Cousin (Minicat)
God....what am I doing with my life? Welp here's some cousin love.
Tyler's P.O.V.
I looked at my cute younger cousin. I love him. I love my cousin more than I should. I know it's wrong but I can't stop it. I just want to kiss his soft lips and have him look at me with those large, hazel eyes filled with love.
"Can we go to the fair big cuz?" Mini asked me cutely. His cheeks had a red tint to them and he bit his bottom lip. I was a sucker for him.
"Sure," I shrugged. If being in love with my 14 year old cousin was so wrong, than why does it feel so right? His wide eyes sparkled with joy and innocents. He looks and seem so innocent but boy is he not. I've caught him in the act so often, it's a regular thing.
"Hurry!" Mini giggled as he dragged me out the door.
"Wait just a minute," I laughed. I threw on some random shoes and left. We climbed into my car and I drove us to the fair like any other 17 year old would do.
"Let's ride a really fast ride first!" Mini exclaimed. He was jumping up and down and he looked up to me with innocent eyes. My mind immediately went straight into the gutter.
"Okay," I causally say while trying to keep mini me from getting excited. Mini grabbed my sleeve and dragged me to the biggest, fastest, and scariest ride. No way could my sweet little cousin handle this but somehow I found myself on the ride with him.
It was night and I was pooped. My whole body ached. I glanced over at my crush to see him full of energy. I let out a chuckle. Then, my mind being my mind, went off into the gutter again.
"I'm tired," I finally state,"let's go home." I needed a nap really bad. Mini's eyes filled with sadness. He looked like he was about to cry. I felt awful.
"One more ride?" He asked sweetly. This boy will be the death of me. I sighed but nodded my head. All the sadness in his eyes left and he ran off. I followed him all the way to the deserted field.
"What ride?" I question.
"Have you ever loved someone?" He asked. I was taken aback.
"Yeah," I said. "I love someone so much but I can't be with him."
"Why not?" He asks.
"Have you ever loved someone?" I shoot back.
"I think so but he's head over heals for someone else," he whispered. He looks at me and I notice a tear slid down his cheek. More tears join in and I reach over to wipe the tears off his face.
"Who do you love?" I say softly. I will kill the bîtch.
"Tyler, I'm in love with you and it's so wrong yet it feels so right," Mini sobs. I've never seen him so sad. I tilted his face up and pushed my face closer to him.
"I love you too," I whisper just a hair from his lips. Then, our lips connect. This is all so very very wrong but everything felt so very very right.
"I'm hopelessly in love with my cousin," I say once we pull apart. A tear slides down my face and I bring him closer to me. I reconnect our lips in a passionate, hot kiss. This love is like a drug. Everything is bad about it and everyone avoids it but there is the few people who are hooked and everything is right to them.
Everything is right to me.
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