Episode 8 Dragons, Fiends and Fairies (Ryu v. Vaan)
Kaiba: And we are back with quite a match up. It will be between Ryu and Vaan.
Jack: We've seen Vaan dismantle Wallace after getting rid of his Graveyard and Ryu will be one who needs the Graveyard to tap into the powers of the Rokkets and the Red-Eyes.
Joey: Aye, maybe Ryu will have the chance to win
Kaiba: Since both duelists have identical records, a coin toss has been done and their entrance order will show who will go first.
Announcer: The following is a ranked duel!
Announcer: First, Ryu! (Rank: 13; Record: 1-1)
Joey: This one shows promise....
Kaiba: But I feel this one may be collapsing real quick
Jack: Come on, too early for that.
Announcer: And his opponent, Vaan! (Rank 15; Record: 1-1)
Kaiba: With this one going second, this will be quite the challenge for Ryu
Jack: We see this one rendering Graveyards useless.
Joey: This will be bad real early.
Announcer: Let the duel begin!
Turn 1 (Ryu 8000/ Vaan 8000)
Ryu's Main Phase
Ryu: I set two cards facedown and a monster in facedown defense to end my turn
Turn 2 (Ryu 8000/ Vaan 8000)
Vaan draws a card
Vaan's Main Phase 1
Vaan: I set two cards and a monster in facedown defense to call it a turn
Kaiba: Similar moves huh?
Turn 3 (Ryu 8000/ Vaan 8000)
Ryu draws a card
Ryu's Main Phase 1
Ryu: I summon Silverrokket Dragon (DARK/4*/Dragon/Effect/ATK1900/DEF100).
Ryu's Battle Phase
Ryu: I attack your facedown monster with Silverrokket Dragon (ATK1900)
Silverrokket Dragon (ATK1900) attacks Vaan's facedown Banisher of the Light (LIGHT/3*/Fairy/Effect/ATK100/DEF2000) (Ryu takes 100LP Damage)
Ryu 7900/ Vaan 8000
Kaiba: He'd better be careful of cards being sent to the graveyard because so long as that Banisher of the Light is faceup, any cards being sent to the Graveyard is banished instead.
Jack: Once again, a duelist losing their Graveyard.
Ryu's End Phase
Ryu: I end my turn
Turn 4 (Ryu 7900/ Vaan 8000)
Vaan draws a card
Vaan's Main Phase 1
Vaan: I summon Majestic Mech - Ohka (LIGHT/6*/Fairy/Effect/ATK2400/DEF1400).
Joey: Hey, what's the big idea?
Vaan: I can Normal Summon Ohka without a Tribute but should I do so, I send it to the Graveyard during the End Phase.
Kaiba: Makes sense
Vaan's Battle Phase
Vaan: I attack Silverrokket Dragon (ATK1900) with Majestic Mech-Ohka (ATK2400)
Silverrokket Dragon is destroyed and is removed out of play due to Banisher of the Light's effect (500LP Damage to Ryu)
Ryu 7400/ Vaan 8000
Vaan's End Phase
Vaan: I end my turn and that means Majestic Mech-Ohka is sent out of play too.
Majestic Mech-Ohka is removed from play due to Banisher of the Light's effect.
Jack: This will be a grind fest
Turn 5 (Ryu 7400/ Vaan 8000)
Ryu draws a card
Ryu's Main Phase 1
Ryu: I won't do anything
Ryu's End Phase
Ryu: I end my turn
Turn 6 (Ryu 7400/ Vaan 8000)
Vaan draws a card
Vaan's Main Phase 1
Vaan: I set a monster in facedown defense to end my turn
Turn 7 (Ryu 7400/ Vaan 8000)
Ryu draws a card
Ryu's Main Phase 1
Ryu: I end my turn
Turn 8 (Ryu 7400/ Vaan 8000)
Vaan draws a card
Vaan: I set another monster in facedown defense to end my turn
Kaiba: If someone makes a wrong move, then it will either lead to the victory of one of these duelists
Turn 9 (Ryu 7400/ Vaan 8000)
Ryu draws a card
Ryu's Main Phase 1
Ryu: I summon Metalrokket Dragon (DARK/4*/Dragon/Effect/ATK1700/DEF1400).
Joey: Not enough....
Kaiba: Good you know!
Ryu: I'm not finished. I flip summon Rokket Recharger to attack position (DARK/4*/Dragon/Effect/ATK0/DEF2100). And since I control a Rokket monster, I special summon from the hand, Absorouter Dragon (DARK/7*/Dragon/Effect/ATK1200/DEF2800).
