One- ThatcherJoe
"Agent (L/N) do you copy?" A muffled voice rang in your ear, pulling you to consciousness. Still unaware of your surroundings you groaned and tried to sit up, your head pounding and body aching. "Agent (L/N)?"
"I copy." Was your mumbled reply as you dragged yourself onto you hands and knees. The room, what you guess was a room, you were in was fairly light with vines crawling up the wall. It was on old place, most likely abandoned years ago. How did you get here? What had happened before now? You couldn't remember a thing about previous events but you did know you had to escape a fast.
"(L/N) do you have eyes on Sugg? I repeat do you have eyes on Agent Sugg?" Instantly your head snapped up, your eyes scanning your surroundings and coming up empty. You were alone in the room.
"No Sir."
"Your mission is changing (L/N)." Your boss spoke once more. "Find Sugg and get out of there, we have reports of bombs being placed all around the facility to blow it. You have estimated twenty minutes, I'll keep you updated." Nodding to yourself you scrambled to your feet and hurried over to the cell door, that was locked. The metal bars were cold to, the touch and solid, meaning you couldn't pull them apart easily. Glancing down you noticed most if your weapons had been taken from you.
Sighing quietly you knelt down and pulled out your spare handgun from inside your boot, where you always kept it in case of emergency. After taking a step back you aimed the weapon at the lock on the cell door and pulled the trigger. The sound echoed around the area, the ping of the bullet hitting the inside of the lock causing you to smile. Slowly the cell door swung open.
Quickly you escaped your own cell and looked down the corridor, it was brightly lit. Confusion hit you but you shook it off, you needed to find Agent Sugg and quickly. Luckily for you your cell was at the end of the hallway so you only had one way to go. Making sure your footsteps were quiet but quick you made your way down the hall, checking each cell as you went. You reached the end of the corridor too soon, your partner in the field still no where to be found.
"Where is everyone?" You thought aloud, taking note of the empty cells you had passed. "Must have cleared out quickly." Holding your finger to your ear you pressed you communicator closer to your ear and tried to get into contact with Agent Sugg yourself. "Sugg? Agent Sugg can you hear me? Joe?" Nothing. "Crap crap crap." Shaking your shoulders you began jogging once more, yet again there was only one way for you to travel. As you moved you began wondering about how you got into the situation you were in now.
Yourself and Joe had been sent out on a mission together, like always, to retrieve some information from a MI6 in France and bring it back to MI5 which was based in London. However on the way to the MI6 base after landing in France you had been intercepted by a group of criminals known as the Bats toi, which literally translated to 'Fight'. You could remember fighting them off for what felt like years and years but then everything goes blank. The very last thing you could remember from the encounter what Joe shouting your name.
Suddenly a loud clatter caught your attention, snapping you from your thoughts and sending you in to defence mode instantly. The sound of cans and boxes hitting the ground reached your ears, causing you to crouch down and slowly sneak towards the sound. Once near enough you peered around a stack of boxes, your gun held tightly in your hand. Your (E/C) eyes watched the figure move around for a few moments until they turned to face you.
Their dark blonde hair was a mess and pushed up everywhere, their ocean blue eyes full of pain and fear. "Joe?" You whispered, trying not to scare the male anymore.
"(Y/N)?" He called back, his eyes widening slightly. Leaping to stand full you hurried over to the blue eyed male and engulfed him into a hug, your arms wrapping around his neck and his around your waist. The pair of you stayed like that for a few moments until you heard the safely of a gun being pulling off. Slowly you pulled away from Joe and turned, coming face to face with several armoured men and one in a suit, the well dressed man aiming a gun directly between your eyes.
"Ah (Y/N)."
"Belmont." You spat back bitterly. "I should have known you were behind the attack."
"How have you been?" The dark haired male asked with a slanted grin. Joe tensed up behind you and it was only then that your realised, Joe had never met Belmont before. You had met him on several missions you did in France, you being on of the top agents in the force, and he had taken a strange liking to you. To anyone who asked you described it like the strange attraction Hannibal Lector had to Clarice Starling, except lucky for you Belmont didn't want to eat your flesh.
Without replying to his question you held your own weapon up, the two firearms now barrel to barrel. "Still strong willed and minded eh?" He chuckled, causing Joe to tense even more. "Tell me Mr Sugg, how many bullets does it take to kill someone?" Your partner hesitated for a few moments and looked down at you, but you kept your eyes focused on the French man in front of you.
"If you're good, one." He answered finally.
"What's the most amount of shots you haven taken before you've killed someone Joe?" Belmont asked, lifting his head to look the blonde in the eye.
"Five." It came out almost as a question as he frowned. Suddenly Joe was pulled away from you and held by two of Belmont's, kicking and shouting as they held him tightly.
"Five aye? Let's count down five bullets then shall we? Five." He fired and a bullet lodged itself into your left shoulder, causing you to cry out at the sudden pain. "Four." Another bullet relased from the gun and hit your right knee. "Three." A bullet into your left knee. "Two." Belmont fired another bullet, hitting your right shoulder. Everything hurt, your body weak as he walked towards you with his gun swinging around his figure and a grin spread across his face.
Wincing in pain you lifted your arm up and aimed your gun at his heart as he aimed his own between your eyes once more. "One." You both spoke, firing your weapons. Your head flew back as the bullet impacted, your body becoming completely motionless as it hit the concert behind you. Belmont's body also hit the floor, your bullet having lodged itself directly into his heart and killing him much like he had you. Joe screamed your name as the two thugs released him.
As he reached your body more MI6 Agents filed into the room, taking out the rest of the thugs before turning to your pale body. Your boss knelt down beside Joe and sighed, bowing his head at his called Agent. "I'm sorry, she was a good Agent. The best we can do now is give her a send off worthy of her position." Joe nodded sadly, tears falling from his eyes as he cradled your body close.
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