It's now morning and Murong li had not slept, he cannot stop but worry about his father.
He was walking around the Yang Wu palace when he ran into King Wang Yong. They were surprised to see each other.
"Prince Murong li? You're still here? I thought you left" Wang Yong said in shock.
"Forgive me for staying longer than intended, my father instructed me to stay here while he goes to look for an army"
Wang Yong was shocked, so the war between Queen Li Na and Murong Chon was serious after all.
"It's no problem, i hope the maids served you?"
"Yes...thank you for the hospitality"
"No worries at all"
Murong li bowed and turned to leave. Wang Yong watched him leave, his hand caressing his long goatee.
"Such a beauty...if he were a female I'd have Zhi Ming marry him"
Liu Wei was at the sacred hall for the night, his knees were numb from kneeling all night. It bothered him that his father punished him so bad for a small mistake.
"Have you learnt your lesson?" Li Jie asked once he made his way inside the hall.
The sacred hall was were people who broke the 3000 rules of the Jingnan sect kingdom came to be punished, Li Jie himself has also been punished here.
"Yes father...again, i apologize"
"Good, good you may rise"
Liu Wei stood up and his knees buckled for a moment, he made his way outside. Li Jie sighed watching him.
"So weak after a night in the hall, will you survive being a king?"
She stood infront of her army, the men were all dressed in their uniforms looking neat. She smiled.
"My warriors, it's time we teach Yaoguang a lesson, they may be labelled as the beautiful ones yet they are so ugly inside, their king disrespected me, your Queen, we shall prevail and take over Yaoguang as part of our sect"
The warriors cheered after he speech. She smirked.
"Now go prepare yourselves, we have 13 days until the war starts"
"Long live the Queen!"
Zhi Ming came outside of his room and walked towards Murong li's room, after their conversation last night, he wants to know the prince more.
The sound of a flute made him halt his movement, the flute was coming from the garden. He changed directions.
He froze when he got to the gardens, Murong li was wearing a red robe, bringing out his pale porcelain skin more. His long black hair tied up neatly with a silver pin securely tying it.
"Ah li"
The flute stopped, Murong li turned to face him.
"Prince Zhi Ming, good morning" he said and bowed. Zhi Ming returned the gesture.
"Have you had your breakfast?"
"Good, your father is coming back today right?"
The fact that Murong li will leaving made him sad and he doesnt know why, could it be that he was going to miss his new friend?
"Ah li...will you ever visit me again?"
Murong li almost chuckled, this Yang Wu prince was very persistent.
"If the prince wants me to visit then i shall visit"
Zhi Ming smiled, then he would abuse this option to his advantage.
"Could you visit me after the war has ended?"
"Very well"
"Queen Li Na wants a war with you?" Feng Qiao asked in shock. Murong Chon sighed and nodded.
"She's known for using war as her scapegoat, if she defeats us however, it will be the end of the Yaoguang sect"
"I see...i can offer 100 000 men at the moment, the rest will be in your hands"
Murong Chon smiled.
"Thank you old friend...how will I ever repay you?"
Feng Qiao smiled and tapped his chin.
"How about for old times sake, i take you right now"
"Feng Qiao, your appetite has not reduced i see"
"It's not everyday i meet such a beauty like you and why are you acting like you never been here before"
Murong Chon sighed, the smile on his face slowly fading.
"Don't be sad"
"It's not that...I'm worried about Murong li...he doesn't socialize, all he does is play the flute"
"Do you blame him? The boy has grown up being called a demon, remember his time at Jingnan sect?"
Murong Chon shivered just thinking about it.
At Jingnan, Murong li had broken many of the sect rules so he had to be kicked out.
"Those poor rabbits" Murong Chon said remembering the scene.
Murong li had killed 50 rabbits so cruelly they took away his sword.
Feng Qiao chuckled.
"He's quite the character...he will be fine"
"I hope so"
The blade cut the wood mannequin's head. The gaurds clapped their hands as they watched her.
Queen Li Na smiled seeing her daughter practice her swordsmanship.
"Wei Young come here"
Wei Young ran over to her, the blade in her hand gleaming in the morning sun.
"You've practiced enough for the day, let's talk a walk"
"Yes mother"
Wei Young handed her sword to the maid.
The two walked in silence, it was clear that the war was approaching since warrior soldiers walked around the palace in their uniforms.
"Wei Young, are you ready?"
"For what mother?"
"For the throne"
The question took her by surprise, could it be that her mother plans on handing the crown over to her after the war ends?
"It's a yes or no question my child"
Murong li had the palace maid take his belongings to his carriage, his father had yet to return so he figured he'll wait for him back at home.
Zhi Ming rushed in to see Murong li packing up.
"You're leaving?"
"But your father has not returned yet"
Murong li sighed.
"I shall wait for him back at Yaoguang, i feel like i have extended my visit"
"Nonsense, if you get ambushed how will you defend yourself?"
Murong li remained silent. Zhi Ming sighed.
"Ah li...stay here for awhile until we know your father has arrived, then you can leave okay?"
Zhi Ming smiled.
"Let's take a walk and get some fresh air, I'll have the maids make us some tea"
"Whatever the prince desires"
The two walked out of the room and started their walk. Zhi Ming smiled warmly as he took in Murong li's sweet coconut scent, he never smelled something like this before.
"Zhi Ming?"
"You're walking too close"
"Oh, my apologies"
Murong li nodded, his face was warm and he knew he was blushing, something about this prince brought out strange feelings he never felt before, could it be what his father talked about when he said Zhi Ming could give him something he couldn't?
"Ah li....where is your flute"
"Back at the room...why?"
"I thought you'd play something while we walked"
"I cannot play the flute and walk at the same time" Murong li said in a sassy tone.
Zhi Ming chuckled, Murong li's personality was coming out more and more.
"Should we play hunt the rabbit?" He asked. Murong li tensed.
"I'm not allowed to play that game anymore"
"Oh? May i ask why?"
"Too boring to explain, let's go find some flowers"
Zhi Ming chuckled.
"Very well"
Liu Wei was in his room laying down, his mind still brought up Murong li and he doesn't know why, could it be that the will to form a friendship with the Yaoguang prince was something fated?
"Young master, your food" the maid said. Liu Wei sighed.
"Thank you, you may leave"
The maid bowed and left. Liu Wei sat up and looked at his meal.
"Jingnan men should eat meat to gain high libido" he said and blushed.
The doors opened and Li Jie came in.
"Liu Wei, we must have a talk"
"About what father?"
Li Jie became silent, was it too soon to talk about this?
"If i die...i want you to ascend the throne"
"Father...what about your brother?"
"He revoked his rights to it, you're the only one left"
Liu Wei sighed, why was his father bringing this up?
"If i may ask...why are you bringing this up?"
Li Jie sighed.
"We met with the fortune teller today, she said our kingdom was going to face a strong enemy in the future and i won't be there to see it coming".
"Fortune tellers always lie, you shouldn't believe that, especially when you're a master of cultivation"
Li Jie chuckled.
"This fortune teller is the same one that told me to adopt you, she's never wrong"
"If you say so father, if you say so"
Li Jie smiled and left his son to finish his meal.
He could feel that his end was near and he doesn't know who was going to bring his fateful end. could the war between Queen Li Na and Murong Chon spill over to other kingdoms?
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