Hope to the Rescue!
(3rd Person PoV)
Scene Set!
Setting was this dark, prison bridge and two duelist facing off but what's this? Someone Pendulum summoned and it wasn't Yuya??
Wonder how does this go?
Yuya gasped, "This...this can't be happening."
"Yes! Pendulum Summoning is the best! No one can stop me now!" Shingo bragged.
He then added on, "It's time to battle! Attack, Power Dart Striker!" His monster began to shot darts at Peformapal Skeeter Skimmer.
"Hurry, hurry," Yuya urged at her monster to avoid the darts as it skimmed around the water.
She noticed an Action Card on the water and was about to grab it before hesitating and pulling her arm down. The last two Action Cards were traps and Yuya can't afford to make any more mishaps.
"Heh, even you wouldn't fall for it three times! But there's nothing that you can do to avoid my attack!" Shingo laughed.
"Oh yes I can because I activate my monster's effect! By switching it to defense mode, when it's the target of an attack, that attack is negated!" Yuya said, quickly.
The wings of Skeeter Skimmer folded which it started to glow blue to signify that it was in defense position which made the darts of Shingo's attack dissolve.
"I missed...but I still got plenty of monster to attack you with! And now Rocket Dart Striker will attack your insect!" Shingo shouted and his monster fired three darts from its launcher.
Skeeter Skimmer dodged the first two but didn't get so lucky with the last one as it got a face full of dart. It got destroyed which caused Yuya to fall into the water.
"Nice shot!" Shingo complimented himself.
Yuya resurfaced, gasping for air and Shingo merely tilted his head at her.
"We're not done yet. Attack directly, Ultimate Dart Striker!" Shingo shouted.
Three darts were shot out and threw Yuya out of the water and onto the bridge support.
3000 —> 600 LPS
The bridge began to shake and Futoshi yelped out in fear.
"It's all over, waaah!" He cried as he dangled in Yuichi's grip.
"It's not! Yuya is still in this, she hasn't given in and she won't give up! And since she hasn't given up, neither will we," Yuichi told him.
"I end my turn. Hmm, looks like you do have some life points left but no matter. Do you still have the will to fight?" Shingo asked.
Yuya took a couple of deep breaths as she held onto her bracelet where her pendulum was at.
Pendulum Summoning is my power so why can a horrible guy like Shingo could use it? She thought.
Dad...what should I do?
Yuya remembered what her father told her about when a duel swings one way, it must swing another way.
The duel was swinging towards Shingo's side but now...
I'll have it swing my way and have the courage to press forward! She thought and began to laugh much to Shingo's surprise.
"Huh? What's so funny?" He demanded.
"I just know that I have to save my friends and with that I'll begin my turn," Yuya snapped her fingers before drawing her card.
This is it! The card that will lead me to victory! She thought as she saw the card that she drew.
"I summon Block Spider (ATK: 0. DF: 100) onto the field!" She exclaimed.
"Pffft haha! A level 1 monster with zero attack points. Is this a joke, Yuya?" Shingo mocked.
"Hardly. This is just my chance to turn things around thank to the card that you gave me," Yuya explained.
"As long as Block Spider is on the field, you can't attack any other monsters," she added on and Block Spider began to emit a web.
"Huh? But Block Spider is the only monster on your field. What are you trying to do?" Shingo asked.
"I then activate the spell card, Mimiclay. Mimiclay is a special type of clay that not only puts Block Spider into defense position but was also created by a magician who was able to mold it into anything, freely taking the appearance and effect of a monster on the field," Yuya explained.
"And what are you going to do? Copy one of my dart monsters?" Shingo asked but Yuya shook her head.
"I'll instead copy Block Spider!" She shouted and another Block Spider appeared this time with zero defense points.
"Hmmph! You just doubled your garbage cards," Shingo snorted but then he realized something.
"Wait a minute...there's two of them and they'll protect one another!" He gasped.
"You're right because this is my Block Lock! You can't attack anymore!" Yuya cheered.
"Damn you! You are doing things that I haven't planned for," Shingo snapped.
"I'll end my turn after setting these two cards down," Yuya said, doing just that.
I just need to bet on these cards. They'll carry me to victory, she thought.
Shingo drew a card with a look of frustration on his face. Just when he thought he was a step ahead of her, Yuya is finding ways to be one step further ahead.
Then his duel disk beeped and Shingo could hear the same voice that helped him Pendulum Summon.
