Bella was sitting on a stool in the kitchen, confused and bored. Everyone was in the Ranger lab discussing who knows what with Dr. K. They, along with Dr. K, told Bella she couldn't go in because it was for Rangers only.
'I've always been with them. What changed?' Bella thought. She sighed and wrote something on a sticky note she found. She stood up, put the note on the fridge, and left the garage.
'I can't stay still in one place too long.' Bella thought. She was walking down the streets of Corinth.
~Inside the Ranger Lab~
"Do you all agree on Bella being Ranger Pink/Cyan?" Dr. K asked. Everyone nodded.
"Does she need to perform a series of tests like Dillon?" Summer asked.
"Not really since she has proven herself many times before." Dr. K said.
"Shouldn't she be here to know about this?" Dillon said.
"I believe it would be better to plan this out before saying anything. She may not want to accept this." Dr. K said.
"I saw her fight against Tenaya and a group of Grinders. Ask Dillon, he was there." Ziggy said.
"She's also helped me in retrieving the flux overthruster. And that poison mask she made proves that she's smart." Scott said.
"I can't deny that. If you want, you can go tell her now." Dr. K said.
"Awesome. Come on." Flynn said. They left the Ranger lab, but there was no sign of Bella.
"Where is she?" Summer asked. They started calling out her name, no response.
"Guys." Flynn said. The others went to Flynn, who was in the kitchen.
"It's alright. She left a note. Bella's fine." Flynn said. He handed Dillon the note and Dillon read it out loud.
"'Hey, guys. I wish I could tell you where I am if you need me, but I have no idea where I'm going. Just wandering around Corinth. Getting to know the city. Got bored, but I'll be back soon'." Dillon said. He gave the note back to Flynn.
"So, divide and conquer?" Ziggy asked.
"First one to find Bella, calls the others." Summer said.
"Alright. Let's go." Scott said. Flynn flipped over the note.
"Wait, there's some writing on the back." Flynn said.
"What's it say?" Scott said.
"'P.S. I took one of your lollipops, Dillon. Hope you don't mind.'" Flynn said.
"Of course." Dillon said. They all laughed for a short moment. Then they left the garage in search of Bella.
~With Bella~
Bella was walking near the stores of Corinth with a lemon flavored lollipop in her mouth and listening music on her phone with one earbud on.
'I wonder how Dillon is doing.' Bella thought. He was all Bella could think about. Dillon is smart, cute, kind, caring. Bella could go on. Dillon captured her heart, and Bella didn't want it back. It's been a while since Bella admitted to herself that she is in love with Dillon. But she doesn't think that Dillon would return her feelings, so she never told him or anyone. Bella found a trashcan and threw away the lollipop stick.
Bella's thoughts were interrupted by the screams of the civilians. She turned around to see the people running away from Tenaya and a large group of Grinders. Bella saw a child stare at the Tenaya while Tenaya was walking towards the kid. Bella quickly took off her earbuds and shoved it in her pocket where her phone was. She ran to them.
"Tenaya!" Bella yelled. Tenaya looked up. Bella did a front flip over the kid and kicked Tenaya back. Without waiting to see Tenaya's reaction, Bella lifted the kid in her arms and ran toward the mother, who was screaming for her child.
"Here. Now, run." Bella said.
"Thank you so much." The mother said. She ran away with her child. Bella looked back to see an angry Tenaya walking towards her. No Rangers in sight.
"Well, can't go back now." Bella said. She ran to Tenaya and they began to fight. The Rangers and Dr. K weren't going to be happy with this.
~With Dillon~
Dillon searched one part of Corinth for Bella. So far, no luck. The others haven't had much luck either.
'Where could she be? It's not like she left Corinth.' Dillon thought. His thoughts were interrupted by his morpher ringing. Dillon put his morpher near his face so he could hear and speak. It was Dr. K.
"Rangers, there is a disturbance in the city. I'm sending you the coordinates." Dr. K said. Dillon got the coordinates and began to run. Once he got there, the others arrived. They saw about twenty Grinders.
"Doesn't seem much." Ziggy said. Then something caught Dillon's eye. It caught everyone's eye.
"Tell me that's not what I think it is." Dillon said. Unfortunately, it was. Bella was fighting Tenaya, with no protection or weapons or anything.
"It is." Flynn said.
"Bella's fighting Tenaya." Summer said.
"We have to help her. It's morphing time." Scott said. The team morphed. They ran towards Tenaya and Bella. Bella saw them, but unfortunately, Tenaya did too.
"Grinders!" Tenaya yelled. The Grinders went to fight and distract the Rangers from getting to Bella. Because of the Rangers, Bella got distracted.
"Hah!" Tenaya yelled. Before Bella could do anything, Tenaya kicked her on the hip and it felt painful. She flew back into a concrete wall and hit her back hard then fell to the ground.
"Aah!" Bella yelled in pain. She wrapped her arm around the hip Tenaya kicked. Dillon looked over at Bella, desperate to get to her, but the Grinders weren't being helpful. They never are. Tenaya had a smirk on her face as she walked towards Bella. Bella was on her knees, trying to get up. Tenaya kicked her down again.
"You had your chance to give me the Pink/Cyan Morpher, but chose not to. I'm gonna take you back to Venjix. You can guess what's gonna happen then." Tenaya said. She kicked Bella one more time and she slipped into the darkness. Dillon watched the whole thing as he fought the Grinders.
"No!" Dillon watched as Tenaya slung Bella over her shoulder. Bella's phone and earbuds fell out of her pocket. Tenaya looked at Dillon.
