Chapter: 7
D.K. and R.G.: Hey guys.
MaryPickard7: And welcome back to Yugioh truth or dare.
Yugi: Who are you?
Me: Pikachu chu chu pika pi.
R.G.: She said that she had another co-host that she forgot to mention.
Me Pi chu ka chu
R.G.: This is MaryPickard7.
Ty: *walks to Mary* Hey there. *flirts* The names Ty.
Celest: *grabs Ty's ear and drags him away* It's time for Ty to take a time out.
Silver: Is it me or does this remind me of when Brock gets dragged away in Pokèmon.
Me: Pika pikachu.
R.G.: She said she wants to get started.
Mary: Ok. First dare is from, NiamhMichelleMurphy: She dares everyone to play 7 minutes in heaven.
Everyone: *blush* *gets in a circle*
Me: *walks over with a small cart with cups and an empty beer bottle on it*
D.K.: I don't remember the dare saying we had to drink.
Me: Pi.
R.G.: She said so.
Everyone: *shrugs* *grabs a cup*
~5 minutes later~
Everyone: *slightly drunk*
Joey: Okay- *hic* -who is up- *hic* -first*~?
Yugi: I'll- *hic* - go first. *spins bottle*
*bottle lands on Yami*
Yami and Yugi: *walks in closet*
Mary: While we- *hic* -wait for- *hic*- them to c-come out, l- *hic* -let's get to the other questions and dares.
D.K.: Yeah~.
Me: Pika pi- *hic*- ka ka chu?
R.G.: She asked if- *hic*- you're alright?
D.K.: Yeah~. I just n-need to...- *runs to open window and vomits*
R.G.: While she's doing that, let's get on with the game.
Mary: Okay, next dare is from, icekitty111: I dare Yami and Yugi to beat the hell out of Joey, their best friend! XD
Joey: WHAT!!!
Celest: Well, considering their kindness, they're gonna have to drink a few more bottles.
Silver: Especially Yugi.
Everyone: *agrees*
Yami and Yugi: *wobbles out with slightly messy clothes* D-done~. *falls asleep on couch*
R.G.: Okay, to make this easier, let's just pair everyone up with each other.
Mary: So I brought in Rebecca for Mokuba
Mokuba: O///O
Rebecca and Mokuba: *walk into closet*
D.K.: *walks over* Okay, I'm done. To make up for icekitty111's dare being missed, due to a certain yami and hikari sleeping, we will do another one of her dares: I dare Seto to push Yami into a fangirl pit! Mwahahahahahaha! Ur welcome Seto!
Seto: Thank you icekitty111! *kisses her*
Icekitty111: O///O
Seto: Now to do something I've been wanting to do since chapter 1. *picks Yami up and throws him in the fangirl pit*
Fangirl: *scream* *cheers* *rips some of Yami's clothes up*
Yami: zzzzz
Rave and Boa: How long has this been here?
Me: Since the first chapter.
R.G.: You're back to normal!
Me: Yep. Now let's fish Yami out of there.
Mary: I'll do it. *gets fishing rod out*
Howl: Where'd you get the fishing rod?
Mary: We're all sitting infront of a fangirl pit doing 7 minutes in heaven and you ask that? It is like me asking why your hair is outlined with rusty-red.
Howl: Touché
Mokuba and Rebecca: *comes out of the closet*
Ryou: There you two are.
Malik: Yeah you were in there for 15 minutes.
Rebecca: When did you get here?
Everyone: *looks at Pika-Girl*
Me: Why ya looking at me for? I had nothing to do with him. *looks at Raichu-Girl* You.
R.G.: *looks too innocent* Who? Me?
Marik: *appears behind me* Yep.
Me: KYAAA!!! PIIIKAAAA-CHUUUUU!!!! *electrocutes everyone*
Everyone: O.o
Me: Hehe. While everyone recovers, go ahead and send in some questions and dares. ^-^
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