Jack: What does he have planned out?
Ryu: I link all 3 of my monsters to link summon Triple Burst Dragon (DARK/Link Rating 3/Dragon/Link/Effect/ATK2400)
Vaan: Just do remember, those Link Materials are never to be played again.
Ryu: A risk I'm willing to take.
Ryu's Battle Phase
Ryu: Triple Burst Dragon (ATK2400) attack Vaan's Banisher of the Light! (DEF2000)
Banisher of the Light is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard.
Ryu: Also, Triple Burst Dragon's effect activates. When it battles against a defense position monster, it inflicts piercing damage (400LP Damage to Vaan)
Ryu 7400/ Vaan 7600
Ryu's End Phase
Ryu: I end my turn
Jack: Monsters can be sent back to the Graveyard again
Kaiba: But this won't end the plan
Turn 10 (Ryu 7400/ Vaan 7600)
Vaan draws a card
Vaan's Main Phase 1
Vaan: I admire your tenacity. I really do. But here is where things turn for the worse. I activate an Equip Spell Card, Snatch Steal. I take control of one of your monsters but you will gain 1000LP during each of your Standby Phases. I take control of your Triple Burst Dragon
Triple Burst Dragon is now under Vaan's control.
Vaan: I then sacrifice my facedown Bountiful Artemis (LIGHT/4*/Fairy/Effect/ATK1600/DEF1700) and Majestic Mech - Senku (LIGHT/4*/Fairy/Effect/ATK1000/DEF500) to Tribute Summon Zoa (DARK/7*/Fiend/ATK2600/DEF1900)
Joey: He is in deep now
Vaan's Battle Phase
Vaan: I attack you directly first with your very own Triple Burst Dragon (2400LP Damage to Ryu)
Ryu 5000/ Vaan 7600
Vaan: I also attack directly with Zoa! (2600LP Damage to Ryu)
Ryu 2400/ Vaan 7600
Vaan's Main Phase 2
Vaan: I activate my Trap Card, Deck Destruction Virus. I Tribute 1 DARK monster with 2000 or more ATK and I can look at your hand, all monsters you control and all cards you will draw until the end of your 3rd turn after this card's activation. I tribute Triple Burst Dragon
Triple Burst Dragon and Snatch Steal are both sent to the Graveyard
Jack: Heartless!
Vaan sees Ryu's hand and tells his foe
Vaan: Kindly discard that Carboneddon (EARTH/3*/Dinosaur/Effect/ATK800/DEF600)
Vaan End Phase
Vaan: I end my turn
Turn 11 (Ryu 2400/ Vaan 7600)
Ryu draws a card
Vaan: Deck Devastation Virus's effect activates. What did you draw?
Ryu: Ugh, World Chalice Guardragon (WIND/1*/Dragon/Effect/ATK400/DEF400)
Vaan: Chuck it!
World Chalice Guardragon is sent to the Graveyard due to Deck Devastation Virus.
Ryu's Main Phase 1
Ryu: I activate the effect of my Carboneddon. I can banish this card from my Graveyard to Special Summon from my hand or deck, 1 7* (Level 7) or lower Dragon Normal monster in faceup Defense Position. I Special Summon from the deck, Red-Eyes Black Dragon (DARK/7*/Dragon/Normal/ATK2400/DEF2000).
Ryu's End Phase
Ryu: I end my turn
Deck Devastation Virus timer - 1 turn since activation
Turn 12 (Ryu 2400/ Vaan 7600)
Vaan draws a card
Vaan's Main Phase
Vaan: I summon Malice Doll of Demise (DARK/4*/Fiend/Effect/ATK1600/DEF1700).
Vaan's Battle Phase
Vaan: I attack your Red-Eyes Black Dragon (DEF2000) with Zoa (ATK2600)
Red-Eyes Black Dragon is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard
Ryu: I activate Red-Eyes Retro Dragon's effect! While this is in my hand if a Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster/s I control is destroyed by an opponent's attack or card effect and is sent to the Graveyard. I can special summon Red-Eyes Retro Dragon (DARK/4*/Dragon/Effect/ATK1700/DEF1600) in faceup Defense Position as well as the destroyed monsters in the same position they were when destroyed. So welcome back, Red-Eyes Black Dragon (DARK/7*/Dragon/Normal/ATK2400/DEF2000)
Vaan's End Phase
Vaan: I end my turn
Joey: What a save!
Kaiba: Close one
Turn 13(Ryu 2400/ Vaan 7600)
Ryu draws a card
Vaan: Deck Devastation Virus what did you draw
Ryu: Checksum Dragon (DARK/6*/Dragon/Effect/ATK400/DEF2400)
Vaan: Discarded!
