Chapter 3: Joey the Growlithe
Hey guys, sorry for not updating any of my stories, I've just been so busy with keeping my grades up and graduation that I've forgotten to update. So please accept this chapter as an apology.
Right now, everyone was waiting for Yami, and Yugi looked so sad. Dawn decided to say something to cheer Yugi up.
"So Yugi, where did you get that cute pyramid?"
"Hm? Oh, this is my Millennium Puzzle. Me and Yami got it from our grandpa, when he was an archaeologist." Yugi said.
"Millennium Puzzle?"
~~~ One Explanation About the Millennium Items Later~~~
"Cooooolll!" Ash and Dawn said in unison. Just then, there was a bell sound, signaling that Yami was ready. The doors to the operating room then opened, revealing Nurse Joy pushing Yami out on a stretcher.
"Good news, your Luxio is going to be okay." Nurse Joy said as Yami jumped off the cart, running to Yugi. Yugi did the same. Once the two reached each other, they started nuzzling each other.
"Hey Yugi, Yami." The two looked over at Ash. "I have a question to ask you two."
"What is it?"They asked in unison.
Ash then took out two Pokéballs. "I want you two to join my team and come with me on my journey."
Yami and Yugi were beyond surprised, they didn't expect this. Though, if they were to be caught, that might mean that they will be able to travel the world, meet new people and Pokémon. Make new friends. Hmmm.....
"We accept." Ash nodded and tapped the Pokéballs on their heads. After they sucked in, the Pokéballs shook for a few seconds, then they 'pinged', showing that they've been captured.
"Alright, come out you two." Ash then released his new Pokémon. "Now come on, let's go and get something to eat; I bet you two are hungry." He stated, starting to walk off.
"Hold on, Ash." Dawn said, making Ash stop in his tracks.
"What is it, Dawn?"
"I have no doubt someone would want to capture Tami and Yugi." Dawn starts as she pulls something out of her backpack. "So, I think they should wear these." Dawn then holds up two bandanas, one red, and the other one was purple. She folds them up, and ties them around their necks. "There."
"Now can we get something to eat?" Ash says.
"Pika." Pikachu says, agreeing with Ash.
~After Lunch~
After lunch, our heros were back on the road. Well, Yami was carrying Yugi on his back. As they were walking, Piplup saw something in a bush near by. All he saw was something gold-brown.
"Pip lup?" He jumped off of Dawn's head and go after whatever it is that he saw.
"Hey, Piplup!" Dawn yelled as she ran after her Pokémon. "Where are you going!"
"Dawn, wait up!" Ash yelled, going after Dawn.
"Pika pika!"
"Hey! Wait for me!" Brock yelled, going after his two friends.
"Don't forget us!" Yugi and Yami yelled.
Piplup was now standing in a clearing in the forest. He looked around and didn't see the gold-brown....thing he saw before.
"Piplup!" He heard Dawn yell. "Don' that.....again." She said between breaths.
Ash, Brock, Pikachu, Yami, and Yugi then caught up with them, breathing heavily.
"Why that?" Brock asked.
"Pip pip piplup!"
"Piplup said he saw something run through here." Yugi said
"Well," Ash started. "What could it have been?"
As they were talking, there seemed to be a golden Growlithe watching them from a bush not too far away. When he saw the Shinx and Luxio's eyes, his honey-brown eyes widen realizing who they were. He grinned and ran out of the bushes towards the group of friends.
Back with our heroes, they were discussing what Piplup might have seen when suddenly, Yugi and Yami were tackled by a shiny Growlithe.
"Oh man, I'm so glad ta know I'm not da only in this place." The Growlithe said in a thick Brooklyn accent.
When Yami and Yugi heard his voice, they gasped.
"Joey, is it really you?" Yami asked as they got up from ground.
"The one an' only." The Growlithe, now known as Joey, said.
"Um, Yami? Yugi? Do you know this Growlithe?" Ash asked as Dawn took out her Pokédex.
"A Growlithe?" Dawn questioned as she scanned the Growlithe.
Growlithe. The Puppy Pokémon. Growlithe has an excellent nose and a good memory for scents. It can even sniff out people's emotions.
"Guys, this are friend, Joey. Joey's from our world. Joey, these are our new friends, Ash, Brock, Dawn, Pikachu, and Piplup." Yami said, pointing to each of them.
"They helped us when we were injured." Yugi said, cutely looking up at Joey.
Joey then looked over at the trio, walked over to them, and looked at them straight in their eyes. Yami and Yugi noticed that he had a serious look on his face. They hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid.
"So, you're three took care of my friends?" The three nodded. "Well, you three just gained my respect. Not many people are able ta do dat. And, judgin' by da bandanas, I can see that one of you caught them and are gonna be with ya. In dat case, I wanna join." Everyone's eyes widened.
"Joey, are you sure?" Yugi asked his friend.
"Of course I'm sure Yug'. You and Yami are like the brothers I never had. I wanna make sure you're safe." Ash smiled at what Joey said.
'He really seems to care about his friends.' Ash thought as he took out another Pokéball.
(Okay, before I continue I want to say that in my version of Pokémon, trainers will be able to carry as many Pokémon they want because I thought the 6 Pokémon limit was stupid. Please continue.)
"Alright Joey, I'll capture you." Ash then tapped Joey's head. The Pokéball shook a few times then 'pinged'. He then released Joey out of the Pokéball.
"Welcome to the team Joey." Ash said.
Dawn then took out a yellow bandana and tied around Joey's neck.
"Alight guys, let's get back to the road." Brock said, already going back the way they came.
Everyone then followed, heading off to Dawn's next Pokémon Contest.
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