Oh noes! Darts
(3rd Person PoV)
Scene Set!
Setting was late in the night and at the You Show Duel field.
Two duelists were facing off but for what reason?
"I set Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician in the Pendulum zones! I Pendulum summon!" Yuya shouted.
Then she successfully pendulum summoned three monsters.
Performapal Whipsnake, Performapal Sword fish and Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon.
"You did it! You finally Pendulum Summoned!" Gongenzaka cheered.
"Yeah," Yuya yawned.
"It only took you 291 tries! I'm so sorry that it took too long even if I was your only dueling partner," Gongenzaka was moved to tears.
He then hugged Yuya who just congratulated herself sleepily and drifted off to sleep. It was late after all.
(The next day)
Scene Set!
Setting was the middle school, Paradise Prep School
"Zzzzzz...Pendulum...pendulum," Yuya muttered as she had her head down on the desk and was sleep talking.
"Yuya, wake up. Wake up or you'll get in trouble," Yuichi tried waking her up but to no avail.
"Yuya Sakaki, can you answer the math problem on the board," the teacher asked.
Yuya didn't respond for she was still asleep.
Yuichi glanced nervously at her and then the teacher.
Due to Yuya not responding, a red tick mark appeared on the teacher's head.
"YUYA SAKAKI!" The teacher shouted which woke Yuya up.
"I activate Timegazer Magician and Stargazer Magician in the Pendulum Zones!" She yelped before realizing that she was not dueling right now.
Some people snickered at this while Yuichi silently groaned at this.
The teacher got right up in Yuya's face and asked, "What do you have to say for yourself?!"
"Ummm...the right one," Yuya sweat dropped and then got smacked by Yuichi's fan.
"The answer is never right with you, Yuya! Dumba*s, I swear," Yuichi snapped and muttered the last part under his breath.
"Mean!" Yuya sticked out her tongue at him.
Later after school, Yuichi and Yuya were walking towards the gates of the school.
"Look, I know you have been trying to master Pendulum Summoning but when it comes to school, don't daydream like that. You can get in serious trouble," he stated.
"Yeah yeah, but hey! You got a funny punchline out of it," Yuya giggled.
"That isn't the problem here!" Yuichi scolded.
"Oh hey, look," Yuya pointed to the gates.
"Don't change the subject here!" Yuichi snapped before looking to see what Yuya was pointing to.
"Big Bro! Big Sis!" Ayu, Tatsuya and Futoshi waved at them.
"Hi, you three!" Yuya jogged over to them with Yuichi behind him.
"I hear that you finally mastered Pendulum Summoning!" Futoshi exclaimed, excitedly.
"Yeah, I want to see. Can you show us?" Tatsuya asked.
"Sure! We can head to You Show now if you like," Yuya suggested and the kids nodded.
But before anyone of them could move, three sucker tipped darts were thrown and landed on Yuya's face.
"What the?" Yuichi asked but then got interrupted by a boy yelling, "Alright! 150 points!"
A boy with brown and blond hair, wearing the boy's school uniform appeared and flicked back his hair.
"I feel like that's a bull's eye," Yuya noted.
"Indeed it is, my dear lady. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Shingo Sawatari from Class 1," Shingo said and shook Yuya's hand rapidly.
"Uhh nice to meet you too?" Yuya said, confused.
"I saw your Duel against the Sledgehammer on TV and I was blown away by the way you did that new summoning technique! Oh what was it again...ah yes Pendulum Summoning!" Shingo added on as he pulled the parts off of Yuya's face.
"Looks like he's a fan," Ayu noted.
"Oh speaking of Pendulum Summoning, what about those cards that you used in order to do Pendulum Summoning?" Shingo asked.
"Oh, my Pendulum cards?" Yuya asked.
"Wow, such cards must be used by the chosen," Shingo gasped.
"Ch-chosen?" Yuya felt flustered when he said this.
"Don't flatter her too much," Yuichi sighed.
"What? It's true," Shingo pointed out.
Yuichi narrowed his eyes at Shingo before leaning in to Yuya and said, "You said that you were going to show Pendulum Summoning to the kids at You Show."
As Yuya nodded, Shingo suggested, "I have a better place in mind. Why don't you show them Pendulum Summoning at the LID's Center Court which I already made a reservation at."
"What? You did?" Yuya and Yuichi asked.
"Why of course! I am a top student at LID and my father is about to become mayor so I asked him for a little favor in reserving the Court for us," Shingo explained.
"Wow! We get to see Pendulum Summoning," Tatsuya said.
