(I don't need to Roleplay the subtle angst man.... I don't need to roleplay the subtle angst man.... I don't need to roleplay the subtle angst man... I'm roleplaying the subtle angst man!)
Scenario 1)
After your little heist, well not so little heist, with your partner Mark. You weren't surprised to be put in jail after being caught. Mark had two ideas, sweeten up to the guards or gather the prisons for a break out. You choose the prisoners because you thought Mark would just ask around or something like that, not freaking try to intimidate the biggest fûcking guy in the prison! So he got punched through a wall.... You expected more from your partner but you really shouldn't have... Then some guy with a weird accent started singing, though it was very catchy. You know the rest of the story; You found out his name was Yancy, You beat him up, he helped you out, and gave you your box back. You tried to get Yancy to come with you but he told you he belonged in the prison but he told you he's try.... Then he told you when visitation times were! You know he didn't expect you to actually come but you did, he was surprised but happy. You came every third Sunday for about 2 years until you came and he wasn't there. When you asked for him, the guard told you that he was out of prison. You were upset since he never came to you or even waited for you though you wouldn't say you didn't expected it. You thanked the guard then walked back to your car with a sigh, your head low. "Hey, What with youse's long face?" You looked up to see Yancy leaning against your car. You smiled and rushed over to him, pushing his arm slightly and scolding him for scaring you. He just laughed and smiled widely. "What? Youse thought I'd leave youses? Nah! I need a place to stay, don't I?" He asked playfully, causing you to push him again. "Ok ok! But seriously... I do need a place to stays, can I stay with youse?" You agreed obviously which caused him to smile and pick you up, twirling you around. "Ah Thank youse! Youse won't regret its!" He said before putting you down again. Continue....
Scenario 2)
You were a criminal, you mostly just robbed rich people but you were more of chaotic good though. You stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Of course, as most criminals, you got caught eventually because some àsshole decided to beat up a homeless person to get information from them about you. But eh, you would get out on good behavior like you always did. But this time was a little different, usually the prisoners were glad to get out if you offered but when you casually brought it up they all said they wanted to stay. You also met a dude named Yancy, he had a weird accent but he was cool. You got pretty attached to the man, spending most of your time with him when you weren't trying to keep a good behavior. You had tried to convince him to get out on good behavior, same with all of the others but they never wanted to. Though, You might be getting through to Yancy. That or he was getting ready to kill you, either way you were fine with. But he was acting weird, you had to admit that. The normally cocky and talkative man was nervous and quiet. You would catch him staring at you when you were doing stuff then he would look away, his face turning red. But you weren't stupid, the goofball caught fûcking feelings for you. Now, Yancy was a good looking guy and funny too! And he was kind, and gentle, and he sung good, and... Fûck, seems you caught feelings for the man. But you were going to do some community service with barely anyone else but you wanted to try and convince Yancy again to come. You knew you were leaving in an hour so you rushed over to him, sitting down in front of him but he was too distracted with his hand on his face. "Yancy?" You asked softly, causing him to jump and blushed brightly. "What?! Oh, it's just youse. Uh, what's up with youse?" He asked as he tried to hide his face in his arms slightly. "I think you should come with me." "W-what?" You smiled and nodded slightly. "Yeah..! You can come and get some good behavior in then you could get out with me..! Then I can clean up a room for you in my house then-" "Wait, you want me to come with youse THEN live with you?" You nodded slightly. "Yeah...! It's be like a permanent sleepover or lovers! Uh, ahem, living like lovers... I mean, like living together!" You cursed yourself for suddenly being nervous but you looked at him to see him smirking. "Ah, oks... You really want me to?" You nodded eagerly causing him to chuckle. "Ok, I could trys... but just for youse!" He said quickly with a blush. You smiled and stood up. "Great! Let's get ready!" You told him before grabbing his arm and pulling him to his cell. Continue....
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