"Say goodbye to your precious Bella." Tenaya said. She began to walk away.
"No!" Dillon said. He pushed some Grinders aside and ran to Tenaya, but he couldn't make it. Tenaya called some more Grinders that were hidden to attack. Soon, the Rangers were out of sight for Tenaya. She went to the gates of the city. She threw Bella onto a jeep that just happened to be there. What luck. Two Grinders were there, guarding.
"Place something over her." Tenaya said. The Grinders placed a thin large light brown blanket over Bella to shield her from the toxic air. Tenaya started the jeep and she drove out of the city.
"Venjix will be so happy." Tenaya said.
~Back with the Rangers~
They have finally destroyed all the Grinders in the area. Unfortunately, it wasn't a total victory. Dillon walked towards Bella's phone and earbuds. He kneeled down and picked them up.
"They took Bella." Dillon said, gritting his teeth as he stood up.
"Dillon, calm down. We need to go back to the lab and discuss a strategy." Summer said.
"We need to go after her now." Dillon said.
"Dillon, we all care about her. But we need a plan." Flynn said.
"We can't go barging into Venjix's palace unprepared." Scott said.
"Venjix could be turning Bella into a robot, and we're sitting here, doing nothing!" Dillon said.
"Dillon, I know you want to save Bella more than anything. But it won't do her any good if we're captured or defeated." Ziggy said. Dillon stayed quiet for a moment. He looked at his teammates, and his friends.
"Fine. But it better be quick." Dillon said.
"It will. Let's go." Scott said. They began to head back to the garage. During the whole time they walked back, Dillon stared at Bella's phone. It wasn't even five minutes and it was like the rangers lost the will to have hope. Bella was the heart of the team. She was everything to them. She was everything to Dillon. Dillon gripped tight on Ava's phone.
'Bella, I will find you. Just hold on.' Dillon thought.
~With Bella~
Bella was half conscious and could see her surroundings now. But she couldn't move, even though she was moving. Her legs were being dragged on the floor, unable to feel anything at the moment. Bella looked to her left. Two Grinders held her arm. When Bella looked to her right, Tenaya held her other arm. They were dragging her to who knows where. Then she remembered something as her eyes widened. When Bella refused to give Tenaya the pink/cyan morpher, Tenaya said that she was going to turn Bella into something like her and Dillon. A Generation 7.
'No, this isn't happening.' Bella thought. She groaned and moved a bit, trying to regain full consciousness.
"You're awake, and moving, I see. Doesn't matter. You are not going anywhere until I talk with Venjix. He'll have plans for you. You get to stay in here." Tenaya said. Bella lifted her head. She saw a room with a bench that's connected to the wall. Other than that, it was an empty steel room. Tenaya and the Grinders threw Bella into the room. Bella was thrown onto the hard cold floor. She weakly lifted herself just enough to see the two Grinders leaving. Tenaya smirked evilly.
"See you later." Tenaya said. Then she closed the steel door and locked it. Bella knew what Tenaya meant by that. Feeling too weak, Bella let herself down to the floor. Too weak to move, not fully conscious either. Bella couldn't do anything, but wait. Wait for the Rangers to rescue her, or wait to be turned into a Generation 7. Finding very little hope in her situation, Bella could only get one last thing out of her mind.
'Dillon, please, help me.' Bella slipped away.
Back at the garage, things were not going so well. Everyone kept arguing about how to save Bella, Dillon mostly.
"Dr. K, do you have any ideas on how to do this?" Scott asked.
"I am trying to figure out who to send for Bella and who should stay." Dr. K said.
"I'm going. That's for sure." Dillon said.
"Since you have spent time out of the dome, you can go." Dr. K said.
"But how can we protect her from the toxic atmosphere?" Flynn said.
"I got it." Scott said. He ran out of the Ranger lab. A few minutes later, he came back with a mask.
"When I was getting the flux overthruster, the air was getting to her. She put on her poison mask she made herself and she could breathe again." Scott said.
"That is really smart." Dr. K said. Scott handed Dillon the mask. Dillon was the one going to save Bella after all.
"How do we even know if Tenaya chose to leave Bella out in the open with no protection? What if Tenaya left Ava out there to..?" Summer couldn't bear to finish that question.
"Bella told me to always have hope. So, I'm hoping that she's alive. That's good enough for me." Ziggy said. Dr. K came up with a solution.
"Alright, Ranger Black, you will be going to rescue Bella. The rest of you will stay here to defend the city." Dr. K said.
"I'm not coming back until I'm with Bella." Dillon said.
"Good luck, Dillon." Ziggy said.
"Be careful." Summer said.
"I will be." Dillon said.
"We know you'll get Bella, mate." Flynn said.
"Just come back, ok?" Scott asked.
"Ok." Dillon said. Then Dillon went to where the cars were. He took his car and drove away. Dillon was determined to get Bella back, no matter what it takes.
'I'm coming for you, Bella.' Dillon thought.
~With Bella~
Bella was fully conscious now. She can walk now, but she has nowhere to go. Bella is trapped inside Venjix palace. All she could do is wait. Wait for the Rangers to rescue her. Wait for her friends to come. Wait for Dillon. Bella hated waiting, but she had no choice. Suddenly, the door opened. Bella walked backwards as Tenaya walked in.
"Venjix has decided." Tenaya said.
"And what? I'm gonna be your sister?" Bella asked sarcastically.
"Something like that." Tenaya said. Bella's eyes widened.
"He's decided to make you a Generation 7. Of course, you already knew what you were in for when you didn't hand me the Pink/Cyan Morpher." Tenaya said.
"Venjix will never win." Bella said.
