Wang Yong felt his blood run cold, he staggered for a moment and used a nearby pillar for suppor.
"Zhi Ming....what did you say?"
Zhi Ming frowned.
"I said i will be sharing the room with Ah li"
Zhi Ming watched his father's face morph into a deep angry scowl. Wang Yong trembled with anger, this boy was going to be the death of him.
"Zhi Ming! The person who is allowed to share a room with you is your wife! Not some stranger"
"Murong li is not a stranger father and if i want to share a room with him then i will!"
"Zhi Ming! Get back back here!"
Murong li got inside the horse carriage, he looked at his father who wore a grim face.
"I know Ah li....if anything happens to me, General Qing will come fetch you"
"Mn....be safe"
"You too my son"
The carriage sped off towards the direction of Yang Wu sect. Murong li sighed as he pulled out his white jade flute. It was a flute he designed himself, it made him smile.
"If my father fails....will I prevail?"
Wang Yong paced back and forth in anxiety, h son will be sharing a room with another man. But doesn't mean anything will happen between the two men right?
But that Murong li...his reputation makes Wang Yong uneasy, what if the Yaoguang boy decides to rape Zhi Ming, he chest panged with pain just at the thought.
"No...i have to stop this madness....guards!"
Three gaurds stood before him in seconds time. Wang Yong paced back and forth infront of them.
"Prince Murong li is coming to the palace, no matter what Zhi Ming says, that boy is not allowed to be near Zhi Ming's private chambers....am I clear?"
"Yes your highness!"
"Good, go prepare the guestroom for him"
The gaurds bowed and walked away, Wang Yong stroked his goatee, what was Zhi Ming planning?
Liu Wei was sitting in his throne, the eyepatch accessory he added making the new king very intimidating.
His councilmen rushed into the throne room looking panicked. They kneeled down before him.
"Your highness, Wu Yue sect has sent their general"
Liu Wei raised a brow.
"What for?"
His prime minister scooted forward.
"They sent a letter declaring war"
Liu Wei chuckled, a cold breeze entered the room making the councilmen shiver.
"So Queen Li Na has the balls to come after me? Fine then, send our general to their sect, tell her we agree and we'll meet at the battlefield"
Zhao Zhing froze in schock, this king...this king was unfair and unjust.
"Your highness, the royal soldiers have families to take care of...if they die during the war-"
"And? They chose to be soldiers for our kingdom, they knew the risks and rewards, Zhao Zhing, you kneel before me and try to contradict me?"
Zhao Zhing shook his head in panic.
"No no...that's not what i meant"
"Then what did you mean prime minister? Do you think I'm unfair to go to war with a sect known for its strong swordsmanship? Do you not trust your cultivation methods?"
"Your highness please calm down-"
"Nonsense! Hmm Zhao Zhing, you have gone soft these days, during my father's ruling you were the first to strive for war and yet you say such nonsense"
"Your highness I-"
"You what? Let me clarify for you then, you will spend the night reading the 3000 sect rules, if you still feel as if I'm unfair then come back and face me"
The other councilmen kept their heads down, Liu Wei was indeed a great king but his methods are not suitable for a kingdom known as the mediators.
Zhao Zhing sighed in defeat.
"As you wish your highness"
Murong Chon made his way inside the Wu Yue sect city, he had disguised himself as a rice farmer and the gaurds granted him access.
He made his way into an ally and sighed.
"A whole king like myself spying...i hope Ah li will be a better king than I"
He fixed his grey robe and went towards the palace.
The carriage stopped infront of the guestroom, Murong li got out and was welcomed by a happy Zhi Ming.
"Ah li, you came to visit, how nice"
"Mn...sorry for the sudden intrusion"
"No worries, my palace is your palace"
A humorless laugh made their conversation come to an erupt end. Wang Yong walked towards them, his hand stroking his goatee.
"Zhi Ming, you're offering your home to strangers now?" He asked. Zhi Ming frowned, why was his father behaving like this.
"Father...i thought you were fine with Ah li staying here"
"Oh i am, what i am not fine with is you wanting to spend the night with him!"
Murong li blushed, why on earth would Zhi Ming say such a thing to his father.
"Father! We're just friends, cant we spend tome together to knew each other more?"
Wang Yong scoffed.
"Know each other? How will you do that Zhi Ming? By penetrating your manhood inside him?"
"I think this was a mistake....i shall head back to my home" Murong li said, it seems like he was bringing some tension between the king and the prince.
Zhi Ming frowned and pulled him back by the arm.
"I promised your father i will keep you safe, if my father feels uneasy with you being here then he will spend the night with a pillow over his head"
"Zhi Ming!"
"Yes father you heard me, if you think I am about to do what you are thinking then I might as well do it"
Wang Yong clutched his chest, his heart aching with pain. His eyes brimmed with tears as he looked at his son.
"Zhi Ming...if you even think of spending the night with that demon in the same room i will disown you!"
Zhi Ming froze, he looked at Murong li. How did he and his father get to this point?
His father never denied him having friends but why Murong li? Why him out of all the people in south China?
Zhi Ming looked at his father straight in the eyes.
"Then I guess you never considered me a son"
Queen Li Na was in her room, her back was still aching but the pain had subsided.
She was looking at her armor, it was made of the finest materials, a silver bodysuit, a matching helmet and a very long brown cape with the sect symbol on it.
"Why does this war feel different? Will I even see my daughter get married?"
A creak on the roof made her snap out of her daze, she grabbed her sword and threw it at the ceiling.
A set of receding footsteps caught her attention.
"Gaurds! We have a spy!"
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