Chapter One: Viktor's First Day!
Viktor's POV:
I woke up Monday morning and stared at the sky outside my window. It was my first day as a senior at Hatsetsu High School, as well as my first day there. My name is Viktor Nikiforov, and I'm now a Russian transfer student in Japan. I dragged myself out of bed and started getting dressed, pulling on the flattering uniform that the school demanded to be worn. Once I was ready, I brushed my hair, combed my teeth.... wait.... scratch that..... flip it. I combed my hair and brushed my teeth and went downstairs to eat breakfast. My mother was cooking bacon and eggs, so I sat down and rummaged through my backpack, making sure I had everything that I needed. "Viktor, my dear boy, how'd you sleep?" I yawned and looked at my phone. " I slept well, Mama. I'm going to head to school in a few minutes." "Ok, but please eat first. I love you, Syn!" "Love you, too, Mama." I grabbed some toast, kissed my mother on the cheek, and headed out the door.
Yuuri' s POV:
I got the usual smack when got to school on my first day of sofmore year at Hatsetsu High School. Daichi and his gang of rebels kicked me in the shin and punched my nose til I could barely walk right. I ran as fast as I could and stop in the bathroom, sinking to my knees and crying. I heard footsteps as well as the door opening, and then a thick Russian accent. "Are you alright!? Oh my god, your nose is bleeding!!!" I looked up to see a tall, slim man with silver hair kneeling done next to me, holding out a tissue. "Here. To wipe up the blood." I gave him a grateful look and cleaned nose, wincing if I bent it. The man grabbed my chin and turned my head to look at him. "Oh, I think your nose is broken!! What happened? Let me get you to the nurse.... wait, where is the nurses office?" I stared at him in disbelief. "Aren't you *sniffle* a senior or something?" He chuckled quietly. "I'm a transfer student from Russia. My name is Viktor Nikiforov. Nice to meet you, despite the circumstances." He reached out a hand, and I backed away on reflex. "Please, don't hurt me!" Viktor looked at me in pure sorrowful shock. "Why would I hurt you? You're already in pain and you're the first person who's actually spoken to me like a human being." I thought for a moment, then tenderly took his hand. "Yuuri Katsuki. Sofmore. Nice to meet you, too." He smiled and gently shook my hand. Something about that smile sent butterflies flitting through my stomach. I tried to stand up, but the pain in my shin made me stumble and fall, hitting my head on the edge of the sink. But before I could hit the floor, Viktor caught me and started cradling me in his arms. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I should have broken your fall before. Let's go!!" He picked me up bridal style, opened the door, and started booking it down the hallway. "Where do I turn!?" I pointed to the left, and Viktor made a sharp turn around the corner and kept running. I directed him until we reached the nurses office. He slowly opened the door, careful not to drop me. "Pardon me, Ma'am. I found this student with a very sore shin and some head injurie. Can you take him?" The nurse turned around and clicked her tongue. "Daichi and his gang are gonna get what's coming for them one day, and I'm gonna give it to them. Here put him down right here! I'll take care of him."
Viktor's POV:
I set Yuuri down on the cot in the nurses office and knelt next to him. "You'll be ok, I promise. She'll take care of you." He smiled up at me and gently grabbed my hand, giving it a grateful squeeze. "Thank you, Viktor. I'll find you when I'm better. Avoid Daichi and his crew. They're... *groans* ... They're the ones that beat me up. Be careful of them." With that, Yuuri slipped out of consciousness. I stood up and smiled at his sleeping face, his glasses hanging from his ears, his chest slowly rising and falling. "Cute." Was all I said before the nurse shooed me out so that she could treat Yuuri. I didn't object.
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