"Oh, yes, he will. Now be a good girl until the preparations are ready." Tenaya said. She turned around and was about to walk away.
"Wait, Tenaya." Bella said. Tenaya turned around.
"What?" Tenaya asked.
"Do you not see?" Bella asked.
"What are you talking about? Not see what?" Tenaya asked.
"You used to be human. Venjix captured you and wiped your memory. He turned you into what you are now. He took you from your home, your family. If you help me, I can help you." Bella said. Tenaya looked like she got angry. She walked towards her.
"Venjix saved me." Tenaya said.
"No, he didn't. He's using you, and when that use for you is gone, he'll kill you with no hesitation." Bella said.
"You're wrong." Tenaya said. She walked away from Bella and closed the door. Bella sat down on the bench.
"Please get here soon." Bella pleaded. She was hoping the Rangers would get here fast.
~With Dillon~
Dillon is driving through the wasteland. It was him up against Venjix and his minions. Dillon was willing to fight with all his energy to get Ava. He wasn't going to give up. Not now, not ever. In the distance, Dillon saw Venjix palace. Dillon parked his car behind the place where no one could find it. He made sure no one saw him and got out of the car.
'I should morph, just in case.' Dillon thought. Dillon morphed into his Ranger suit. He took out his Nitro Blaster and got ready if any Grinders came. There was a backdoor that was unlocked.
'They might've been expecting me. I'll go in and come back with Bella. Then we drive away.' Dillon thought. Dillon entered through the back door. "She's gotta be here somewhere." He said softly to himself.
All of a sudden he heard whistling. Someone was whistling the 'Farmer in the Dell' tune and he knew that someone was Tenaya. She was nearby and preparing to make her strike.
"Great, again with the whistling. The girl needs a new hobby." He said, still looking all around him.
He turned his back to look some more. "Where are you?" he spoke lowly.
Suddenly the whistling stopped and he heard her voice right behind him. "Right here." She hissed. She had him pinned and he couldn't move.
"What do you want with me?" he asked weakly.
Tenaya continued to pull Dillon down a long and dark corridor. "Venjix has quite the plans for you and Bella." "You know, you're cute when you act all tough." Dillon joked, only showing her further that she didn't scare him even the slightest bit.
Tenaya takes Dillon to Venjix "Ahh. Subject D44. Time to brainwash you. Tenaya 7, put the brainwashing helmet on subject D44, and start the procedure." Venjix ordered.
"Yes, Master Venjix. Right away." Tenaya said. She turned his body around and forced him into the metal chair that was in the room. Dillon struggled to break free from the straps that confined him to the chair, but soon found it to be useless. She put the helmet on his head. "I'll get you for this." He growled at her.
"That would be more convincing if you weren't strapped to a chair right now." She snapped back at him.
"Here we go!" Tenaya said flipping the switch and activating the machine. A loud whirring filled the room. As soon as the machine was started, Dillon immediately felt his body tense. "NO!" Dillon says as he tries to resist the brainwashing.
"Won't be long now." Tenaya said evilly as she watched this event take place.
"It's no use resisting, subject D44. You'll be under my control soon." Venjix said.
"I'LL NEVER JOIN YOU!" Dillon said as Tenaya increased power to the helmet. Dillon's head felt lightheaded and his mind started to drift.
"Just give up, Ranger Black. Or else Bella will die at my hands." Tenaya threatened.
"FINE! You win." Dillon says as he starts giving in. "JUST DON'T HURT BELLA!"
"Good." Tenaya said as faint groans came from Dillon while the machine continued its task. He felt himself losing control of everything, his powers, his thoughts—even himself.
"Now go turn the girl into a Generation 7 hybrid like yourself!" Venjix commanded as Dillon finally fell under his control.
"Your wish is my command, Master Venjix." Dillon said and left.
"Bella, would you mind if we talked for a minute?" Dillon asked as she hugged him.
"Sure, Dillon." Bella said as they walked to the lab. "So, what did you..." Bella says before Dillon puts chloroform over her mouth and nose.
"Sorry, Bella. Nothing personal. Just making you one of us hybrids. Hope you don't mind." Dillon said.
"I don't mind at all." Bella whispered as she blacked out. Tenaya walks into the lab.
"Good work, Ranger Black. Now, set Bella on the table and get started. I will have General Shifter come to assist you in the procedure." She said.
"Yes, Tenaya 7. Right away. I will let you know when the procedure is complete. I'm sure that General Shifter and I will be done in an hour, at most." Dillon said.
"Good, Ranger Black. I'll send Shifter up here as soon as possible. But if Bella wakes up, knock her out again. I'll inform Shifter that you're ready now. Get to work." Tenaya said then left as Dillon started making incisions and putting the implants inside them.
Bella found herself somewhere in corinth when suddenly she sighted a group of people who started walking towards him and eventually surrounded him. At first, he felt threatened, but all of them were smiling and waved to him. Men and women, white, black, and Asian — to all appearances he found no obvious connection between them.
"Bella Connor!" a tall man with horn-rimmed glasses addressed him, "it's a pleasure to meet you."
"What the Hell," Bella grumbled, feeling threatened again.
"Don't worry," a friendly faced Japanese guy with glasses said smiling. "We are not here to harm you. In fact, we are here to help you."
"Help me?" Bella asked sheepishly.
"Yes. For your fight. Against Venjix and Skynet." the Japanese guy said.
"You know about Venjix and Skynet? Who are you, people?" Bella asked.