"The Pendulum cards are most likely Spell cards now," he said.
What is he talking about? Shingo thought before looking at the card that he drew.
"Aha! I have truly been chosen by the cards!" He marveled.
Chosen? Yuya thought.
"By activating the spell, Cricket Close, I can negate the effect of one of your cards by negating two spell cards that I control," Shingo explained.
"What? But there's nothing there," Yuya gasped as she looked at Shingo's field.
"Oh dear, dear, dear. You haven't realized it yet? Those two Pendulum cards are counted as spell cards!" Shingo shouted.
Everyone there was shocked at this revelation.
"And now I negate the effects of Stargazer Magician and Timegazer Magician to negate Mimiclay!" Shingo shouted.
Two dashboards appeared and trapped the two magicians, turning them back to cards. And then the dashboards shot an energy blast at Mimiclay, negating the effect.
"And with that, Block Spider is back to being a trash card with only 100 defense points! I will now be able to finish you off with my darts monsters!" Shingo laughed.
"Not when I activate the Quick-Play Spell card, Draw Muscle! This allows me to draw a card when I control a monster with 1000 or less defense points. If the card that I draw is a monster then the defense points of that monster can be added to one monster on the field plus it can't be destroyed in battle this turn," Yuya explained and drew card, hoping that it was a monster with a lot of defense points.
"Yes! I drew Performapal Kaleidoscorp (ATK: 100. DF: 2300)! And guess what? This monster has 2300 defense points so adding that onto Block Spider will equal 2400 defense points!" Yuya cheered.
100 —> 2400 DF
That was tied to Shingo's current strongest monster.
"Wow! Shingo can't attack anymore," Futoshi said.
Yuichi gave Yuya a proud smile that this.
"You're doing even more things that I haven't planned for!!!!" Shingo shouted before giving a wide grin, "but do you think that I'll be bothered by that?"
"What?" Yuya asked.
"Turns out I have a way to make your Life Points exactly zero! Even with the effect of that spell card," Shingo explained.
"I sacrifice Power Dart Striker and Rocket Dart Striker to power up Ultimate Dart Striker!" Shingo shouted.
The two monster disappeared before reappearing, merged into Ultimate Dart Striker who had them as cannons for arms.
"Power Dart Stiker increases the attack points of Ultimate Dart Striker by 600 and Rocket Dart Striker will allow it to strike piercing damage when it attacks. With a 600 point difference, that'll mean that you'll lose 600 life points and the victor will be me!" Shingo explained.
2400 —> 3000 ATK
"And now I will begin my Battle phase by attacking you with Ultimate Dart Striker. Go, Bullseye Blast!" Shingo shouted and his monster fired a rocket with multiple darts on it at Yuya.
"It's over!" Shingo laughed as Yuya stayed in her spot, not moving.
As the darts made impact, the bridge support went down and failed, Yuichi couldn't hold onto Futoshi and accidentally let go of him.
"AHHHHHHH!" Futoshi screamed.
"Nooooo!" Ayu yelled as Yuichi lost his grip as well so he and the two remaining kids went falling down after Futoshi.
"Big Sis Yuya, help us!" Tatsuya screamed.
Yuya knew that she didn't have much time left and flipped over a card.
"I activate a Trap, Empty Fishing! When I receive battle damage, not only I can halve it but I can also target two cards that had their effects negated and add them to my hand," Yuya said, quickly.
600 —> 300 LPS
"What?" Shingo was confused until Yuya also added on, "And I'm adding my Stargazer Magician and Timegazer Magician back to my hand where they rightfully belong!"
The two pendulum zones bursted apart with the two magicians appearing at Yuya's side again.
"Help out my friends before they get hurt!" Yuya ordered and the two magicians gave her a nod.
They went flying towards the falling people with Timegazer catching Futoshi and Tatsuya while Stargazer catches Ayu and Yuichi.
"Thank you," Yuichi said to Stargazer.
Phew, not dead, he thought with a sigh.
The two magicians carefully dropped them where Yuya was standing at.
"Thank you," Yuya said and the magicians gave her a bow before disappearing into cards again and Yuya added them to her hand.
"Did you plan on all of this to happen?!" Shingo snapped, clearly pissed off.
"I just believe," Yuya gave a soft giggle at this.
"Damn you! I activate the effect of Ultimate Dart Striker! I can now special summon the tributed monsters at the end of the turn. If planning doesn't work then I'll just crush you," Shingo gripped.
