Chapter 2: Sky? Bashur? CaptainSparklez?!
A/N Yeah, this next part Shadow worked on as well, but I did the majority. Read on! (Also, Shadow came up with the idea of the youtubers taking apprentices.) Remember, each chapter is one day.
"Hey Ty." I say to Ty on the way to grab my stuff for second hour.
"Hey. Can you come with me for a second?" he asks me. The bell rings for the second time.
"But I have to get..." I start, but Ty has grabbed my hand and drug me to Mrs. Holt's room. Mrs. Thomas'sclass sounds like it has a man teaching, not her. Ty knocks on Mrs. Holt's door. Someone other than Mrs. Holt opens the door.
"I found my apprentice. Rose Z." Ty tells the man standing in front of us. The man nods and pushes the button for the principle's office.
"gjkbdlgkjdfvljn!" a voice shouts into the room.
"Hey Sky." Ty says. I look around the room, and spot Shadow. "I found my apprentice."
"K. I'm going to tell everyone else, and encourage them to hurry up." Sky replies. I realize the school has been taken over by youtubers. "Meet me in the office."
"Wait, Sky!" the man shouts. He sounds faintly like Bashurverse. "I found mine. Riley."
"Cool. Both of you, bring them to the office." The intercom clicks off, and then back on again. "Attention teachers and students. I need all the substitutes to bring their chosen children to the office immediately." The intercom clicks off again. Mrs Thomas's room opens, and CaptainSparklez walks out with one of the students. Ty starts walking in the direction of the office, but I stop him.
"Bring Shadow." I say stubbornly. Ty shakes his head. "Bring her or I will scream and I won't stop." Ty sighs.
"Fine. But only because Sky needs an apprentice as well." he replies. Shadow gets up and follows me and Ty as the man, who I assume is Bashur, and Riley enter the office. When we get in, Ty takes me and Shadow straight to the front. "Sky, this is Shadow. My apprentice, Rose, insisted that I bring her."
"Hi Sky. #Douchebagchickenroomate." Shadow says while waving.
"Cool! You're going to be my apprentice." Sky states to Shadow, and then turns to the group of youtubers and students. "Let's get going!"
Shadow looks puzzled. 'That easy?' she mouths. I grin. Shadow looks at Sky. "So, what are we doing? What are you choosing kids for?" Sky smiles.
"There are a lot of younger MC players, plus we'll get old eventually. You guys will take our places." he states.
Shadow gasps. "I'm going to be a YouTuber?!" she yells. Sky starts making odd, random faces.
"Well, if it's ok wit your parents, yes!" Ty speaks up. "You get to live together, in a week or so you can maybe move in." Me and Shadow exchange glances, knowing how the other feels, (excited and freaking out), and are, overall, partying in our minds.
*time skip of butter flowers* (there will be a lot of these)
"Mom, can I live with other kids and be a famous youtuber?" I ask my mother. Mom looks at me questioningly.
"Sure...are you living in the same room as a boy?" she asks me.
"I don't think so." I reply. My mom nods and sends me to Braum's to meet up with Shadow.
*time skip to Braum's*
"Shadow! My mom said yes!" I shout at Shadow, who cringes at my loudness.
"My mom said yes, too." she replies. I take out my phone and send a text to Ty. Here it is:
Me: My mom said yes to me being a youtuber and living with other kids. Just as long as I don't stay in the same room as a boy if we have to double up.
Shadow takes out her phone and I think texts Adam. Ty sent this back.
(This is what her contact for Ty is) Ty (Deadlox): Cool. Where are you at? I want to meet up with you.
Me: I'm at the Braum's in Harrah with Shadow.
"Rose!" Shadow shouts in my ear. I fall backwards and hold my ear.
"Ow..." I say through gritted teeth. "Ty is going to come here."
"Really? So is Adam!" Shadow does a random dance. "He said that everyone is coming, along with their apprentices."
"Cool. I'm going to get a burger and a shake. Be right back." I get up and walke over to the oder station. "A number one with a medium chocolate shake, please." I wait until my number is called, and then I go back to mine and Shadow's table. At that moment, Ty and Adam walk in. "Hey!! I'm sitting over here!" I shout. Ty walks over and waves to Shadow, who waves back.
"Hey. We're going to need a bigger table than this." Ty says. I nod and get up.