"We are from an alternate timeline," the Japanese guy said. "For you now it looks like a dream. In fact, it isn't," he assured her, answering Bella's unspoken thought. "It is now a crossing point between your timeline and ours," he added. "Let me introduce myself. I am Hiro Nakamura," he made a slight and quick bow. "Almost all of us you see around have a special ability. Mine is to manipulate the space-time continuum."
"You mean... time travel and teleportation?"
"Yes. And stopping time. And without the need of a TDE."
"Awesome, I wish I had this ability," Bella sighed.
"You will. That's why we are here," a black haired guy said. "My name is Peter Petrelli, by the way. My ability is to absorb other abilities. I lost all of them once, but they were restored recently by Matt's son," he pointed to a very cop-like man. "To make the long story short: we were exposed to the entire world and the consequences were not so nice," he grimaced. "So we figured out that we could end up our timeline, or more precisely, merge into yours. Our powers would be transferred to you as well as your brother John, and we would return back to our normal lives. Not without your consent, of course." Peter said.
"What are those powers, anyway?" Bella asked with a sudden excitement.
"Well, I can go through walls, and other hard objects, I can be invisible, and I can fly. Then telekinesis followed."
John couldn't say anything and just stared at him with wide eyes.
"I'm Charlie Andrews," an old lady who stood beside Hiro hooking on him said. "What I do is superlearning. I have an advanced enhanced memory, and I can very quickly understand what I memorize."
"Yeah, that'll be handy when you fight with hostile cyborgs. They'll be no match for you," he smirked.
"My name is Matt Parkman. I have the ability of telepathy. But there is one I inherited from my father. I can implant thoughts into other people's minds."
"That's a lot to take in," Bella said, a little frightened.
"Sure, we can understand. Take your time, you'll need to practice a lot to master all of these abilities. And of course the others we haven't mentioned yet."
"There are more?" Bella asked.
"You're gonna like this one," a black boy said smiling. "I'm Micah Sanders, and what I do is called technopathy. Meaning to control and manipulate electronics."
"How does that work?" Bella asked excitedly. "You control electronics by touching them?"
"Actually it also works remotely. For example, I can switch traffic signals just by concentrating on them and asking. Once I even hacked into government systems bypassing the strongest firewalls with ease."
"Does it mean...?"
"Yes. You'll be able to reprogram terminators remotely. Even without physical contact or removing their chips."
~Dream end~
Bella woke up to see Dillon next to her. "You did it." Bella said as she hugged Dillon. "Yes. I did. Now come on, Bella. We gotta go." Dillon said.
"Alright." Bella said. Dillon grabbed her hand and started to lead her towards the exit. There were many Grinders, so they tried their best to avoid them. Then Dillon's morpher ringed.
"Dillon, are you there, mate?" It was Flynn. Dillon lifted his morpher to his mouth so he could speak clearly.
"Yeah, and I got Bella." Dillon said.
"Great. The sooner you get back, the better." Flynn said.
"Be there soon." Dillon said. The communication ended. After running through the maze that is Venjix palace for a while, they finally got to the exit where Dillon's car was. They both got in Dillon's car.
"I don't think we have a chance of getting out unnoticed. I'm gonna have to drive like our lives depend on it." Dillon said.
"'Cause it does." Bella said.
"Ok, then. Let's go." Dillon said. He started his car and immediately drove away. No reason to do it silently. Now there were about ten Grinders on motorbikes following them.
"Dillon, do you have any more thermix charges?" Bella asked.
"Yeah. Under you." Dillon said. Bella grabbed a thermix charge, and she accidentally activated, like Ziggy.
"Oops. Deja vu." Bella said. She stood up a bit and grabbed the bomb. She opened the window.
"Go for it, Bella." Dillon said. Bella poked her head out the window and threw the bomb at the Grinders. As expected, it blew up, along with the Grinders. All of them.
"Are they gone?" Dillon asked. Bella looked back. They were all gone.
"I don't think I see them anymore." Bella said.
"Good. Let's just focus on getting back to the dome now. Contact Scott." Dillon said. Bella grabbed Dillon's morpher and called Scott. Scott answered on the first ring.
"Dillon, you have Bella? Is she ok?" Scott asked. Bella smiled.
"I'm a hybrid now but yes I'm ok, Scott." Bella said.
"Ava! Oh, man. We were so worried about you." Scott said.
"Well, I'm coming back to see everyone soon. Dillon and I are coming near the gates. Can you open them?" Bella asked.
"Sure. We're on it." Scott said. The call ended. Later, they got to the gates of the city, which were open for them. Scott, Summer, Flynn, and Ziggy were there too, waiting for them. There were also some soldiers and Scott's father, ready for anything. Ava and Dillon got out of the car. Scott, Summer, Flynn, and Ziggy ran towards them.
"Bella, you're ok." Summer said. The two girls hugged.
"Yeah, I am." Bella said. Then Summer let her go. Scott stood in front of Bella.
"You're safe now." Scott said.
"I was always safe. I knew you guys would be there for me." Bella said.
"Of course you knew, lassie." Flynn said.
"We'll always be there for you." Ziggy said. Then Scott's father walked towards the group.
"The gate closed. We're safe for now." Colonel Truman said.
"Thank you, sir." Bella said.
"Anything you need, you can ask me." Scott's father said. Then he left with his troops. All that was left were the Rangers and Bella.
"We should head back to Dr. K." Scott said. Everyone agreed.
~Time skip~
The day was turning into night. It had been a rough day for everyone. Bella was still in her clothes. She was downstairs where the kitchen and the vehicles were. She went to Dillon's car and leaned against it. She lifted her left wrist to look at her new morpher. Bella became the RPM Pink/Cyan Ranger.
