A/N: HERE IT IS, FOLKS, THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I PRESENT TO YOU THE THIRD AND FINAL PART OF ANONYMOUS ADMIRER! Lol it's about time. I'm sorry it took so dang long, but I just didn't know how to continue it on from where I left off. I actually was originally planning to stop it at two parts, but so many people wanted another chapter that I was like, "What the heck, sure! Why not?" It was really fun to write as well, and I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!
Jack's POV
Golden sunlight poured down from the heavens, creating a beautiful scene of summer tranquility. Fluffy white clouds rolled across the bright blue sky, offering some shade to the land below. A flock of swallows chirped to one another as they hopped among the stems of grass in the large, sloping field. A small bumblebee droned drowsily to a patch of dandelions, landing upon one of the sunny yellow flowers. A gentle breeze stirred the grass, offering a cool touch to contrast the sun's warm glow.
Jack lay on his back, staring up at the sky far above him. He twiddled a long blade of grass between his fingers, absentmindedly tearing it in half and dropping one part to the ground. Letting out a deep sigh, his thoughts soon wandered back to the thing they always did: Y/N
Smiling to himself, Jack remembered when he had first come face to face with her. He had to suppress a laugh as he recalled her expression of complete shock and surprise when she had seen him on the bus. Closing his eyes, he replayed the fond memory for the thousandth time so his mind's eye could watch it once more.
Jack walked tentatively up to the bus door, waiting for the group of students in front of him to board. He kept going over the description of his friend in his mind: "A bright blue shirt with jeans and a Jacksepticeye beanie." That's what she had texted him no later than twenty minutes ago. He bobbed up and down anxiously, watching as the last person in front of him disappeared into the bus. Hesitantly, he lifted his right foot and placed it onto the first step. Grasping the hand rail, he pulled himself up into the vehicle.
Gazing around, Jack initially didn't see anyone matching the description flying around inside his head. Heading down the aisle, he became distracted by trying to avoid the other students' backpacks left in the middle of the walkway. He tripped over one, and had to catch himself on one of the seats. When he looked up, he noticed a girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair sitting two rows behind where he was standing. She was staring right at him, shock written all over her face. Most striking of all, she exactly matched the description that had been the most important thing on Jack's mind.
Oh god, she's beautiful.
"Jack?" Her voice came out as a whisper, barely audible above the noise coming from the rest of the bus. Disbelief shone bright in her (E/C) eyes.
Jack couldn't help but smile at her. "Y/W/N?" he asked, taking the remaining steps toward her.
All she could do was nod.
Jack sat down next to her, placing his heavy backpack on the floor beside his feet. Looking over at her, he noticed that she was still staring at him. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Maybe I should've told her who I was before, he thought.
Then, she spoke. "Why didn't you tell me?" she questioned, sounding absolutely perplexed. Not angry or weirded out, just... curious.
Sighing, Jack started down at his hands awkwardly. "Well, uh," he started shakily, "I uh, didn't want any like, fangirls or whatever to freak out about me being on Wattpad and reading their stories. That's why I chose a different username."
To his immense relief, he looked back at her to see her nodding in understanding. "And you didn't want me to freak out either, so you didn't tell me," she finished.
"Well, partly," Jack corrected. "It was also because I um, didn't want you to just be friends with me just cause I'm a Youtuber. I've had that happen to me before, and it sucked." He averted his eyes from her (E/C) ones.
"Oh," she replied softly. Then she let out a little laugh that made Jack quickly glance back her. "Jack, you didn't need to worry about that! I'm glad to be your friend, not just cause you're freaking awesome, but because you were freaking awesome to me. You helped me out, not just with my sister, but whenever I was lonely. Because of you, I knew I always had someone to talk to." She held my gaze and smiled, her eyes twinkling with happiness.
Jack laughed. "Well, that's a relief," he admitted.
She laughed with him. "Hey," she said suddenly, "I know your real name now, but you don't know mine," she realized.
"Oh, yeah!" he exclaimed. "I'd pretty much forgotten about that."
Letting out a giggle, she then smiled at him. A real, genuinely happy smile. "Well, I'm Y/N," she said, a hint of shyness in her voice.
Jack grinned back at her and comically shook her hand. "Nice to finally meet you, Y/N."
•-End flashback-•
Jack was broken out of his warm thoughts by a cold hand resting on his arm. He flinched away, exaggerating the motion and letting out a loud yell of surprise. He was met with laughter, ringing sweetly in his ears. "Your hands are always so freaking cold, Y/N!" he complained, smiling from ear to ear.
"Oh, shut up, silly bean," Y/N retaliated. "I wanted to show you that really pretty butterfly that landed over there," she explained exasperatedly, pointing over his shoulder from where she lay, "but you scared it away."
"Oops," he said, shrugging.
Giving him a look, Y/N then changed the subject. "You looked like you were falling asleep a second ago," she commented. "Are you really that tired?"
Jack laughed. "No, I was just remembering something."
"What was it?" she asked curiously, propping herself off the ground with her elbows.
"About the first time we met in person," he admitted.
Y/N smiled, her eyes unfocusing as she also began to remember. "Oh, yeah... That wasn't embarrassing at all."
The two laughed, then Jack turned to lay on his side in the soft grass, facing her. "Hey, you wanna know the first thing I thought when I saw you?" he asked her, watching for her reaction.
Blinking in the warm sunlight, she replied, "Sure."
Jack smiled softly. "She's beautiful."
TA-DA!!! I hope that was good lol. I was actually going to make these imagines into a full length book, but then I couldn't find a good enough plot and I didn't like where it was going, and all these problems. So I just decided to finish it all off here. I'm actually really happy with where this imagine has gone, and I'm even more happy that so many people told me that they liked it. MY DREAMS HAVE BEEN FULFILLED!! 😂
Anyways, I have an announcement to make. I'm reopening requests for this book! I so far only have one imagine idea in the works, and I want to keep writing these stories. So, if anyone has an idea, don't hesitate to request it! I'll do my best to get it to you asap, and I really hope you enjoy them!
I'll see you in the next one, guys! BYEEEEEEEE~
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