Zhi Ming and Murong li found themselves at a field of wild viburnum flowers, Murong li smiled seeing the flowers, they were his favorites.
Zhi Ming smiled involuntarily looking at a smiling Murong li.
Something about this prince brought out something in him he never knew he had before.
"Ah li....do you like these flowers?"
"Mn...however they do not grow at Yaoguang so i rarely see them"
"Well....if you visited me everyday I'll take you here to pick them"
Murong li chuckled, the sound giving Zhi Ming goosebumps.
"At that rate it will be the same as leaving here"
"You can if you want"
Murong li blushed, why was Zhi Ming saying these things, was it to tease him? Or was it to prove that he liked men?
His smile fell in an instant. He turned to face Zhi Ming.
"I should head back home, my kingdom awaits"
Zhi Ming was confused, how could one change their mood so quickly.
"Very well then...remember your promise"
Murong Chon tied up his robe, Feng Qiao was still asleep. The king of Yaoguang opened the doors and sighed. He turned to face Feng Qiao.
"Will i see you again?"
With that he left. His horse was waiting patiently for him.
Murong Chon climbed on its back and made his way to Yang Wu palace.
A long white scroll rolled down to the floor. Liu Wei sighed looking at it.
Li Jie smiled.
"These my son are the 3000 sect rules a king must know, learn them by heart and you will lead Jingnan to its greatest."
"Father...we already master cultivation what's there to learn?"
"Liu Wei, you must learn these not because you have to, but to know what to do when your people suddenly turn against you"
"Yes...now get started, i will be back to recap with you"
She tightly pulled the arrow back, with a quiet 'swish' the arrow was let go and hit the bullseye target. She smiled.
"Your majesty hasn't lost her touch" her maid said. Queen Li Na smiled and put her bow and arrows on the table.
"With practice, one cannot lose their touch"
The maid nodded smiling. Wei young came to join her.
"Mother, your armour has been polished and it's in your room"
"Very well...Wei Young, during this war i want you here at the palace"
"But mother"
"No my child...incase something happens to me i want you here to protect my people"
Wei Young sighed and nodded.
"As you wish"
He arrived at the Yang Wu city gates, the gaurds recognized him and opened the gates for him. His hair and robe sleeves flowed with the wind as he made inside Yang Wu.
The horse stopped at the guesthouse, he climbed down and saw Murong li making his way there, behind him was Prince Zhi Ming. He smiled.
"Ah li, I'm back"
Murong li smiled seeing his father, he walked up to him and bowed.
"Welcome back, was your trip successful?"
"Yes, an old friend of mine lent me a few of his men"
"Very well, shall we get going?"
Zhi Ming frowned. Murong li was leaving.
"Ah li...remember to visit" Zhi Ming said.
Murong Chon raised a brow, his son didn't allow anyone to call him like that except for him. It seems the two bonded while he was gone, he was proud.
"Mn...i will visit once a week to see the flowers"
Murong Chon chuckled.
"Ah li? They have your flowers here?"
"Mn...they vary in color too"
"I see...Prince Zhi Ming thank you for looking after Murong li...i hope we didn't cause trouble with overstaying"
"Not at all, it was pleasure getting to know Murong li...he's quite unique"
Murong li doesn't know why but he blushed at that comment, the prince had a slick tongue it seemed.
The two bowed at Zhi Ming and headed inside the guestroom to collect the rest of their stuff.
Zhi Ming sighed, the palace was going to be lonely now.
It's evening now and at Yaoguang, Murong Chon and his son were kneeling infront of the throne.
"Ah li...if anything happens to me..."
"I know what to do...no need to be worried"
Murong Chon smiled, they bowed three times and stood up. Murong Chon smiled seeing Ah li pull out his flute from his robe sleeve.
"Play something different this time"
"Which melody do you request"
Murong Chon tapped his chin as he thought of a melody, he smiled.
"Play the Yaoguang anthem"
Murong li nodded and placed the flute at his lips. The sweet powerful melody of the anthem made his father smile.
Murong Chon opened a long black box that was placed on a high shelf, he pulled put a silver blade sword, it's handle was bright red, the blade had jagged edges.
He took his stance and started to practice, Murong li closed his eyes, his flute melody was in tune with his father's sword slices.
After the song had ended Murong Chon placed the sword back inside the box.
"I never thought I'd use this again" he said quietly. Murong li stood next to him.
"A king must do whatever he has to do to protect his kingdom...you will succeed and if not, i will avenge you"
Murong Chon smiled.
"Well said my son"
Wang Yong sat next to his son. Ever since the Yaoguang prince had left, the bubbly Zhi Ming was no more.
"Zhi Ming, you and that boy...what's the relationship between you two"
Zhi Ming was confused, why would his father ask this.
"We're just friends father, he is very nice"
"Then stop behaving like a wife who just sent her husband off to war, he said he will visit"
"Father...could it be that i see him more than a friend?"
"Nonsense! No son of mine will be involved with another man especially one from that Yaoguang kingdom"
Zhi Ming held his tingling cheek, he stood up and looked his father straight in the eyes.
"Then i guess I will be getting married at 30 then, good night"
Wang Yong was shocked.
"Zhi Ming! Get back here! Zhi Ming!"
"No slouching, no gossiping, no gallivanting..." Liu Wei continued to read the 3000 sect rules and Li Jie was there to listen.
Liu Wei sighed, he rolled up the scroll and started to read again.
"No slouching...."
Just then the Jingnan bell rang, it was the bell signifying danger.
"Stay, here i will be back" Li Jie said. Liu Wei nodded and watched his father exit the hall.
Li Jie made his way outside, he looked at the bell and looked around, he took out a light talisman and threw it up the sky.
With a large snowflake sign up in the sky, Jingnan palace lit up, he froze when he saw a rain of arrows coming down from the sky.
"Gaurds! Assemble"
The guards assembled behind him, in their hands were large circular shields.
A large blue shield emerged protecting the Jingnan palace from the attack. Once the arrows were on the ground, there were no more coming in.
"Very good, go inspect the area if you see anyone suspicious take them in"
"Yes your highness"
He turned around and made his way to the sacred hall.
Liu Wei smiled seeing him.
"Father what hap-"
He froze when Li Jie fell to his knees, he coughed up blood and fell face first, on his back were three arrows.
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