'I still can't believe it.' Bella thought. When Bella found out that she was chosen to be a Ranger, she was just shocked. Who wouldn't be? And it was so sudden.
Just after arriving back to the garage, Bella was led by her friends to the Ranger Lab, where Dr. K was waiting. Once she got there, Bella saw Dr. K in her chair. Dr. K stood up and walked towards Bella.
"Bella, I assume you returned without harm?" Dr. K asked.
"Yes, I did." Bella said.
"I'm glad because there's something I need to ask you." Dr. K said.
"What is it?" Bella asked. Then her friends went over to stand beside Dr. K. Bella was confused. They were smiling, except Dr. K.
"Guys, what's going on?" Bella asked. Dr. K walked towards Bella.
"Bella, would you like to be the Pink/Cyan Ranger?" Dr. K asked. Ava's eyes widened and put her hands on her chest.
"Me? Why me?" Bella asked.
"You have proved yourself time and time again." Dr. K said. Bella looked at her friends.
"You all agreed on this?" Bella asked. The Rangers looked at each other without losing their smiles. They looked at Bella again.
"We do. Dillon was the first to suggest it to me, then we talked to Dr. K and she immediately agreed." Scott said. Bella looked at Dillon.
"When did this happen?" Bella asked.
"When we bailed you out of jail. From the very beginning." Dillon said. Bella looked at Dr. K.
"Will you accept it?" Dr. K asked. Bella looked at her friends once for to see them nodding. Bella smiled and looked at Dr. K.
"I will." She said.
~Flashback end~
Later, Bella morphed, making her permanently the Pink/Cyan Ranger. Her friends were really happy. Bella could tell Dr. K was happy to complete the set of Rangers. Bella was so glad that she could help out more. Then she heard footsteps behind her.
"You're still awake." It was Dillon. Bella got off his car and turned around. He was walking towards her.
"Yeah, after everything that has happened today, I just couldn't sleep." Bella said. Dillon was right in front of her now. All Bella could do is stare into his eyes. Bella nervously laughed.
"You know there's something called personal space, right?" Bella said. Dillon also laughed nervously.
"Right, sorry." Dillon said. He took two steps back. Two small steps. Bella crossed her arms.
"So, what kept you up?" Bella asked.
"I don't need sleep. I have robot parts in me." Dillon said. Bella sighed as she uncrossed her arms. She grabbed Dillon's hands with hers and lifted them up to his chest. She gently squeezed them. Dillon's heart skipped a beat.
"Do you feel my hands?" Bella asked.
"Y-Yeah." Dillon said.
"Robots don't feel. Humans do." Bella said. She let his hands go. Dillon and Bella missed each other's warmth, but neither knew what the other was thinking. Then Bella put her right hand on his cheek. Dillon looked straight into Bella's eyes.
"Do you feel that?" Bella asked. Dillon couldn't speak. He simply nodded. Bella took her hand off his cheek.
"Just because you have robot parts in you doesn't mean you're a robot. No matter what anyone says, you're human. I believe it. Our friends believe it. Can you believe it?" Bella asked. Dillon smiled.
"Yeah, I can believe it." Dillon said. Bella smiled. He then found himself staring at Ava. He couldn't look away. How could he when she was showing off her beautiful smile, her soft hair, her eyes. Her eyes were so hypnotizing. He was going to tell her. He had to. Dillon can't deny it.
"Bella?" Dillon asked.
"Yeah?" Bella asked.
"I need to tell you something." Dillon said.
"What is it?" Bella asked. Dillon took one step forward. Bella's back was pressed up against Dillon's car. Before Bella could do anything, Dillon pulled Bella into a hug. Bella wanted to give into his warmth, so she did. Bella wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt Dillon's breathe on her neck. Her heart was beating fast.
"What's this for?" Bella asked. Dillon pulled his head away and looked at Bella.
"I can't, Bella." Dillon said.
"Can't what?" Bella asked.
"I can't deny my feelings." Dillon said.
"Your feelings for what?" Bella asked.
"For you." Dillon said. Bella's heart skipped a beat.
"I have to ask now. Do you feel the same for me?" Dillon asked. Bella nodded her head.
"Yes." Bella said. They both smiled at each other. Then Dillon started to lean in. Bella knew where this was going. They had been waiting for this for a while.
Dillon placed his lips onto Bella's. Bella's eyes closed and returned the kiss. Dillon kept his left arm around her waist and pulled her closer. Bella kept her arms around his neck. Dillon lifted his right hand and tangled it in Bella's hair. He pulled Bella's head closer to deepen the kiss. Bella felt fireworks. It felt like everything she wanted. With every second that passed, the kiss felt more passionate. Every feeling they had for each other was exchanged in that one moment. Then Dillon and Bella leaned back a little. Their lips parted, but they still brushed each other gently.
"I also wanted to apologize for what happened to you while I was under Venjix's control. I never meant for any of that to happen, and I never meant to turn you into a hybrid like me." Dillon said.
"It's alright, Dillon. I know you didn't. Just...don't let Venjix and Tenaya get the best of you ever again, please. I don't want you to hurt me or me to hurt you." Bella said.
"I promise." Dillon said.
"I will always be there for you." Bella said.
"Hey, you stole my line." Dillon said. They laughed. They kissed again, and they stayed that way for a while. They couldn't be happier. They went out to a church that night.
"Dear God," they heard Yui murmur, "is this another ordeal you have seen fit to give me? Is my father alive and well?"
"I wouldn't bother asking God. You won't get a response."
Yui looked up and turned, only to see Laito at the other end of the hall.
