The perfect match
(I play your crush, you play mine)
A= The person who has been blind there whole life. They have never seen themself so are always afraid of what people think of their looks. But after becoming B's partner, they have become less worried about it. They also have a Seeing eye dog that helps them get around and not get themselves killed or into trouble.
B= The person who lost their legs a couple years before they met A. They became dependent on people after that and hasn't been able to get a partner because of their legs. Until they met A who never cared what B looked like since they couldn't see. They have a helping dog to help them do stuff they can't do without legs.
A has been blind since they were a baby and was always self-conscious about what they look like because they were always told they were good looking but always thought that people did that to let them feel better. B lost their legs a couple legs before they met A so it really hit them hard when they had to depend on people all the time. B found it stupid that they needed a dog for help but slowly got used to it because they had slowly grown attached to the dog. A and B met a couple years ago and had been dating for almost a whole year already. A didn't care about B not having legs because it didn't bother them. And B didn't care that A was blind because they could have something who wouldn't leave them because of their looks. A has been less self conscious about their looks since they started dating B. But one day, A was curious and asked B what they themself looked like. "Well... You have long/short (color) hair... You have pretty (skin colored) skin... You're short/tall.... And just over all beautiful..." B told them, sighing quietly as they smiled. This caused A to blush and tap their legs with their fingers. "Oh... T-thank you B..." "Anytime (Nickname)..." B said as they smiled more. Continue...
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