Yuri Katsuki x reader (Fluff)
You and Yuri have been together for 3 years. It's December 25th and you know what that means.. Christmas! You and Yuri love to go ice skating when it's snowing a lot. You were on you're way to the Hasetsu Hot Springs where Yuri lived. You had no choice to go and check on him since he wasn't answering his phone and you two were suppose to go ice skating 20 minutes ago.
Y/N's P.O.V
I entered the hot springs and was greeted by Yuri's whole family. "Y/N!!!!!" Yuri's mom greeted.
"H-hello Ms. Katsuki!" I'm always so shy around Yuri's whole family sometimes when he isn't with me. Yuri's mom shakes her head. "You don't have to call me that, just call me okaasan (mom)" I nod my head then ask where Yuri is and she tells me he's in the hot springs. I'm so close from exiting the room until Marieneechan smirked at me and blocked the door to where Yuri was at and asked," are you and Yuri gonna get it on?" I feel a very very very deep shade of red spawn across my cheeks. You shake your head multiple times and Marieneechan moves out of the way still smirking.
"YURRRIIII!!!! YURRIII!! ARE YOU HERE?!?!" I yell around the quite empty hot springs. I keep going further and I started to hear Yuri yell my name. I run towards the tall sugar canes and went passed them only to see Yuri standing up naked as Viktor and the other Yuri are relaxing inside the hot springs.
"Y/N!! I-I" he says stuttering blushing red.
I covered my eyes quickly with my beet red face and say "HURRYUPANDGETDRESSEDBAKA!!" After I say that I start running back to Yuri's Mom.
Yuri's P.O.V
"Y/N-chan WAIT!!!!!" I yell. " Way to go Yuri" Viktor says laughing. I blush and quickly put on a robe then chase after y/n.
Y/N's P.O.V
I finally go back to Yuri's mom. "OKAASAANNN!!!" I say running to her then hugging her hiding my face in her neck.
"Y/N-chan what's wrong??! Did Yuri do something wrong??" She asks me.
"Y-Yuri N-N-Naked.." I barely managed to stutter out. I sit down on the floor and see Yuri's mom smiling a little bit, yet shocked. I heard loud footsteps coming through and it was Yuri.
Yuri enters the room with a robe on and quickly apologizes as many times as possible but before he could continue I shut him up with a quick kiss on the lips.
"Don't you ever know when you need to say sorry that many times?" I tell him smirking. "Just go get ready." He nods
-1 hour later-
Yuri's P.O.V
I feel so embarrassed and I could tell that I'm still red. I dress up with my casual clothing and then y/n-chan comes in my room.
"Yuriiiiii! Can I borrow one of you're shirts please?" She asks pouting.
"Sure cutie" I say throwing an oversized shirt of mines to her as she puts it on
-Time pasts to the ice skating rink-
Yuri's P.O.V
Y/N-chan still doesn't know how to ice skate that well and I'm always worried if she ever gets hurt. I watch her as Viktor teaches her how to do a triple axel. She was getting the hang of it until I saw her trip and she hits her face into the barrier of the rink.
"OOOOOOWWWWWW" I hear Y/N say. I quickly skate towards her and givesher a quick piggy back ride then place her to the rink.
"Y/N-chan???? I say worryingly. She was unconscious for about 15 minutes.
"Is she gonna be alright?" Viktor asks me.
"She's just really sensitive and sometimes unstable" I tell him. I give Y/N a kiss on her forehead then her lips. She suddenly wakes up and wraps her arms around me. I could tell that she melted in the kiss although she was unconscious. I'm surprised but I also melt in very easily. I start to wrap my arms around her waist and place her on my lap. I could hear the sounds of everybody in the rink taking pictures and Viktor giggling as also I hear Yurio making puking sounds.
"Talk about sensitive hmm? Very prince like." I hear Viktor say.
...............................For about 2 minutes we were making out. She luckily woke up right after.
Y/N is still on my lap and she looks at me with widen eyes. "W-why am I on you're lap!?!?" She says freaking out.
I kiss her forehead. "you hit you're head and went unconscious for at least 15 minutes silly"
"Oh.." She replies muttering with a red face.
"Let's go back ice skating, yeah?" I tell her
-2 hours of ice skating later and is now in the car on our way back home-
(Still Yuri's P.O.V)
I carry Y/N-chan to my room and placed her on my bed. She kept mumbling my name and before I knew it.. I realized she was having a lewd dream. ( IM SORRY MY LOVESSS )
I hover over her and move the hair out of her face. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my neck once again.
"Y/N-ch-chan?" I say stuttering. "Yurrrii.." I hear her moan my name. I decide to punish her with a lot of kisses since she was careless in the rink for the day. She wakes up..
"YURRII!! W-WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?" she screams but I cover her mouth.
"Y-you just kept mumbling and moaning my name!! What kind of dream did you even have!?!" I ask her.
Her face becomes much redder then ever before. I already knew.. although.. I did not want to be a wimp toward's Y/N-chan anymore so I continued what I was just doing.
Let's just say that you two were getting it on wink wonk ;)
If you guys have any requests, feel free to tell me! I'm sorry if this chapter sucked ): I didn't know what book to write about so I decided why not Yuri On Ice! It's been my top favorite animes lately. I'll also try to be updating as much as I can :))
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