"Good morning, little bitch," he said pleasantly.
She didn't think a vampire would follow her into a church, but then again, they weren't bothered by her rosary.
"How did you know I was here?" Yui asked.
Her voice sounded calmer than she felt. The church didn't seem to affect Laito, but maybe it made her stronger somehow. Perhaps it was God giving her strength.
"Don't you remember?" Laito asked, and he started walking toward her. "I know everything there is to know about you, so you really should stop trying to run from me."
Yui gulped dryly, remembering how shocked and despaired she was to hear his voice coming from her father's cellphone.
Laito kept getting closer, but Yui held her ground and she asked, "Do you know something about my father?"
"Who cares about stuff like that?" Laito dismissed.
He reached her, then, next to the altar. Before she could decide which way would be the smartest direction to run, he grabbed her and pulled her flush against himself. It was an almost affectionate move, but the look on his face didn't change. He looked down at her like a snake with a bird in its coils, watching patiently as it squeezed the life out of that bird.
"I'm here to expose you for what you really are," he murmured.
"Stop it!" she commanded.
Laito acted as if she had said nothing.
"Help me!" she pleaded, struggling harder. "Anybody! God!"
She felt a fang scrape her neck, but before Laito could pierce her, something surged through her. It gave her enough strength to push Laito away a few feet, though his grip on her had been almost painfully tight.
Laito seemed as surprised as Yui. He staggered back and his hat even fell off. Yui almost expected him to be angry, but he just laughed as he straightened up and brushed his hair out of his face.
"Don't waste your breath praying," he advised. "God is nothing more than nonsense created by men."
"That simply isn't true," Yui stated firmly.
"Actually he's right." Bella said as she and Dillon stepped into the church.
A different kind of smile spread across Laito's face. It was exciting and sadistic. It promised her something rough and drawn out.
"Well, look at that," he said, "you seriously believe in him? You think he'll help you if you believe? Are you stupid or naive? Maybe you're both."
As he spoke, he approached her again.
Yui looked up at him, into his hot and cold eyes, and found that she once again couldn't move.
"Either way," Laito continued, "you're simpleminded. I find your innocence appealing, little bitch."
The smile faded.
Laito grabbed her arm, grip so tight she almost thought her bone would snap clean in half.
"However," he said, "there is nothing to believe in and you need to do more than pray to accomplish anything."
Yui gritted her teeth and internally prepared herself for the worst.
"But I will still pray," she told him, "and I will still believe."
"Well you shouldn't." Bella said. "Shut up you sinful slut." Yui commanded Bella.
"Is she always like this to you?" Dillon asked.
"Unfortunately yes she is." Bella said.
"You're at your best today, little bitch," Laito commented.
He grabbed Yui's other arm and he shoved her up onto the altar and down, flat on her back. He got up and over her, holding her wrists to keep her in place.
"I'm going to expose the lust that lurks inside of you," he decided.
No amount of struggling could loosen his grip.
"Now instruct me," he requested. "Would you like me to stop from the top or the bottom?"
Yui gave him a look of horror. "You can't do this in a church!"
"It seems that he can." Bella and Dillon said in unison.
"I'll make you submit. You will be at my mercy."
He removed her white ribbon as well and started unbuttoning her blouse.
"I will see the places you've been too embarrassed to show anyone, and in the end, you will be mine."
Yui didn't know what he thought he was talking about. All else aside, two of his brothers had already seen everything without a care as to whether or not she wanted to show them.
"Stop it," she pleaded quietly as he lowered his lips to her breasts.
Laito pushed himself back up to hover over her at arm's length. He looked so pleased, and even had a light blush coloring his pale cheeks.
"I can't stand it," he said breathily, quiet but overjoyed. "Just the thought of it makes me..."
Yui glared at him. "I will never submit to you. Never!"
Maybe she couldn't fight him off, but she wouldn't become his slave. She wouldn't become his anything.
Laito laughed. "Look at you, acting so courageous. That's not bad. I like it." He leaned back further. "Now, let's see how much you can take in one day."
He lifted her leg up, knee bent, and started kissing her inner thigh.
That was new.
And pleasant.
Then the bite came.
Maybe it was just because Yui had never before been bitten there, but it seemed even more intense than his bites on her neck. She tossed her head back at the sensation and couldn't entirely restrain the scream that rose from the back of her throat.
"Does it hurt?" Laito asked, raising his head away from her thigh. "You poor thing. I'll make it hurt even more."
He wasn't even bothering to restrain her now, but Yui didn't have it in her to try to run. She wasn't sure she would even be able to put weight on the leg that Laito had just dug his fangs into. She just gritted her teeth and tried to keep herself from crying. She was sure it would only make him even more excited and make this ordeal even better for him if she let him see her cry.
Laito, however, seemed determined to have the pleasure of her tears.
"I'm going to let you in on a secret," he said. "You and Bella were offered up to us as a sacrifice by the very church you have such faith in."
"Why am I not surprised?" Bella asked sarcastically.
Yui blinked. She tilted her head up a bit to look at Laito with wide, horrified eyes. "You're lying."
"Then tell me who delivered you to us," Laito challenged.
Yui felt her heart racing. He was right. After her father was sent to Europe, his superiors had packed Yui into a car and that car took her right to the Sakamaki Mansion.
"That can't be," she rasped, trying to convince herself more than Laito.
A very pleased noise left Laito's lips.
"I love the look of despair on your face," he told her. "Now, let's enjoy ourselves more." He leaned down again. "Follow me down to Hell."
