Chapter 1
Me: Hello~. This is my first truth or dare fanfiction.
Yugi: Your house is great, especially your room.
Yami: *nodding* Beautiful
Yami and Yugi: Like you.
Me: ^////^ Awww. Thanks guys. Anyways, let's bring in the rest of the Yu-Gi-Oh cast. First, we have, Joey!* Cheers erupts from fangirl cage as Joey come out on stage*
Joey: * Comes out, waving towards the crowds* Hey! It's great bein' 'ere, Pika. Also, great place!
Me: Thanks. Next, Tristin!!!
Tristin: * Comes out and high fives the other boys * Thanks for havin' me.
Me: Of coarse. Oh Tea~!
Tea: * Comes out, waving * I'm glad to be here, Pika.
Me: Who wouldn't be. Next, we have, Ryou and Bakura!
Ryou and Bakura: * Comes out * Your place is beautiful. It's a pleasure - HEY! Stop copying me! Stop! SHUT UP!!!
Everyone: * Sweatdrop *
Me: O~kay. Now, last and certainly not least, Seto Kiaba!
Kiaba: * Comes out smiling * I'm glad I can be here, Pika. * Sees Joey* I see the mutt's here too.
Joey: Whatcha' call me rich boy!
Seto: You heard me, pooch.
Joey: Say that to my face, money bags!
Me: ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I don't want my house destroyed, so can we get started already. Yugi, would you like to do the honors.
Yugi: I'd be glad to. Pika-Girl1 doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh. Please enjoy.
Me: Thank you, Yugi. Now lets get started! * Looks Around * Yami, truth or dare?
Yami: I don't like to keep secrets, truth.
Me: Are you really scared of spiders? * shudders *
Yami: O-of course n-n-not. o/////o
Me: OMG! The great and powerful pharaoh, is afraid of spiders! AHAHAHAHAH!
Me:*stops laughing* But I really don't have to right to laugh.
Yugi: What do you mean?
Everyone: * Stops laughing and looks at me *
Me: Ihavearacniphobia. ^///^ Now lets move on.
Yami: Seto, truth or dare?
Kaiba: Dare. I'm not afraid.
Yami: * smirks* I dare you to let Mia dye your hair any color of her choosing.
Me: Oh! I almost forgot. If anyone refuses to do the dare, they get a penalty. Got it.
Yami: Yep, and your penalty will be,
Me: *whispers in Yami's ear a penalty*
Yami: *smirks*, to let Pika turn you into a neko.
Kaiba: Hmm. Dye my hair, or have cat ears and tail? I'll take the penalty.
Me: Okay. *snaps fingers*
Kaiba: *has a pair of brown cat ears and a tail with a cream colored tip*
Joey: The irony. -_-
Tristin: What do you mean?
Yugi: Oh! I get it. Kaiba calls Joey a dog, and now Kaiba has cat ears and tail.
Tea: *gets idea, brings out a laser pointer and starts shining it on the floor*
Kaiba: *sees red dot and starts chasing it*
Everyone: AHAHAHAH!
Kaiba: Right. Yugi, truth or dare?
Yugi: Truth.
Kaiba: What's your most embarrassing secret.
Yami: Aibou, If you won't tell them, I will.
Yugi: *crosses arms and turns around* Go ahead, I don't care, 'cause I know you wont tell them.
Yami: Looks like your wrong this time.
Yugi: O.o
Everyone except Yugi: *circles around Yami*
Yami: Okay, so one night, during a thunderstorm, Yugi and I decided to watch Scream. Once it was over, we went to bed. Yugi was screaming at 3 in the morning, waking me up. Once I went in his room, I found Yugi, crying, because he-
Yugi: * tackles Yami * OKAY! THAT'S ENOUGH!!! >////
Kaiba: * smirks * I think that I already figured it out.
Yugi: O////O Y-y-you did.
Kaiba: *nods* I found out that you wet the bed.
Everyone except Yugi: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Bakura: I-I can't believe it! You, the King of Games, has a little night time accident! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! * rolls on floor laughing *
Tea: Yugi, I love you, but that's the most childish thing ever!!!!! *cries from laughter*
Everyone: *starts calming down*
Me: Okay. Okay, let's continue.
Yugi: *slightly upset* Ryou, truth or dare?
Ryou: If it makes you feel better, then truth.
Yugi: *smirks* Alright. Do you or not, still sleep with a certain bear named, Mr. Fuzzy?
Everyone except Yugi and Ryou: Mr. Fuzzy ?
Ryou: O///O How do you know about him!?!?!?
Yugi: Remember when you invited me and the guys over for a sleepover? *starts a flashback* We were all in the living room, after we had a little fun, (A/N: not sexually you creeps. Continue.), sleeping, when I got thirsty and decided to get some water. When I came back, I saw you sleeping with a teddy bear in your arms.
Everyone except Ryou: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Tristin: *suddenly stops laughing* Wait a minute.
Everyone : *stops and looks at Tristin*
Tristin: I remember that, but I don't remember seeing some kind of teddy bear.
Bakura: That's because every morning, he tries to hide it.
Ryou: How do you know. -_-
Me: Can we discuss this at the end please?
Ryou: Fine. Tea, truth or dare?
Tea: Dare.
Ryou: I dare you to do Kiaba's original dare. There is no penalty, so you have to do it.
Tea: Fine~.
Me: *smirks* Oh Mia~!
Mia: *steps out with bag* Hello~. *turns to me* Where's the bathroom, so I can do this.
Me: I have one right here in my room, actually. It's the door, on the left.
Mia: Great. *starts draging Tea in bathroom and shuts the door*
~~~ 10 Minutes Later ~~~
Mia: *comes out* Everyone, say hello to the new Tea!
Tea: *comes out with blonde hair* My beautiful hair. -_-
All the boys: O.O
Me: Well, that't all the time we have. Sorry if some character's didn't have a go.
Yugi: Please R&R.
Yami: And send in your own truths or dares.
Everyone: GOOD-BYE!!!!!
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