Random scenarios
(I play your crush, you play mine)
Scenario 1 (Beast Hunter x Part Beast):
You were a (beast) hunter and you were pretty good at it. You didn't do because you wanted the beasts (thing they are poached for) but because they were dangerous. But you didn't kill them, you took them to a home where you take care of them. Today you were hunting for a beast who everyone called (Crush). The villagers said that he terrorized their village so you had to hunt this beast down. A couple hours of looking, you were gonna give up for the night when you heard a snap and a yelp. You ran to the sound and stopped in your tracks when you saw the beast trapped in a bear trap. You knew it wasn't yours because you never hurt any of the beasts. You slowly approached (Crush), he must've heard you because he turned to you and froze. He started squirming in the trap. "Hey hey! It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to help." You told him softly which caused him to stop squirming. "You're (Crush) right? I'm (Y/N), I'm a beast hunter BUT I'm not gonna hurt you. I'll take just take you back to a home where I'll take care of you." He stared at you as you slowly walked over to him. You bent down to the trap and pride it open. His hands went to his leg, holding it to stop the bleeding. You took out bandages out of your backpack and looked back at him. "Here, I'll wrap you up." He hesitated before letting you. Continue...
(Can be reversed)
Scenario 2 (Delinquent x nerd):
You were a nerd, a really smart and top of your class nerd. You were a loner and were mostly with books or the library. There was a delinquent named (Crush), he was a bad boy but you never saw him bullying people. Today while you were walking to your locker, (Crush) cane up and put his hand on one side of you practically pinning you to the wall. You, being the dense Motherfûcker, thought he was trying to bully you since his friends were behind him smirking. You were practically shaking as you smiled nervously at him. "Uh, h-hi (Crush).... H-how are you?" You asked. He stared at you as his face erupted in red before turning to his friends. "I can't do it...." He mumbled, hiding his face. His friends rolled their eyes and turned him to face you, pushing him over to you. "Tell her/him/them!" His friends said. You looked up at him as he huffed and blushed more, rubbing the back of his neck. "Would you.... Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked. You froze as you blushed brightly and looked down. "Oh, w-well, Uh...." You stuttered before looking up at him with a smile. "I-I'd love to!" You said with smile which caused him to blush more. "Uh, g-great! I-I'll pick you up a-at six tonight." He said before his friends pulled him away, him waving to you as you smiled and waved back. Continue....
(Can be reversed)
Scenario 3 (Affectionate x touch starved)
Your boyfriend, (Crush), was a very affectionate person. He would give you kisses, hugs, cuddles, neck kisses, and hickeys. You had been touch starved all your life. Your parents never hugged you and (Crush) was your first for dating so he tried making you very touch happy. You two were watching a movie when he pulled you into his lap and cuddled with you, kissing your cheek which caused you to smile and continue watching the movie. Continue....
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