"And at LID,one of the top Dueling schools!" Ayu exclaimed.
"You do realize that we could have just done it at You Show instead," Yuichi told them, unimpressed.
"This is LID's Center Court that we're talking about. It's way different than at You Show," Futoshi pointed out.
Ayu and Tatsuya nodded at this.
"Ugh fine. I'll come along with but only as a member of a rival school coming to check out the competition," Yuichi said.
"Yay!" The kids cheered.
"The more the merrier and honestly, I thought you'd say that. All of you are welcomed to LID," Shingo said.
"Alright, let's go!" The children ran off in the direction of LID with Yuya and Yuichi behind.
"Slow down!" Yuichi yelled at them.
Shingo watched them go before taking a motion with his hand like he was throwing darts at them.
"Everything is going to plan," he muttered.
Later, the five You Show students arrived at LID with Shingo welcoming them.
"Whoa!" The three kids plus Yuya gasped, their eyes shining.
The exterior was nice and shiny. So elegant and refined. Such eye candy.
On a screen, two duel monsters were duking it out and when they peeked through the windows of the classrooms, they could see several students dueling, discussing different tactics and even learning how to physically draw cards.
"The Leo Institution of Dueling, or LID for short is run by the Leo Corporation. However, attending the school is by invite only," Shingo explained.
"It's also the top Dueling institution plus the Sledgehammer studied here," Tatsuya explained.
"Wow, that's very knowledgeable of you," Futoshi noted.
"My mother thought that LID would have been a better dueling school for me," Tatsuya admitted while scratching his head, embarrassed.
"Heh, the best facilities, lectures and curriculum is LID's motto," Shingo explained, proudly.
"LID has everything that You Show doesn't," Ayu said and Shingo laughed at this.
"You're a smart one," he noted.
"Well sorry for our school being run-downed," Yuichi grumbled, clearing unimpressed.
"Hey hey, Big Bro. It's fine. Even cheap places have their strong points," Futoshi tried calming him down.
"No he's right. LID teaches XYZ, Synchro and Fusion summoning," Yuya said as she read off a poster that showed off the curriculum.
A young boy with sky blue hair and a ponytail walked by, licking a lollipop. As Yuya was reading off the poster, he glanced at her before continuing to walk away.
Yuya caught the boy's eyes and stared at him as he was walking away until Yuichi called him over.
"Yeah by the way, the Center Court is on the right," Shingo explained.
They followed him and when they saw the massive size of the court, the You Show students gasped.
"I always wanted to be here!" Futoshi marveled.
And then three boys came in and one with brown hair greeted the group.
"Well would you look at that? More fans of yours, Yuya," Shingo explained.
"I see," Yuya said.
"Oh by the way, may we see those Pendulum cards of yours?" Shingo asked.
"My Pendulum cards?" Yuya sounded uncertain. She didn't seem that excited to show off Pendulum Summoning anymore.
"It'll only be for a short while," Shingo urged.
"...ok," Yuya grabbed her deck and took out her cards which Shingo snatched them quickly and showed it off to the other group.
"Whoa! Are they seriously Pendulum cards?" The brown haired boy asked.
"I must have them for my collection," a green haired boy said, greedily and went to grab them.
"Uh uh! These cards aren't even yours to begin with," Shingo said and pulled back.
He glanced at Yuya and added on, "I'll be the one to add them for my collection."
"The hell do you mean?" Yuichi asked.
"I like having rare and powerful cards in my deck. There's no room for weak cards so I'll be taking these cards off your hands," Shingo explained and fanned himself with the Pendulum cards.
The goons laughed at this while Yuichi made a fist.
"So that's why you brought us here!" He snapped.
"Now that I have the cards, I can't wait to try them out! Would you guys like to a Pendulum Summoning?" Shingo asked.
The boys nodded and laughed.
"Oh by the way, this is also why I made a reservation at the Center Court," Shingo laughed.
"What?" Yuya asked.
"It's fine though! Everyone here has came this way to see Pendulum Summoning so it's a win-win for everyone," Shingo explained, getting close to Yuya, grabbed her goggles and pulled them back before releasing them back on her face which called her to fall back.
"Yuya!" Tatsuya cried.
"Ow...," Yuya whimpered.
"It's time to duel!" Shingo snapped his fingers but then his Duel Disk rung.
Shingo picked up and a voice shouted, "That's enough! Your job was to just get her Pendulum cards!"
"Oh please. That wasn't my only goal. I wanted her cards since the very beginning," Shingo explained.
"Why you brat! Don't do any unnecessary ri-!" The voice shouted but got cut off by another voice.