"Shadow, let's move to that table over there." I point to the only available table in the corner.Ty walks over and slides in. I slide in next to him, Shadow slides in next to me, and Adam slides in next to Shadow. Soon, all of the youtubers and their apprenices are sitting at the table. Half of them have food, including me.
"Adam, let's go ahead and start." Ty whispers to Adam.
"Alright. We have some major decisions to make." Adam says, and the whole group falls silent. "When do you guys want to move into the house?" I look around at the silent, nervous people.
I speak up. "I think tomorrow works." Almost all of the other students agreed.
"We'll see what we can do." Ty responds. The rest of the time we are there, we talk about how long it might take and what we're going to do.
*time skip to after the meeting*
"Rose!" Ty shouts as he runs towards me. "I caught a ride with Adam here. Bash took his car, though, so do you think you could give me a ride to your house, and then to my hotel?" he asks me. I smile and nod.
"I was supposed to bring Shadow to my house first, and then take her home. Do you think you can wait to get back to your hotel?" Shadow walks over, clearly she's been eavesdropping.
"No, you go ahead. I've got $20 in my pocket, so I'm just going to stay and eat ice cream for an hour." She unzips her backpack. "Anyway, I brought my computer. I'll be fine. But you better not forget me!"
Ty interrupts. "I've got a better idea! Why don't all three of us go in the car and I dunno...poop everywhere and stuff? Heh. POOP! All poop is funny." Me and Shadow both stare at him for a moment. Then Shadow just shrugs and goes on.
"Sure, I can do that.I can't believe my parents said yes, but I think she thought I should be moving out soon anyway." Shadow trails off, and I pick up the conversation.
"BTW, Ty, my car is a humongous van. Let's go to the van now, but NO POOPING!" I glare at Ty.
*in the van*
"My only regret is that I have to quit my job AND Rose and I have to quit our volunteer work at One Day Ranch. I love volunteer work!" Shadow says. Ty cracks a smile.
"You LIKE volunteer work?" he laughs, and I interrupt.
"She likes the horses and any volunteer work in general, plus I'm there with her." We both throw our fists in the air. "Yea!" Ty grins,
"You two are crazy. I'd just poop everywhere!" Shadow looks at Ty.
"What is it with you and pooping everywhere?" Ty glares back, in a silly way.
I nod. "Ok then."
*time skip to my house*
Shadow, now in crazy mode, jumps out of the van right when we pass the gate. "Shadow!" I yell after her. "What the Nether?" and I laugh.
Shadow grins back. "I wanna, that's why!" I grin as Ty copies Shadow and slips out.
"Ty?! You too?!" I finally park, and Shadow walks right into the house, as it's normal for her to be over on a school night. She's like a strange step-sister or something.
"Hi Bunny!" This is my mother's nickname. "We brought Ty along this time. I don't know why though." Mom looks at her as I run into the house holding Ty's shoe proudly above my head. Ty is chasing me.
I yell "Your foot is now mine, Deadlox! Muahaha!" I run around the house, and stop only when my mother yells at us to stop.
"Rose! Not in the house!" she yells at me. I stop running and drop the shoe. Ty walks up behind me and watches as a cat lays down on top of his shoe.
" shoe!" I laugh, and look at my mom.
"Mom, don't be Phil, please." Phil is the word I use for a rude person, but Shadow calls those people a Bob.
"Rose, I'm not being a Phil!" mom states. Ty walks over to the desk in the living room. He sets down a large stack of papers.
"The house is in England, so we need to set up passports, exchange papers, permission slips, plane tickets, saving account, bank account transfer, temporary guardian papers, school enrolement forms, commentation tutoring applications, and offical youtube account agreement forms and pther poop and things and stuff and poop." Ty states, taking a breath for more.
Shadow interrupts. "I'll help, Adam texted me so he's on his way, plus we forgot him at Braum's. No cussing Ty." I stare at the giant stack of papers. Mom stares for a moment, and the oven beeps.
"I made brownies!" she exclaims, and all three of us turn around at the thought of delicious brownies. "It's also Shadow's turn to do the dishes." Shadow eats a brownie and starts on the dishes, I play minecraft, and Ty and my mother talk over stuff, while eating brownies and waiting for Adam.
*time skip to 15 minutes later*
Adam arrives. "I need to take Shadow home to go through the papers, but if you're on skype when we get there, we'll answer." I just nod and open skype as they leave.
A/N Whoo...long chapter. Eat chocolate, smell roses, and kill squids!
Rose out!
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