Power Dart Striker and Rocket Dart Striker appeared on Shingo's field again.
"There's three of them now!" Tatsuya gasped.
"Ehehe...sorry for dragging all of you into this and putting you in danger," Yuya awkwardly chuckled.
"That was so thrilling that it gave me the shivers," Futoshi said, shivering dramatically.
"Don't worry, Big Sis. I always believed that you were going to pull it off at the end," Tatsuya assured her.
"Yuya, it's time for a comeback," Yuichi told her with a determined look on his face.
"Go get him!" Ayu cheered.
Hearing all of this, Shingo's eyes narrowed.
"It is now...," Yuya snapped her fingers before continuing, "my turn!" She drew a card as it shines.
"The fun has just begun!" She winked as the lights went off.
"It's finally starting!" Futoshi squealed.
"Alright everyone, we can all guess what's going to happen next," Yuichi said before quietly counting down from three to one before everyone, including a sky blue haired boy who was watching from a screen in another room, cheered out, "PENDULUM!"
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" Yuya appeared, standing on the bridge with the spotlight on her.
"Today I have a fantastic light show prepared of all of you! Now first of all, if you're asking for Pendulum, you mustn't forget about these two," Yuya held up her two magician cards.
"These two will bring out the stars of the show for I set Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician in the Pendulum Zones. Things are looking up my way now!" Yuya exclaimed.
The two zones appeared and the two magicians were beamed up into those Pendulum Zones.
"I'm allowed to summon multiple monsters from levels 2 to 7. Swing, pendulum of the soul! Draw an arc of light across the aether! Pendulum Summon! Appear now, my monsters!" Yuya shouted and three streaks of light came out of the Pendulum Portal.
"Performapal Turn Toad (ATK: 0. DF: 800)!"
A green frog wearing a blue suit and a blue top hat with an orange bow appeared.
"Performapal Kaleidoscorp!"
A red scorpion with an indigo top hat, googly eyes, two shield like claws and a kaleidoscope like tail appeared.
"And finally the dragon of immense double power and the two toned eyes, Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon (ATK: 2500. DF: 2000)!"
Her Ace, a red dragon with one red eye and one green eye appeared.
"That was perfect!" Her friends cheered.
"Yeah right! You have a level 6 monster but with only 100 attack points and a monster with zero attack points! Those are the most garbage of all garbage cards!" Shingo snapped.
"Ah but Kaleidoscorp's monster effect is very ferocious. Now now, this light might be bright but not bright enough to for you to close your eyes. Activate your effect, Kaleido Light!" Yuya warned.
Her monster held up its tail and shot a beam at Ultimate Dart Striker. Kaleidoscope images began to shine in the sky as Ultimate Dart Striker turned blue.
"This effect can activate if there's a monster that has been Pendulum Summoned on my opponent's field. Ultimate Dart Striker, yes?" Yuya asked.
"So what?" Shingo asked.
Yuya placed her hand on Odd Eyes' hand and said, "Now I'll choose a Pendulum monster of my own!"
When she said this, Odd Eyes began to glow yellow and Shingo's two other monsters light up and shot out beams of light that split into a red and blue version of Odd Eyes, one standing side by side with Odd Eyes.
"Amazing! Now my selected monster can attack all the monsters at once each! I call this, the Fabulous Kaleido Mirage!" Yuya cheered.
The two copies of Odd Eyes began to rise into the air.
"It's beautiful!" Ayu gasped with sparkles in her eyes.
"I admit that I'd like to enjoy the view myself but right now I'm dueling. Now here's this? How about I show you all the flight of the Odd Eyes' battle?" Yuya suggested and his friends nodded.
"Ok then! Battle, red copy of Odd Eyes! Attack Ultimate Dart Striker!" Yuya called out.
The red version of Odd Eyes roared and shot spiral flames at Ultimate Dart Striker.
"Now then, when Odd Eyes attacks, do you know what happens next?" Yuya asked, referring to the audience which were, to her knowledge, her friends.
"When Odd Eyes battles a level 5 or higher monster, the battle damage is dealt double!" Tatsuya explained.
"Ding ding! We have a winner," Yuya made an ok sign at this.
"Dealt double?!" Shingo cried as the mirage attacked his monster which made it crash into Shingo and he fell into the harbor.