"Let him proceed. After all, we're all curious to see the cards in use," the second voice said.
"...fine," the first voice said.
"Alright then. That's the deal then," Shingo then snapped his fingers and two of his lackeys grabbed Yuichi and the third one grabbed the children.
"Let us go!" Yuichi struggled but failed.
"This has gone too far! Let them go!" Yuya shouted but Shingo merely laughed.
"Don't worry, they'll be here to help," he explained.
He then reached into his pocket and tossed out some cards that fell at Yuya's feet.
"I feel bad for taking your cards so here are some of mine. After all, trash belongs with the trash," Shingo said.
"...trash?" Yuya was in a state of panic as she stared at the cards.
She then kneeled down and gathered the cards.
Why would Shingo treat cards like this? She thought, sadly.
"And now I'll activate an Action Field Spell for the imprisoning feeble princesses, Prison Tower of Darkville!" Shingo said and snapped his finger again.
Suddenly, the Solid Vision machine conjured up towers and chains around Yuichi and the children!
The children screamed in terror and Yuya shouted, "Hold on!"
The four of them got confined to a tower surrounded by chains.
The dueling arena turned into a dark city and Shingo asked, "should the princess be imprisoned in the tower?"
"Guys, I'm coming!" Yuya called out to them, ignoring Shingo and raced towards the tower.
Before she could reach them, a water canal separated them and the tower got higher.
"Ahhh! What's going on?!" Futoshi cried.
"The Solid Vision must be affecting us too!" Tatsuya noted.
"It's too real!" Futoshi wailed, scared.
The tower finally reached the highest point.
"Guys!" Yuya called out to them but then turned around to see Shingo laughing.
"If you want your friends back then duel me. It's the only way," he explained.
"...fine, I accept your duel!" Yuya snapped and activated her Duel Disk. She added a card from the fallen cards that Shingo gave her and it got shuffled within her deck.
"Hmmph! About time. Now let's see how special this Pendulum cards of yours really are," Shingo said.
"Let's Duel!"
Yuya -4000 LPS
Shingo -4000 LPS
"I'll go first!" Yuya said as she ran by Shingo.
She enters a building, went up the stairs and reached the window.
"I summon Performapal Whip Snake (ATK: 1700. DF: 900)!" She started.
The same purple snake appeared and coiled itself around Yuya's wrist.
Using Whip Snake as an anchor, Yuya swung from that building to another. She landed on the rooftop before shouting, "I end my turn!"
"It's my turn then," Shingo drew a card and saw that he had Timegazer Magician in his opening hand.
"Interesting. I'll put this in my Pend-!" Shingo started but got interrupted by a voice in his Duel Disk.
"Don't do that."
"Huh?! Who is this and what do you mean 'don't do that?' This is the perfect time to use this card," Shingo said.
"I said, don't do that," the voice said.
"Geez, wonder why he's so worked up," Shingo murmured.
He then sighed, "Fine, whatever. Guess I'll summon Lightning Hoverboard (ATK: 1400. DF:1200)!"
A small hoverboard with a skull on it and surrounded by lightning appeared.
He hopped onto it and began to chase Yuya who was swinging from the building that she was on to another.
"How desperate of you! (But don't worry, this is all part of my plan too)," Shingo said, muttering the last part under his breath.
Whip Snake swung Yuya up to a bridge where she spot an Action card.
This will turn the tides, she thought but when she picked it up, it was a trap card instead.
"Aw crap!" She exclaimed.
"Haha! That's the trap card, Break Shot!" Shingo confirmed.
The card disappeared and suddenly, large pool balls came rolling down out of nowhere!
"Ahh!" Yuya yelped and ran off, being chased by one of the balls.
Whip Snake, however, was not so lucky and ended up being flattened.
"Break Shot lowers a monster's attack by 900 by the way!" Shingo called out.
Whip Snake poofed out of flatness but unfortunately, it's attack points went down.
1700 —> 800 ATK
"You foolish girl! Not all Action cards are meant to be helpful since there are also traps among them. Oh but you shouldn't be worried about that! You should worry more about your friends who are in grave danger," Shingo laughed.
The pool ball that was chasing Yuya crashed into a tower's wall as Yuya got out of the way as quickly as she can.
That caused a tremor up the wall that was felt by Yuichi, Ayu, Tatsuya and Futoshi.
"Oh no heeeeelp!" Futoshi cried as he almost fell off the tower but was caught by Yuichi.
"Noooo! I'm going to fall!" He then cried while the rest of them tried to calm him down.
