Chapter 3: Sethbling!!
A/N Started writing this on my grandma's phone, finished on the computer. Bear with me for this one, k? I added another youtuber, and also another person.
Jasen's POV
I head to computers, where a new teacher sat at Mr. Herts' desk. I went to my computer and instantly went on Minecraft. I loaded up my redstone world to add on a few features to it. "That's really neat." a voice said behind me. I jumped.
"Thanks." I replied as I turned around to face the person who had spoken. He smiled.
"The name's Seth." he introduced himself, holding out his hand. I shook it, understanding what was happening from the announcement earlier.
"Jasen. You don't happen to be Sethbling, do you?" I asked him. He nodded, still smiling. "Cool." I turned back around to build on my redstone. I started adding a little more redstone to the build, and Seth gave me some tips as I built. I heard the intercom come on.
"Seth, have you decided?" the principal, or whoever they were, asked.
"Yep." Seth replied. "I'll be right down with him."
"All right." the intercom switched off, and Seth motioned for me to follow him.
"Um...what's going on?" I asked as we walked towards the office.
"You'll see. Adam will explain." Seth replied. We entered the office, and SkyDoesMinecraft stood in front of me, a girl beside him. "Adam, this is Jasen. Jasen, meet Adam and Shadow." I waved.
"Adam!" a voice came from the hallway. Deadlox entered, another girl following him, with a pack of girls behind that one. "Help!"
"Shadow, close the door!" the girl shouted. Shadow ran to the door and shut it in the crazy fangirls' faces. The other girl sat on the floor. "Thanks." she said gratefully, gasping for air. Ty was panting as well.
"They chased us around the school for a while." he explained. Adam nodded.
"Ty, this is Jasen. Jasen, this is Ty and Rose." Seth explained. Rose waved, still trying to catch her breath. I sat down next to her.
"So...what exactly is going on?" I asked. Ty and Adam looked at Seth.
"Well, the short version is that all the minecraft youtubers needed to gather some kids to take over their channels once they grew too old to make videos anymore." he explained. I nodded.
"And I assume that Rose and Shadow are a couple of them." I stated. Seth nodded. Rose smiled, and so did Shadow. "Great. How many other boys are there?" I asked.
"I don't actually know." Rose replied. "Shadow?" Shadow shrugged. "Oh well, all I know is that there's two so far. You and Riley." I nodded. At least I wouldn't be alone.
Rose's POV
'I like Jasen. He's considerate.' I thought to myself. My alter ego, whom I liked to call Rainbow, kicked in.
'Don't tell me you're planning on DATING him.' it said. Rainbow had no gender. It was just a separate personality.
'Maybe.' I replied. I only talk to it through my mind. Nothing more, nothing less.
'Fine.' it finally said, and went away.
A/N Just to let you know, I came up with this on the spot without Shadow. It probably would have taken longer for me to make this chapter with her. I can't write well with others critiquing my writing skills. I don't have a format for my writing, SO WHAT?? SUE ME!! Eat chocolate, smell roses, and kill squids! Peace, Rose Warriors! (Something I've decided to call my followers on youtube, twitter, and here.)
Rose out!
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