Prop Hunt
Feat: Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Muyskerm.
A/N: I've made up a random Prop Hunt Hunt map and it will be a random episode of Prop Hunt from your perspective. You take the place of Wade for a recording session .
Also most if this will be talking as that's really all they do when they play prop hunt. XD
It is only one round long this chapter because other wise this would go on forever but I could do more if you guys wanted more Prop Hunt chapters.
"Three, two, one." You clapped your hands beside your mic, listening as three other clap followed suit. "That one was bad." Mark spoke up once more, causing you to let you a laugh.
"That sounded find to me." Jack chimed in, his Irish accent standing out against Bob's as he spoke;
"It sounded okay from my end."
"No it was shit guys." You joined in, clicking into the game properly and waiting for it to load. "You all were really late."
"Whatever, (Y/N) click props! I want you on my team, you're good at this game." Exclaimed the green haired male who you were playing with.
"Who said I was good at this game?"
"Every time you play you beat us all." Bob answered simply, causing you to look at your camera with a raised eyebrow.
"Plus you play this game a lot, with a lot of different people." Mark added as your game loaded up.
"Just because I play it a lot does not mean I'm good at it." You shot back, moving you character quickly (as quickly as you could) around the map in search of a prop to change into. "Jesus this map is big." The map consisted of a large warehouse that was pretty open, a garage with cars inside and a fairly large house with three floors. Each round lasted for five minuets, making it a little fairer on the hunters as they had longer to find you.
"You know what else is big?"
"We aren't going there Jack." Bob laughed loudly as your statement while Mark let out a deep chuckle. "I'm not being involved in your boner cast, at all."
"Aw come on (Y/N)!" Rolling your eyes you left the Irishman to whine as you changed into a lamp on the top floor of the house and moving to the other side of the room to mirror the one you had used to change. After several seconds of silence Mark exclaimed;
"Fucking hell this map is huge." Causing you to laugh and enable rotation lock since that was the cue he and Bob were on the hunt for you and Jack.
"Worst thing about this is none of us know this map so we can't tell if anything is out of place." Muyskerm sighed.
"That's what's fun about to!" You cheered as someone let out a squeak. "What was that?!"
"Mark I think I'm near Jack, he just made a sound and something feels off here."
"Where are you Bob?"
"I'm in the garage at the very back and there are several barrels and paint cans over here."
"Well if he's a barrel he'll have a lot of health." Mark answered you you clipped through the floor to see if you could see the three men characters. As you clipped thought the wall instead you watched as a paint can slipped out the side of Bob and towards the exit. However, Mark walked in at just that moment, catching the paint can with a grenade killing it and himself instantly. You burst out laughing as Jack cursed loudly and Bob shouted in surprise at the explosion behind him.
"Jesus what was that?! All I heard was an explosion!"
"Mark killed himself whiling killing me! God dammit Mark I would have made it out!" Mark chuckled deeply as you sighed.
"Well this is left up to me now then. Jack how do I look?"
"You look great!"
"So I'm left in charge of finding The Prop Hunt Queen. Thanks for that Mark."
"Hey I killed Jack for you it's not like I died worthlessly!" Looking towards your camera you rolled your eyes and leant back in your chair, leaning towards the floor to pick up your can of (F/F/D) (favourite fizzy drink) and taking a sip.
"At two minuets I'll give you a hint and if you still don't get it at one minuet I'll tell you where I am." You spoke up as the three boys argued over whether Marks death was worth it or not. "Are you three even listening to me?"
"Why did you use a grenade if he was a paint can! They don't have a lot of health!" Bob argued, causing you to roll your eyes and mouth to the camera 'I take that as a no'.
"Well I killed him anyway so there! Now find (Y/N)!"
"You aren't that bright are you Mark?" Jack chuckled, causing you to lean forward in your chair once more. During these sorts of games the guys were known to give out hints to rat out their team mates subtly to make the rounds more interesting. The only issue was if any of the hunters picked up on the hint, which in this case luckily for you Bob and Mark didn't really think anything of what Jack has just said. Looking towards the time you sighed and spoke up loud enough for them to hear you.
"I'm in the house!"
"In the house Bob in the house!"
"I'm going I'm going!" Clipping through the floor once more you watched Bob's character hurry up the second floor and begin knocking over everything in every room. "This is going to take forever!" You let out another laugh, Jack joining in seconds later as Bob finally entered the room you were in.
"Fifty seconds left Bob, looks like you're becoming a little light on ideas." You grinned at your camera as he spun around the the other lamp in the room. Instantly you moved quickly, hurrying out of the room and down the stairs as Mark shouted at Bob, telling him where you had gone while Jack continued to laugh happily. As you reached the bottom floor of the house you prepared to leave out the door, however a gun shot stopped you in your tracks.
"No! We had twenty seconds left! Dammit Bob!" Laughter continued to echo in your ears and you joined in without a second thought. This was the life you enjoyed, this was how you loved spending your days.
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