"You a*shole! That could have severely hurt them or worst!" Yuya snapped, disgusted by Shingo's underhanded tactics.
"All is fair in love and war but now I begin my Battle phase. Attack Whip Snake, Lightning Hoverboard! Lightning Darts!" Shingo shouted.
Bolts of lightning struck and aimed towards Whip Snake.
I have to do something and quick! Yuya thought and raced off to look for another Action Card.
"I got it!" She called out but when she flipped it over, it was another trap?!
"Damn it!" She snapped while Shingo just laughed.
"Too bad! Looks like you got another trap and this one is called Jump shot which decreases a monster's attack by 400," he explained.
A cue ball appeared and squashed Whip Snake which in term, decreased its attack points.
800 —> 400 ATK
The bolts of lightning struck down on Whip Snake, destroying it.
4000 —> 3000 LPS
"Be careful or else you'll get hurt!" Shingo said in a sing song tone.
The cue ball was about to flatten Yuya if she hadn't gotten out of the way as quickly as she could and the ball bounced up and down which destroyed a part of the bridge.
"I end my turn! It won't be long before the tower that your friends are on gets destroyed," Shingo explained.
Yuya got up and dusted off her skirt and looked up to see her friends in a bigger danger than they were before.
"Oh no, you guys!" She called out.
Ayu and Tatsuya were holding onto Yuichi and the tower as he was holding onto Futoshi.
"Futoshi, hold on alright!" He shouted.
"I don't want to fall, waaaah!" Futoshi cried.
"This isn't the time to cry!" Yuichi told him.
"Yeah! Yuya is fighting to save us and she isn't crying! So we have to be brave until she saves us!" Ayu told him with Tatsuya nodding.
"Don't give up! I promise that I'll save you!" Yuya called out to them.
"Yeah yeah, sure. If it ends here then the party will be ruined," Shingo said.
This only pissed Yuya off some more.
"My turn," she said as she drew a card and gasped.
If I can't navigate on land then I'll just do it by sea! She thought and said out loud, "I summon Performapal Skeeter Skimmer (ATK: 500. DF: 1600)!"
A skeeter type monster wearing a top hat appeared on the water and Yuya jumped on it and the monster skated away.
"Hmmm, she's only at 3000 life points. I'll shoot them down to zero," Shingo muttered and made a dart throwing motion at her.
"I end my turn," Yuya called out and Shingo drew a card.
"That's a good card," the same voice told him.
"What do you mean by that?" Shingo asked but then took a long look at the card that he drew.
Interesting, he thought.
"I release Lightning Hoverboard to activate Tribute trade! This allows me to add a monster whose level is one higher than the tributed one. Since Lightning Hoverboard is level 4, I can add a level 5 monster," Shingo explained and held up a card which took everyone, especially Yuya, by surprise.
"Stargazer Magician?!" She cried.
"That's right! It's mine now!" Shingo exclaimed.
"No way...but hold on! You can't Pendulum Summon with only one card!" Yuya shouted.
"You are right but...I am a chosen one after all," Shingo said.
"It can't be," Yuya muttered.
"Correction; your reaction should have been, 'Of course' since Timegazer Magician has been in my hand this whole time! A super rare human like myself is worthy of wielding super rare cards," Shingo explained before laughing.
These cards favor me now, he thought.
Meanwhile, in a control room, that same silver haired guy was watching this duel from a screen.
He was the second voice that was talking to Shingo.
"Now do as I say when you set the cards," he told him.
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Shingo asked.
"Just do it. Start with 'I, using Scale 1 Stargazer Magician (ATK: 1200. DF: 2400) and scale 8 Timegazer Magician (ATK: 1200. DF:600) to set the Pendulum Scale,'" the guy said.
"...alright fine," Shingo repeated what he was told to.
"Pendulum Summon!" They both shouted and out beamed three monsters from Shingo's hand.
"Power Dart Striker (ATK: 1800. DF: 700), Rocket Dart Striker (ATK: 1900. DF: 100), and finally Ultimate Dart Striker (ATK: 2400. DF: 300)!" Shingo shouted before looking at awe at what he had done.
"This is great! Pendulum Summoning is the best!" He cheered.
"This...this can't be happening," Yuya muttered, shocked while his friends were watching in disbelief.
"Yuya...," Yuichi said, worried about how she might be taking this.
A/N: yay! No I didn't forget about this, wdym
There's not much I'm going to say here other than have you drank water today? If you haven't, then go do that. Like take a few second break to drink water before continuing to do what you were doing.
Cya in the next one -Flare
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