Checksum Dragon is sent to the Graveyard.
Ryu's Main Phase 1
Ryu: I switch Red-Eyes Black Dragon to Attack position
Ryu's Battle Phase
Ryu: Red-Eyes Black Dragon (ATK2400) attack that Malice Doll of Demise (ATK1600)
Malice Doll of Demise is destroyed by battle (800LP Damage to Vaan)
Ryu 2400/ Vaan 6800
Ryu's End Phase
Ryu: I end....my turn
Deck Devastation Virus timer - 2 turns since activation
Turn 14 (Ryu 2400/ Vaan 6800)
Vaan draws a card
Vaan's Main Phase 1
Vaan: I set a card facedown and proceed to battle
Vaan's Battle Phase
Vaan: Zoa (ATK2600) attack Red-Eyes Black Dragon (ATK2400)
Red-Eyes Black Dragon is destroyed by battle (200LP Damage to Ryu)
Ryu 2200/ Vaan 6800
Vaan's End Phase
Vaan: I end my turn
Turn 15 (Ryu 2200/ Vaan 7600)
Ryu draws a card
Vaan: Deck Devastation Virus, what did you draw?
Ryu: Trap Card, Return of the Red-Eyes
Vaan: Pass
Ryu's Main Phase 1
Ryu: I set a card and end my turn
Deck Devastation Virus timer - 3 turns since activation
Turn 16 (Ryu 2400/ Vaan 6800)
Vaan draws a card
Vaan's Battle Phase
Vaan: I attack Red-Eyes Retro Dragon (DEF1600) with Zoa (ATK2600)
Ryu: I activate a Continuous Trap Card, Reeturn of the Red-Eyes. If I control a Red-Eyes monster, I can target 1 Normal Monster in my Graveyard and Special Summon it. I choose Red-Eyes Black Dragon (DARK/7*/Dragon/Normal/ATK2400/DEF2000) in defense mode.
Vaan: Damned Replay....
Ryu: Select who to attack with Zoa, duelist.
Vaan: Red-Eyes Retro Dragon still
Red-Eyes Retro Dragon is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard
Vaan's End Phase
Vaan: I end my turn
Turn 17 (Ryu 2200/ Vaan 6800)
Ryu draws a card
Ryu's Main Phase 1
Ryu: I set another card and end my turn
Turn 18 (Ryu 2200/ Vaan 6800)
Vaan draws a card
Vaan's Battle Phase
Vaan: I attack Red-Eyes Black Dragon (DEF2000) with Zoa (ATK2600)
Red-Eyes Black Dragon is destroyed by battle
Vaan: I end my turn
Turn 19 (Ryu 2200/ Vaan 6800)
Ryu draws a card
Ryu's Main Phase 1
Ryu: I activate a Spell Card, Red-Eyes Insight. I send 1 Red-Eyes monster to the Graveyard and add 1 Red-Eyes Spell/Trap from my deck to my hand. I send to my Graveyard my other Red-Eyes Black Dragon and add to my hand and...end my turn
Turn 20 (Ryu 2200/ Vaan 6800)
Vaan draws a card
Vaan: I end it here. Zoa direct attack! (2600LP Damage to Ryu)
Ryu 0/ Vaan 6800
Announcer: Your winner, Vaan!
Kaiba: Another impressive victory with Vaan!
Joey: Just sucks that Ryu lost
Jack: Well, he didn't go down without a fight. That counts for something....
Kaiba: Red-Eyes is not better!
Joey: Oh we'll see. Can your adopted son beat down the Champ?
Kaiba: Blue-Eyes has withstood the test of time. This fading champion is about to lose anyway!
Jack: We will be right back
1. Dino (3 - 0)
2. Duke (3 - 0)
3. Frost (3 - 0)
4. Hiro (3 - 0)
5. Magnus (3 - 0)
6. Pat (2 - 1)
7. Vade (3 - 0)
8. AK (1 - 1)
9. Blaze (1 - 2)
10. Cloud (1 - 2)
11: Irvine (1 - 1) (Duel League Champion)
12. Odin (2 - 1)
13. Ryu (1 - 2)
14. Strike (1- 2)
15. Vaan (2 - 1)
16. Wallace (2 - 1)
17. Wolfe (2 - 1)
18. Cobalt (1 -2)
19. Crow (1 - 2)
20. Fenix (0 - 3)
21. Gizmo (0 - 3)
22. Mahad (0 - 3)
23. Tempest (0 - 3)
24. Viper (0 - 3)
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