food from stalls and uploading even more pictures.
That is, until you and Phichit are interrupted by a call.
"Eh? It's Yuri..."
Unwillingly, you feel your heart drop. You and Phichit can only spend an hour and a half alone? It doesn't feel anywhere close to enough.
"Oh! Sure!"
Your heart sinks even more.
Phichit hangs up, then turns to you with a smile. "Let's go have dinner with everybody!"
Upon hearing about Yuri and Viktor's engagement, then seeing Phichit's wildly adorable response to the occasion, you know for sure what you want for your life.
"We're doing the song change." You proclaim, finger raised in the air. Your words are slurred, no doubt from the alcohol. Everyone's slung either over the bed or the couch. They look at you with annoyance.
"What? Hell no. We're drunk."
"Y'all can talk. That's good enough for any a capella group." You wave off. "Now c'mon. Let's go to the recording studio and create a whole new song. I just need the space to think and we'll do everything live tomorrow."
"(f/n), you're drunk. It's 2 in the morning. And you want to make a song?" Levi questions before taking a long draw from his cigarette.
"Levi, that's disgusting. Let's go before I report for drug abuse."
And by some inhumane miracle.
That's what can perfectly sum up the insane night Rose Gold had.
They were sick throughout the whole morning, throwing up last night's regrets, before once again practicing over and over again until the Grand Prix Finals start.
"(f/n)? Where have you been all day? I tried calling you so that we could enjoy our last day at Barcelona!" Phichit whines the moment he's on ice and about to perform.
"Don't worry about that." You kiss his cheek for good luck. "Skate the way you always do."
The crowd roars as Phichit glides across the ice and into position. You had taken off immediately, standing with Rose Gold. They hand you a microphone and Phichit can clearly see you. His face is slightly flushed, but upon noticing you on a platform he can't help but feel confused.
"And here is Phichit Chulanont. Apparently, his a capella group created a new song and plan to perform it live with the program. And the song is called... 'Pride's Love'."
Levi, the vocal percussionist, begins the beat. One by one, the voices flow in an octave higher than the other.
It took Phichit a quick second to realize that he needs to skate. Luckily, that doesn't throw off too many points and he quickly skates into rhythm.
Phichit skates with as much passion as your singing, his step sequence is flawless and almost brings you to tears. Although, Phichit can say the same for your song.
Phichit executes each of his jumps without fail, until the last jump lands him on the ice. Phichit wastes no time to get back up and carry out their rest of the program.
The minute he's done with his program, striking his finishing pose, he scrambles to his feet and rushes to the kiss and cry. You're out of breath, panting for air and the rest of the group is screaming with victory.
"(f/n)! Go down there!" Mei shouts and Levi shoves you off the platform. You stumble a bit but that's the momentum that carries you to Phichit.
You can see him a long way away from you, friskily looking around.
That's when he appears on screen. Phichit doesn't waste any second as he bolts from his seat. Celestino stares at him in confusion.
Your steps slow, eyes trained on the massive screen as Phichit flashes his glowing smile.
"Hi~ Uhm, before I see my scores I'd like to say something."
Your stomach twists, mind racing with 'Is this it?'.
And it is.
"(f/n) (l/n), within the short amount of time that I've known you, I kinda sorta most definitely have fallen in love with you."
if you don't love this Precious Boy then i dont know what to do with my life.
sorry this one is so choppy ;-; but the concept brought me back to life
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