His lips were less than an inch from hers, but she didn't bother turning her face away from his. She didn't try to keep her tears from falling, either. She just stayed still, looking at the magnificent ceiling but not actually seeing it.
Instead of kissing her, Laito bit her neck. Perhaps her shock had something to do with it, but she barely noticed his fangs break her skin. Maybe she was just that used to it now. Maybe he didn't bite as hard this time. She didn't know, and at this point, she didn't really care.
She didn't even care when Laito pulled the collars of her blouse and blazer down to her elbows, then her bra down to her waist, leaving the upper half of her torso exposed.
Laito pushed himself up just a bit, licking some excess blood off his lips. "Your skin is so pale and pretty," he sighed, looking mostly at her breasts. "I just want to tear it all to pieces."
Yui didn't react—until he bit her breast, that is.
As soon as he sunk his fangs into the skin around her areola, he started sucking hard and she screamed. The pain and pleasure shot through her entire body like a bolt of lightning. His fangs had her nerves screaming, but the way his tongue played with her nipple was amazing.
It reminded her that she couldn't just go along with this.
"Let go!" she shouted, trying to squirm out from under him.
Her shirt and blazer acted as a restraint on her arms, though, making them useless. The rose petals were slippery and prevented her from getting much traction on the altar. He had her trapped.
Laito applied just a little more pressure and a little more suction to her breast for a moment before lifting himself up just enough to see her face.
"That's better," he said pleasantly. "For a moment there, I thought I'd broken you already. It's way too soon for that." He licked up a trail of blood leaking down the side of her breast. "Fight me as long as you can," he requested. "Resist until you're on the brink of death. If you give in quickly, I'll make you regret it."
Yui didn't know how to react to that. She had no intention of giving in, but she didn't want to do anything he wanted. Resistance was what he wanted, so how was she supposed to resist without him enjoying it?
Before she could come up with a solution, Laito shifted back and leaned down to her thigh again. Instead of biting it right away, he ran his tongue over the punctures that he had already inflicted her with. It sent a tingling sensation right up into Yui's womanhood, making her shiver and moan just a little.
He pushed Yui's skirt up and out of the way as he trailed his tongue up her thigh, kissing and playfully nibbling along the way. It wasn't until he nearly reached the top that he really bit into her again, which earned him another scream.
"No," Yui rasped as he dug deeper, "stop!"
She pulled her arms out of her sleeves and tried to push his head away. She even tried pulling his hair, but to no avail. All it did was put Laito in an even better mood. When he finally did lift his head again, he wore an expression of a depraved excitement that chilled Yui to the bone.
"Impatient, are we?" Laito questioned. "We have time, Bitch-chan. No need to rush."
Yui was too scared to ask about what he didn't want to rush through.
She didn't move when he lowered his head back down again. This time, instead of just pushing her underwear out of the way, he tugged sharply at the seams and broke the band. He then shoved the cloth down Yui's leg and left it to hang uselessly around her knee.
Laito went back to Yui's thighs at first. He bit the other one, sucked on it a bit, and traded off between them. After a few minutes, Yui's thighs were covered in bites and hickies and a consistent trickle of tears was silently falling from her eyes.
Then Laito ran his tongue up between her labia.
Yui was so startled that she jumped, suddenly aware that she had lied back down at some point and just took the bites as they came.
Laito chuckled at Yui's tearstained face and bewildered expression. She noticed that he was no longer wearing his coat or blazer. When had he discarded them to the floor?
"Why did you—"
She cut off when Laito pinched his lips over her clitoris and started sucking and running his tongue over it in circles. Yui's back arched from the pleasure and she clutched fistfuls of her clothes because she didn't know what else to do with her hands. Moans and soft, pleasured screams came from the back of Yui's throat and echoed off the church walls.
"You want to have some fun?" Dillon asked.
"You're on." Bella said. They began kissing. Bella ran her hands through his dark hair as he ran his hands down towards her ass. He gently cupped her butt as she moaned. She pulls her hands away from his hair to focus on removing his jacket. He does the same, then lifts Bella off her feet and takes her over to the altar. He gently sits her on it as they both remove each other's shirts. Dillon stopped a moment to stare at the beauty before him. Bella took in his muscular physique. She let her hands glide up and down his chest sizing up his six pack abs. Dillon leans in and begins kissing her again. He leans her back onto the pool table as they continue making out. Dillon cups her breasts in his hands earning a moan from Bella. His prick was as hard as steel and he had to be inside her. He slowly lets his hands glide down to her pants where he begins to unbutton them. Bella's cunt is getting wetter by the second. She wanted so badly to have Dillon inside her.
"Stop!" Yui pleaded, breathy and dizzy and hoping he would not stop. "Don't—not here—please, Laito, stop!"
Her pleas only seemed to egg him on, to somehow encourage him to swirl his tongue faster and suck harder, like he knew there was a voice inside Yui begging him to do so.
Less than a minute passed before Yui lost the capacity to force protests. She just let her body writhe on the altar as it wished, moaning and mewling and thinking about nothing but the orgasm building under Laito's tongue.
When he finally stopped, Yui just stayed where she was, panting and hating herself for enjoying it as much as she did. In a church, no less.
"How was that, little bitch?" Laito asked, wiping some glistening fluid off his chin.
All Yui offered him as an answer was a resentful glare and eyes full of shame.
"Liked it that much, huh?" he surmised. "I'll show you who your master is. Kneel for me." he cooed, gently pulling her into a kneeling position.
"That's it...just like that," he praised her as he undid his belt, relishing the way her eyes widened with that deliciously panicked expression. "Suck it" Laito orders.
