Dear Dairy
I checked me my watch. I still had a few minutes so I guess I can read an entry. I opened the book in my hands.
December 27th, 2014
Dear Dairy,
My mom told me to start this dairy because I'm an attention whore just because I cut. I honestly would like it if no one pays attention to me but you can't stop people from thinking otherwise. I probably won't right in you often. When I do it will only because I want to please my mom. Before I go there is two things I want you to know about me: 1) I'm a guy and 2) I'm gay. Well bye dairy.
I heard the taxi I called honk at me so I closed the dairy and hoped in. I looked outside as it began to rain. I reopened the dairy and continued reading.
December 30th, 2014
Dear Dairy,
Hey, I'm back. My mother wants me to write again so here I am. Whatever... Anyways my crush told me he wanted to talk to me next week about something important. I hope he didn't find out I like him, that would be awkward. I have chores to do so I guess I'll talk when my mom forces me to again. Bye dairy.
January 3rd, 2015
Happy new year dairy! My crush has been acting weird around me. I think he found out. What will I do? I know I promised myself that I wouldn't cut in school but today ,after my crush ignored a question I asked, I cut in the school bathroom. Three more days of his friendship before he tells me he doesn't feel the same. I'm going to go cut again, bye dairy.
January 6th, 2015
Dear Dairy,
OMG!!!! My crush just confessed he had feelings for me!!!! We made-out and we are now a couple!!! So happy!!!!! Should I tell my boyfriend that I cut? No he'll probably think I'm a freak and dump me. My boyfriend is coming over to spend the night tomorrow so I'll talk to you after that. Bye dairy.
January 12th, 2015
Dear Dairy,
Sorry I haven't talk to you in almost a week. My boyfriend saw my scars and has been taking me to therapy. Therapy, school, and friends take up most my time along with videogames. I finally had time to write in you but enough about why I couldn't write, I have something cool to tell you! This really cute kid moved in next door. My boyfriend is here to take me to therapy so, bye dairy.
I sighed remembering all those things he wrote about. I remember when I found out.
The taxi stopped at a little coffee shop. I stepped out and payer the man. I walked into the coffee shop and sat down.
January 16th, 2015
Dear Dairy,
Today I promised my boyfriend I wouldn't cut. He took my blade away and flushed it in front of me. I cried. I don't like people seeing me cry so I yelled at my boyfriend to get out. He looked at me hurt before walking away. I feel bad. He only did it because he cares but I just pushed him away like I do with everyone else. God, I'm so stupid. Whatever, the past is the past. My new friend is at my door since I invited him over to play games so I have to go. Bye dairy.
"Sir are you going to order anything?" A girl who worked at the coffee shop asked me. I wondered a coffee and went back to reading.
January 21st, 2015
Dear Dairy,
Oh. My. God. I can't even speak. I just saw my boyfriend making out with a girl. I crying right now. My friend is pounding at my door right now. He saw me run into my house crying since he kinda next door to me. He's breaking the door!!! BYE DAIRY.
January 23rd, 2015
Dear Dairy,
My boyfriend, or should I say ex-boyfriend, and I broke it off. I can't look any off my friends in the eye expect my newest friend. I stopped going to therapy. Now all I do all day is stare at the walls to my room and cry or cut. It hurts so much. My ex is happy though, that girl he made-out with is now his girlfriend. I want to vist my blade again so bye dairy.
The girl came back with my coffee. I thanked her and blinked away tears. How could I be so stupid. I turned back to the dairy.
January 29th, 2015
Dear Dairy,
I've been hanging out with my friend and I think, no I know, I have feelings for him. I don't want him to hate me so I'll just push my feelings down for now. To lose him would mean losing the battle off depression which I have been fighting for years. Oh big news! 4 days clean! I'm so proud of myself! Well my crush is here to play games with me so bye dairy.
I paid for the coffee and walked to my destination.
When I got there, I sat down and opened the dairy to the last entry. The page was covered in blood
February 14th, 2015
Dear Dairy,
Sorry I haven't been able to talk to you in a while. Whatever. Right now I have something uber important to tell you. Today is Valentine's Day so I confessed my feelings to my crush. He didn't say anything as he sat there. God I'm so stupid! Right now I'm locked in my bathroom with sliced up arms and 5 empty bottles next to me. It's getting harder to wri- Wait I heard my crush scream through the door he loves me too. I'm trying to get up. I can't. I'm trying to speak. I manage to say 'help' . I don't want to die anymore dairy. I'm so selfish for wanting to die and leave my crush alone in this world. If your reading this, I'm sorry and I love you very much. Goodbye Dairy.
Tears stream down my face and I don't even bother wiping them. I pick up the dairy and turn to the next page and write.
March 5th, 2015
Dear Jon's Dairy,
I'm sorry I left Jon.
I set the dairy down and walk over to the railing. The water rushes and I stare at the pointed rocks below. Then I lean over and fall down. I feel nothing but pain as I hit the rocks below. Then I saw Jon.
3rd Person P.O.V.
The two young boy's friends and family gather around their graves. One by one they all leave until a small group of boys is left. One boy places flowers on their graves. Then they all turn and leave the gravestones.
Jonathan Denis
May 2nd, 1997-February 14th, 2015
A great friend with a crazy laugh
Luke Hogman
August 16th, 1995-March 5th, 2015
A loved man who left to be with the one he loves
uthor's Note
My first ever One-Shot :D So incase you didn't know it was Deltoonz with H2OVanoss in the beginning. This One-Shot has 1200 words, not including the author's note. Well requests are welcomed. Has a cookie now *Hands Chu Cookie* Have a great day/night and smile on :)
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