Chapter 2
Me: More truth or dare Guys.
Everyone: Okay!
Yami: Marik truth or dare
Marik: Dare
Yami: I dare you to play with dogs
Joey: Come on Yami you can do better than that
Marik: I hate dogs so no he couldn't have.
Joey: Well good luck then
Me: This is my friends' German Shepherd Tiki
Marik: What do I do? *pets Tikis' butt*
Me: Marik that's Tikis' um... rump
Yami: HAHA! That's priceless
Me: Okay you did your dare Tiki home *gives treat*
Marik: Malik truth or dare
Malik: Truth
Marik: Who is your crush?
Malik: um... well.. It's
Marik: I can't hear you
Malik: It's you Marik. Anyways Yugi truth or dare
Yugi: dare
Malik: I dare you to hug Atem in front of Heba
Yugi: Fine *walks over to Atem and hugs him*
Heba: What the heck Yugi he's mine! *pounces on Yugi*
Yugi: Heba stop it was a dare, would I really betray my own brother?
Heba:Sorry right *kisses Atem and hugs Yugi*
Me: now the brotherly love is over we have some dares. This one is from Dragon-kid789: I dare Yugi and Heba to wear skirts. But to make it more fun for me your going to wear Egyptian slave outfits, so go get changed.
Yugi and Heba: Fine *leave*
Me: While they change here's one from MaryPickard7: Yami and Atem to dress as girls. Okay so you two change.
Yami and Atem: *walk away in shame*
Yugi and Heba: *come out* Where are they going?
Me: To do a dare anyway last ones from Pika-Girl1: I dare Yugi to pee his pants on purpose.
Yugi: I can't
Me: Why?
Heba: Because we went to the bathroom while we were changing
Me: Fine
Yami and Atem: *come out, see Yugi and Heba* Dare?
Yugi and Heba: Yeah. You too?
Yami and Atem: Yeah we are going to change.
Me: You two can but, Yugi and Heba can't.
Yugi and Heba: Why?
Me: Because it will make the game more fun. Anyways leave truths or dares in the comments bye.
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