With having no other choice, Yui hesitantly sucked Laito's cock. He let her run her tongue along his cock, enjoying the shocks of pleasure it elicited through his body before gripping her more firmly. Precum bubbled up to the tip, "Take it all in, little bitch...Uhnn, just like that. Aaah."
Laito wanted nothing more than the others to see them like this. To prove that Yui was his and his alone. He didn't feel like sharing her at the moment, and wanted her to know her place beneath him. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed her down to the base of his length, moaning as she gagged around him. She groaned a muffled sound of protest before trying to relax the best she could around him, hands clawing at his legs as he held her there. Her throat was closing and swallowing around him and it was driving him mad with lust.
She was a total wreck. Tears had begun to stream down her cheeks by the time he finally released her head to allow her to breath. She took in a choking, sputtering breath, only to be brought back down on his aching need. "Mmmn, that's a perfect look for you, you know? Crying and moaning on my cock," his words shamed her once again, and she felt herself getting wet while he fucked her face. In his effort, his hair cascaded down in front of his face as he worked up a sweat. It was more from his growing arousal than from any physical exertion. Yui grabbed onto his thighs for support as he drove himself as deep as he could before holding her head in place again. He let out a guttural moan, his hips shuddering, releasing his seed into her mouth and giving her no choice but to swallow or suffocate.
She swallowed what she could, fighting against the burn in her chest from the lack of oxygen she was receiving. The rest of his seed dribbled out the side of her mouth when he pulled away. He chuckled and swiped his finger over the remainder and pushed it against her lips. "Swallow all of it, every. last. drop." At his command, she obeyed without question.
"In order to make life easier for you, little bitch, you need to begin to realize that from now on, your entire existence revolves around this thing hanging between my legs. The male dick! The dick is the center of your life. It is all you live for. It is your God. You were put on this earth for one reason only, to serve COCK." Laito said.
Yui felt so dirty, she hated it. He grabbed her right leg, flipped her over, and pulled her hips up to his. "Scream for me," his voice was ragged, and he groaned low before lining himself up against her and slammed into her. Yui screamed out at the sudden change, feeling the stinging stretch as he entered her abruptly.
Laito gave her no time to adjust before he drove into her at a maddening pace. "Laito! Laito! Laito!" she sobbed, her tears streaking across her cheeks.
Bella watches as Dillon traces her upper torso with kiss ever so gently sucking her nipples. She closed her eyes and enjoyed Dillon's tongue doing its job. His tongue ends up around her belly button. He begins to remove her pants and panties. He stared at her naked body and was so impressed. The girl kept in great shape. Her body was perfect like a model's body. Bella parts her legs so that Dillon could get a good look at her cunt. Her femininity made his prick ever harder than it already was. He removes the remaining articles of clothing and proceeds to enter her. She was surprised at how big he was. Bella wraps her arms around his neck and he pounds her cunt.
"Harder Dillon." She moans as Dillon obliges and begins to absolutely punish her pussy. "OH GOD YES." Bella groans.
"OH SHIT." Dillon moans, enjoying the feeling of Bella's tight love pie. Dillon leans in to kiss her. Bella sticks her tongue in his mouth loving the way his prick danced in her cunt. Deciding he wants her in a different position, Dillon stops suddenly.
"What's wrong?" Bella said flustered.
"I want you from behind." He said as both stood up off the altar. Bella bends over it as Dillon enters her from behind. Again he begins to pound her bum. "You like how that feels?" He asked her lovingly.
"Yes. God yes." Bella moaned. "OH THIS FEELS SO GOOD." She groans. She could feel his balls spank the back of her cunt. Ava takes on her own left tit into her mouth and sucking her nipple causing more pleasure on her part. "OOOOOOHHHHHHHH." She cries out feeling her climax approach.
"That's it, cum for me." Dillon growls as he continues to punish her member. Bella climaxes around him. "FUCK." He groans as he climaxes in her.
With Yui, The pain was ebbing away as Laito thrusted languidly. He peppered kisses across her shoulder blades as he slowly pumped in and out, inciting pleasured hums from Yui's tired throat. She felt Laito's breath brush her skin as he sighed.
"Do you like this?" he murmured.
It was a quiet, barely audible answer that slipped out of Yui's mouth before she even realized what she had been asked.
Laito laughed. He squeezed her breasts, dug his nails painfully into them, shoved himself fully inside her, and laughed. His laughing drowned out the sound of her pained cry and pleas for mercy.
"Of course you like it," Laito said gleefully. "Any slut would." He pulled out of her and turned her over to her back. "And your 'God' knows it, too. You just admitted it right in front of him."
He slammed back into her, sharp and strong, holding her legs together and against himself to keep her in place.
"There's that despair again," he noted, pleased, looking with hooded eyes at Yui's wry expression. "You really know how to get me hot, don't you?"
She couldn't form a coherent thought when she felt his fangs sinking into her shoulder, the pain mixing with raw desire. She cried out in ecstasy as her climax violently took her.
She barely registered Laito's ecstatic cry of release as he came for the second time, filling her with his hot seed.
He continued to rut against her body, her own orgasm causing her walls to continue milking him, taking in every last drop that was Laito.
"Let this remind you that you're nothing but a slut to be used." he whispered in her ear. Yui had no response.
"He's right Yui, you don't have any free will here, you became nothing more than a possession and food source the moment you stepped onto this property. Your father gave you up, knowing that you would become prey to the things that go bump in the night. The sooner you accept the situation the better it will be for you." Bella said as she and Dillon left.
She just closed her eyes, letting one more tear escape, and hoped that the next time she opened them, she would be alone.
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