4000 —> 3800 LPS
"And now blue copy of Odd Eyes, attack Rocket Dart Striker!" Yuya called out and the blue version of Odd Eyes did exactly the same as the red one.
Shingo got out of the water and tried to run but got thrown off his feet when his monster was destroyed.
3800 —> 2600 LPS
"And now the true Odd Eyes! Attack Power Dart Striker with Spiral Flame Strike!" Yuya cheered and spiral flames were shot out of Odd Eyes' mouth.
"Do you know what the damage will be?" Yuya asked and her friends all cheered out, "DOUBLE!"
"Of course it is!" Shingo snapped as he futilely dodged the next attack that destroyed his final monster.
2600 —> 1200 LPS
"Hehe...you did manage to throw in some interesting moves. Looks like you're more than a cute face. But I still have some life points left!" Shingo laughed.
"Oh no! Yuya has already attacked with her strongest monsters!" Futoshi cried, worried.
"Don't worry, she has a plan," Yuichi assured him and pointed to Yuya.
The determined look on her face reassured the kids. Yuichi was right, Yuya does have a plan in mind.
"And now the stars of the show!" She called out and two monsters stepped up.
Performapal Turn Toad and Block Spider!
"The hell? That's all you got left? A monster with zero attack points and one in defense mode!" Shingo snapped.
"You may be right but that doesn't mean that they can't give it their all with a little bit of help," Yuya winked.
What does she mean by that? Shingo thought.
"Worry not! Because Turn Toad is able to turn things around! Show 'em, Turn Toad!" Yuya called out and her monster turned the shadow of Block Spider from defense to attack points.
"Turn Toad can turn something from defense to attack position with the attack being half of that monster's defense points," Yuya explained.
0 —> 1200 ATK
"This can't be!" Shingo hissed.
"Now what happens if I attack with directly with Block Spider?" Yuya asked.
Shingo gasped in horror and Yuya said to the audience, "This is an easy one."
"Of course it is!" Her friends cheered.
"Now say it with me now," Yuya invited them.
"DIRECT ATTACK, BLOCK SPIDER!" They all shouted.
"Now what's going to be Shingo's attack points after this?" Yuya asked.
"ZERO!" Her friends cheered.
"Ack!" Shingo yelped as Block Spider tackled him.
1200 —> 0 LPS
WINNER: Yuya Sakaki
The Action Field disappeared as spider webs began to flicker like fireworks in the sky. Yuya gave one final bow after it all disappeared.
The arena was back to what it previously was before the duel and Shingo furiously got up.
"Can't believe it has come to this. If I can't have those cards by duel, then I'll take them by force!" Shingo then snapped his fingers and his goons appeared beside him.
"Go get her cards!" Shingo ordered but before they could take a step forward, his goons were knocked unconscious with Shingo following them moments later.
"What the?" Yuya asked just as the same sky blue haired boy appeared behind Shingo and his goons.
"Geez, guess you really were uncool until the end," he noted.
A lollipop stick rolled on the ground which infers that might have been his weapon.
Yuya stood in shock as the boy then approached her.
"Hey, you looked really cool back there! Nice dueling," he told her.
"Umm, are you a student at LID's?" She asked but surprisedly the boy shook his head.
"Nah. I was planning to but I changed my mind. I think I'd rather be your apprentice instead," the boy said.
"Heeeeh?!" Yuya cried and everyone else looked at the boy in shock.
"If I had to learn from a teacher, might as well make it interesting and by far, you're the most interesting person I have seen so far since I got here," the boy explained.
"Ok...did you do that?" Yuichi asked, still not getting over on how did the boy manage to knock out Shingo and his goons.
"They're just unconscious. They'll wake up soon," the boy assured him before adding, "I'm Sora, nice to meet you."
He held out his hand and Yuya shook it, still confused about everything.
Somewhere in the Leo Corporation offices, this guy in a suit named Nakajima ordered, "Someone follow them and take her cards!"
"That is quite enough," the silver haired teenager said.
"But Mr.President-," Nakajima started but got cut off by the President of the Leo Corporation who just gave him a knowing glance like he was thinking of something.
The President then looked at the screen that showed Yuya.
"She put a good enough show for me," he said.
A/N: yay new chapter! Sorry if things are being slow/almost word for word from the anime. Things start off this way for now but dw! Stay along for the ride and enjoy!
That's all I have to say other than I changed Ruri's genderbend name. He used to be Ryo but I changed it to Ryu. That is all.
Cya in the next one -Flare
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