Seven Deadly Sins
Ok! So your crush will be whatever sin you pick and I'll give the others names!
(I play your crush, you play mine.)
You had moved into a new house which you found out had the Seven Deadly Sins living in it. You were happy that they excepted you
You had a specific liking for Pride or (Crush). Yeah, he was obnoxious with all talking about himself but other than that he was ok. You had self-esteem issues so you were envious of his looks and high self-esteem. When he found out, he started complimenting you more. He would complimented how you looked, whenever you did something good, or even told you that you would get better if you failed. Today you were trying to bake a cake for Percy but it ended up looking terribly. You huffed as you glared at the cake. "Hello (Nickname)! Huh? What is the matter?" (Crush) asked, walking over to you. "This stupid cake..." You mumbled. He looked at it and smiled. "Well, I think it looks amazing and that Percy wouldn't even notice if it looks bad or good." He reassured you which made you smile. "Thanks (His nickname)..." You mumbled. Continue...
You had a specific liking for Envy or (Crush). He was the quietest of them all. He didn't like it whenever you would hang out with the others but he also didn't say it. He wasn't really greedy, he was just really envious of everyone else. You were a very talented person so whenever you would be doing one of your hobbies, he would watch you. If you were drawing/singing/dancing, he would watch you and look annoyed. He told you that he wish he could do it as good as you, so, you helped him learn. That's what you two were doing now, you were teaching how to dance/sing/draw. He would get a little frustrated but he wouldn't get to angry and he sure as heck didn't quit. He watched you draw/dance/sing then he would try and do the same thing. "See? You're getting there (His nickname)...!" You smiled, watching him. He glanced at you as he smiled faintly. "Thanks..." He mumbled as he stopped. You smiled and continued so he could copy you. Continue...
You had a specific liking for Gluttony or (Crush). Yeah, he ate a lot but he LOVED your cooking. You were a baker at the local café and (Crush) LOVED visiting you because you would give him a little cake. That's mostly what you did at home too. You baked because it was your passion. (Crush) always told you: "You should open a café yourself! You would be so great!" You just smiled and shrugged it off but today your boss had decided to retire and left you the café because he had no family left and he saw you like a daughter/son/his child. You kept the name and came home with a smile on your face. "Hey (Nickname)! What's with the smile?" (Crush) asked. "Well, you are now looking at the new owner of (Café name)!" He gasped and hugged you. "Oh my! That is so great!" He shouted, hugging you tightly. Continue...
You had a specific liking for Wrath or (Crush). Yeah, he had a temper and yeah he was quite loud whenever he was fighting the others. But you liked him. You were a calm person most of the time. You rarely got angry at someone and rarely held a grudge. He had yelled at you a couple times but you just smiled and let him yell, he would say sorry when he calmed down. But today was different, you had been yelled at during work. Your boss was told that you did something and so he brought you to his office and screamed at you. You came out of his office with tears in your eyes. Your coworkers rushed to your side, asking you what happened. You just smiled and wiped your eyes, telling them you were fine. You went home a couple minutes later and was ready for some quiet. But you ran into (Crush) since you weren't paying attention which caused you to fall on your butt. Then he yelled at you, you knew he probably had a bad day but you couldn't take it. "Geez! You're so clumsy! I don't see how you can even do things yourself!" He yelled so you busted out crying, right then and there on the floor. His face softened when he saw you crying. "H-hey...! W-why are you crying?" He asked with confused tone. Then you started rambling about what happened at work, still crying. He quickly started trying to calm you down but he wasn't very good at it. Continue...
You had taken a liking to Lust or (Crush). Yeah, he was annoying when he would flirt but you guess he was ok. You had really grown to him. When you were nice to him, he was always nice back. He would tell you that you were a very nice person and then he would help you with things. Today you were a little upset because of some coworkers. You sighed as you sat on the couch next to him. "Hey Cutie~" He smiled at you slightly. "Hey..." You sighed quietly. "What's wrong?" He asked, tilting his head. You sighed then told him about your coworkers. Continue...
You had a specific liking for Sloth or (Crush). Yeah, he fell asleep almost all the time. But he was nice and didn't argue as much as the others. Well, unlike (Crush), you had insomnia. You could fall asleep almost instantly but an hour or two later, you'd be awake and not fall asleep till the next night. This led you to being sleep deprived. Today you woke up in the middle of the night and just decided to watch some tv in the living room. You saw (Crush) laying on the couch, the tv on but he was half asleep. You sighed and at on the floor, taking the remote. "Hey gurl/dude, why are you up?" He asked, looking at you while half asleep. "I couldn't fall back to sleep." You mumbled. He smiled slightly then held his arms out. "I can help with that...! C'mon here!" You looked at him weirdly before laying on top of him. He hugged you as you watched the tv, surprisingly become extremely tired and you could barely keep your eyes open. Continue...
You had a specific liking to Greed or (Crush). He was quite clingy but you liked being the attention. You were very fond of him because he seemed to REALLY like you. When you two were hanging out and one of the others came to talk with you, he would cling on your arm so you wouldn't walk away from him. Today you were watching tv with him when Sal started talking to you. (Crush) clung to your arm and glared at Sal, a soft glare because he wasn't good at being mean. Sal asked you to help him find something which caused (Crush) to hug you. "No! She/he/they are hanging out with me. She/he/they can help you later...!" He said, pouting. You giggled and apologized to Sal . He just shrugged and walked off. Continue...
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